On popular demand, we are enabling the leasing overwrite protection for all leasing offers created via the Dealer Area. Previously, this feature was only enabled for automatic leasing offers.
The exisiting error code will be renamed as follows:
Old error code | New error code |
automatic_leasing_overwrite_protection | leasing_overwrite_protection |
The error will look as follows:
"errors": [
"key": "leasing_overwrite_protection"
This change will go at the beginning of CW12.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Mobile.de will continue to improve the quality and accuracy of the vehicle price labels and will introduce several improvements in 2025. Most importantly, going forward existing price labels may change as market conditions change.
We are asking you to start updating the price labels and price ranges once per day for listings on Mobile.de latest 01.05.2025. This will ensure that labels and ranges are up to date for your customers.
We will update the SellerAPI “Price Rating” Endpoint to include price ranges as well. The change will take effect around 31.03.2025. Please ensure that your services use this endpoint to update price labels and price ranges for existing listings. The full documentation and detailed information will be provided here in the future.
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "45000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"priceRating": {
"marketPrice": "43200.00",
"label": "GOOD_PRICE",
"labelRanges": [
"label": "VERY_GOOD_PRICE",
"from": "25400",
"to": "38800"
"label": "GOOD_PRICE",
"from": "38800",
"to": "47600"
"from": "47600",
"to": "62000"
"from": "62000",
"to": "72700"
"label": "HIGH_PRICE",
"from": "72700",
"to": "81400"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Starting today, newly added attributes are available in Ad-Stream. Refer to this page for a detailed overview.
Additionally, the following attribute is now deprecated and will be removed at the start of CW 15 (2025-04-07). This change affects both Search-API and Ad-Stream.
Deprecated field | Replacement field |
fourWheelDrive (true/false) | driveType (FRONT, REAR, ALL_WHEEL) |
Affected Interfaces: Ad-Stream Search-API
The following fields of a leasing rate are now optional: netLoanAmount, annualPercentageRate and nominalInterestRate.
Name of Field | Optional for PRIVATE | Optional for COMMERCIAL |
netLoanAmount | Yes | Yes |
annualPercentageRate | Yes | Yes |
nominalInterestRate | Yes | Yes |
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Our current financing fields are deprecated and will be removed soon.
The following fields will be removed: see Financing_Schema
In addition we are also going to remove the "FINANCING_FEATURE" from AdFeature
This change will go live on 31.03.2025. After that date the respective fields will just be ignored.
In case there are existing listings with the data/feature it will be removed from the listings at the same date.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Currently, the first name and last name of the buyers are merged into one field "Name" in the Core and leasing XML. As some CRMs can't handle the merged name, we will introduce two new additional fields for "First Name" and "Last Name". The existing "Name" field will remain for both Core Leads & Leasing Leads.
In addition, we will modify the existing source information in the leasing XML to make it easier to distinguish the source of the leasing emails.
This change is planned to be live around CW08 2025 (20.02.2025).
See an example of the extended XML for Core Lead here, and for Leasing here along with a description of how it works.
Affected Interfaces: Leads
We will add new attributes covering some topics of battery electric vehicles. This change will be live around CW09 2025 (24.02. - 02.03.)
New Field name | Type | Description / possible values |
batteryWarranty | Object | Describes the original OEM’s warranty conditions for EV batteries. Only valid if all fields are set. |
batteryWarranty.mileage | Integer | Maximum number of Kilometres covered by the warranty ( 1 - 999999) |
batteryWarranty.years | Integer | Maximum duration of the warranty in years (1 - 99) |
batteryStateOfHealth | Object | Health certificate and the extracted residual capacity for an EV battery. Both have to be provided simultaneously. |
batteryStateOfHealth.capacity | Integer | Remaining capacity in percentage (1-100). One decimal place is allowed, e.g.: 95.5 |
batteryStateOfHealth.documentUrl | String | URL of the document previously uploaded via certificate upload resource. |
bidirectionalChargingTypes | Set(String) | Types of bidirectional charging. May contain: V2L, V2H, V2G, V2V, V2X, OTHER |
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"fuel": "ELECTRICITY",
"batteryWarranty": {
"mileage": 100000,
"years": 8
"batteryStateOfHealth": {
"capacity": 95.5,
"documentUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/documents/46/467621f9-acca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b"
"bidirectionalChargingTypes": [ "V2L", "V2H" ]
With this change the following attribute will be deprecated and should no longer be used: bidirectionalCharging. Instead the attribute bidirectionalChargingTypes has to be used. Additionally in the future it will no longer be supported to get the battery certificate batch by entering a specific text in the vehicle description as introduced in September 2023. In this case please switch to the new attributes.
Additionally we provide a new resource to upload battery health certificates as PDF documents.
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/battery-health-certificate
curl -u username:password \
-H "Content-Type: application/pdf" \
-T certificate.pdf \
-X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/battery-health-certificate'
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/battery-health-certificate HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Length: 97451
[binary document data]
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 204
Location: https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/documents/46/467621f9-acca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=pdf
"documentUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/documents/46/467621f9-acca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b"
This resource will return the public URL of the document in the location header and a documentUrl in the response body as JSON. The documentUrl can then be attached to a listing via POST or PUT call as batteryStateOfHealth.documentUrl. The document will be available via the public URL as long as the documentUrl is attached to a listing as batteryStateOfHealth.documentUrl and the listing is available on mobile.de. The maximum size of the provided document is 10 MBytes.
This applies solely to the category: Car. The new attributes are not available for other categories.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
In CW7 we will introduce a new feature to the dealer area called: Leasing Budget Control. This feature will allow dealers to set a budget limit on leasing leads. In case this limit is reached over the month all the leasing offers will be taken offline. Within this scenario, we will introduce a new warning to the Seller-API for PUT requests to:
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/leasing HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
stating that changes to rates are processed but will not take effect until the budget is increased or reset by the end of the month.
The warning will look as follows:
"warnings": [
"key": "leasing_budget_control_limit_reached",
"args": [
"key": "reason",
"value": "Monthly budget limit has been reached,
newly added rates or actions are processed but the leasing offer
will be paused automatically until budget is increased."
Leasing Budget Control itself is not available through the API. To resolve this warning please increase the budget manually via the dealer area leasing settings page.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
As part of removing the old fourWheelDrive feature we are going to add attribute driveType also to the following categories:
Possible driveType values:
This change will be live around CW01 2025. In the beginning it will still be possible to use fourWheelDrive for these categories. The old feature will be removed about 4 weeks later.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Since summer, we have a new, extended contact form for our listings! We offer the consumer the option to add information about their service interests ( financing, trade-in, test drive, leasing, delivery) and details for these topics. In the beginning we added the information only to the text message, but now we also provide it as structured data via an extended XML that is part of the contact E-Mail.
This change is planned to be live around 15.01.2025.
See an example of the extended XML here and a description of how it is working here.
Affected Interfaces: Leads
The following field is deprecated and will be ignored by Seller-API starting from KW 48 (25.11-01.12.).
Deprecated field | Replacement field |
fourWheelDrive (true/false) | driveType (FRONT, REAR, ALL_WHEEL) |
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
We are currently working on improving the individual contact feature available from Silver package onwards. The SellerAPI will be extended to allow the creation, update and deletion of individual contacts in addition to the existing GET endpoint. Additionally, we will introduce the feature of automatically assigning individual contacts to listings. This matching process will be based on a new, optional attribute (responsibilities) added to the schema of an individual contact:
"firstName": "Mr",
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "USED",
"usageType": "DEMONSTRATION",
"make": "BMW"
Responsibilities are a list of already known attributes and describe what kind of vehicles fall under the responsibility of a certain contact person.
Field name | Type | Description |
vehicleClass | String | The GENERAL classification of vehicles e.g. Car or Motorbike. See vehicle classes for possible values |
condition | String | Is the vehicle new or used? See conditions for possible values. |
usageType | String | Type of used car. See usage types for possible values. |
make | String | Make of the vehicle e.g. Mercedes, Toyota. See makes for possible values. |
Example: contact person X is responsible for all BMW used cars at dealership Y. Dealership Y creates a new contact person via the API using the following payload:
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"firstName": "Mr",
"lastName": "BMW",
"email": "mr.bmw@bmw.de",
"phone": {
"number": "4556",
"areaCode": "123",
"countryCallingCode": "49"
"jobTitle": "BMW Sales Manager",
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "USED",
"make": "BMW"
The automatic assignment runs on every update to the field responsibilities. It processes the dealer's inventory and assigns all matching listings to the contact person. Dealership Y ends up having all used car BMWs that are not already assigned to a contact person assigned to Mr BMW.
For the sake of completeness, the following two requests display the update and deletion of an individual contact:
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts/64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"firstName": "Mr",
"jobTitle": "BMW Sales Manager",
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Ebike",
"condition": "NEW",
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts/64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Within this change, we will also roll out the "useDefaultContact" flag on a listing level:
Field name | Type | Description |
useDefaultContact | Boolean | Flag indicating that the dealer should stay as the contact person of a listing |
This flag is needed to opt-out of the automatic assignment of individual contacts to a listing. Even if no individual contact data is sent in the request an automatically assigned contact will not be removed. If the flag is set to true, the dealer will be kept as the listing's contact person. It has to be sent in the same way as the individualContactId, e.g. via ad creation request:
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "EBike",
"modelDescription": "Some Description",
"condition": "NEW",
"category": "CityBike",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"manufacturerColorName": "schwarz",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "20498.94",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"description": "This is really a nice e-bike.",
"useDefaultContact": true, <- new
"nationalDelivery": {
"radius": 400,
"period": 90,
"fee": 50,
"additionalInformation": "Delivery via our service provider."
The default behavior however stays as is: if there is no individualContactId provided and also no matching contact found the dealer is considered the contact person.
If both an individualContactId and useDefaultContact are sent the individualContactId will be ignored and a warning returned:
"warnings": [
"key": "conflicting-field",
"args": [
"key": "path",
"value": "individualContactId"
"key": "cause",
"value": "IndividualContactId is ignored when useDefaultContact is present."
The mentioned changes will be released in KW 42/2024. From there on there is no need to enter the dealer area anymore to use the individual contact feature.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Soon the SellerAPI will provide warnings when relevant EnVKV data is missing. This should give more guidance and ensure that all the data is provided when we might make these fields mandatory in the future.
Within this change, we will also roll out the "incomplete" flag to skip EnVKV validation, for example, for oldtimers with low mileage. This decision is up to the users.
The warning is just additional information and is currently not having any impact on the listing creation/update.
Example warning:
"warnings": [
"args": [
"key": "path",
"value": "emissions.combined.co2"
"args": [
"key": "path",
"value": "emissions.combined.co2Class"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
All changes related to the new attributes communicated on June 13, 2024, for the Seller API and on June 14, 2024, for the Search API are now live. The Seller API now supports creating listings with these new and updated attributes, while the Search API offers the new attributes and supports the newly added filters.
Please refer to this page for a comprehensive overview of the changes for Seller API and here for Search API.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API
We are excited to announce that our Search API will be updated around mid to late July with new attributes and filters! These attributes will be available through the ad detail endpoint, and users will be able to search for ads based on these new attributes using the newly introduced filters.
For a detailed overview of the new attributes and the filters with examples, please refer here.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API
We are delighted to announce that around mid to late July, we will be introducing new attributes to various vehicle categories. Additionally, some existing attributes will be extended with new values, and certain attributes from other categories will be made available across different categories.
These enhancements will allow our dealers to include more precise and comprehensive details about each vehicle, resulting in improved listing quality and better search options.
Please refer to this page for a comprehensive overview of the upcoming changes.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
We're excited to announce the immediate availability of two additional data formats within our Search API, along with comprehensive updates to our documentation. These enhancements aim to enhance user experience and provide clear instructions for utilizing our API.
Key Highlights:Action Recommended: We encourage transitioning from the legacy XML format to take advantage of the benefits offered by the new data formats. Please be aware that while the legacy format remains available, it is now deprecated.
Rest assured, these updates will not disrupt the current behavior of API users.
For comprehensive details on the new data formats, refer to the dedicated Data Format section in our documentation.
Access the updated Search API documentation here.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API
We are planning to introduce some more functionality in the SellerAPI related to the new EnVKV changes and adjusted the timing of introducing mandatory fields:
"envkv": {
"incomplete" : true
"model": "A4",
"modelDescription": "Neuer A4",
"condition": "NEW",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"cubicCapacity": 1545,
"envkv": {
"incomplete" : true
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": "86",
"co2Class": "C"
"consumptions": {
"fuel": {
"combined": "4.4",
"city": "5.4",
"suburban": "4.0",
"rural": "4.2",
"highway": "6.4"
This is meant for cases where some values are not provided by the OEM or for example it is a rather old vehicle (before WLTP time) with a very low mileage.
Still, in this case the EnVKV is relevant for this specific listing and it's the dealers' responsibility to provide all the required information where possible.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
In CW20 We will introduce a new error code in the leasing part of the Seller-API.
In case there have been automatic leasing rates calculated for a listing via the dealer area,
it will no longer be possible to update or delete these rates through the API. In this case, we return the error automatic_leasing_overwrite_protection
Automatic leasing itself is not available through the API (yet). Please remove the rates manually via the dealer area to be again able to update or delete them via the API.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From around CW18 - 29th of April it will be possible to see the newly required consumption and emission values according to the new PKW-EnVKV released in Feb 2024.
The following table describes which fields will be provided with search response:
German | English | Field in Search API (Legacy XML/JSON) | Field in Search API (New XML/JSON) |
CO2-Emissionen | CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2 | /emissions/combined/co2 |
CO2-Klasse auf Basis der CO2-Emissionen | CO2 class based on CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2-class | /emissions/combined/co2Class |
CO2-Klasse auf Grundlage der CO2-Emissionen bei entladener Batterie | CO2 class based on CO2 emissions with discharged battery | /emissions/discharged/co2-class | /emissions/discharged/co2Class |
Verbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined consumption | /consumptions/weighted-combined-fuel | /consumptions/weightedCombinedFuel |
Verbrauch kombiniert | Combined consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/combined | /consumptions/fuel/combined |
Stromverbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/weighted-combined-power | /consumptions/weightedCombinedPower |
Stromverbrauch kombiniert | Combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/combined | /consumptions/power/combined |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie kombiniert | Combined consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/combined | /consumptions/fuel/combined |
Example Search Response with new values (Legacy XML)
GET /search-api/search/ HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/xml
<ad:combined co2="23" co2-class="B" />
<ad:discharged co2-class="D" />
<ad:weighted-combined-fuel value="4.8">
<ad:weighted-combined-power value="10.2">
<ad:fuel-consumption combined="4.4" />
<ad:power-consumption combined="14.4" />
Example Search Response with new values (New XML)
GET /search-api/search/ HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml
The following table describes which fields will be provided with Ad Detail Response and with AdStream:
German | English | Field in Search API (Legacy XML/JSON) | Field in Search API (New XML/JSON) |
CO2-Emissionen | CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2 | /emissions/combined/co2 |
CO2-Klasse auf Basis der CO2-Emissionen | CO2 class based on CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2-class | /emissions/combined/co2Class |
CO2-Emissionen (bei entladener Batterie) | CO2 emissions with discharged battery | /emissions/discharged/co2 | /emissions/discharged/co2 |
CO2-Klasse auf Grundlage der CO2-Emissionen bei entladener Batterie | CO2 class based on CO2 emissions with discharged battery | /emissions/discharged/co2-class | /emissions/discharged/co2Class |
Elektrische Reichweite | Electric range | /range | /range |
Elektrische Reichweite (EAER) | Electric range (EAER, Only for plugin hybrids) | /equivalent-all-electric-range | /equivalentAllElectricRange |
Verbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined consumption | /consumptions/weighted-combined-fuel | /consumptions/weightedCombinedFuel |
Verbrauch kombiniert | Combined consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/combined | /consumptions/fuel/combined |
Verbrauch Innenstadt | City consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/city | /consumptions/fuel/city |
Verbrauch Stadtrand | Suburban consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/suburban | /consumptions/fuel/suburban |
Verbrauch Landstraße | Rural consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/rural | /consumptions/fuel/rural |
Verbrauch Autobahn | Highway consumption | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/highway | /consumptions/fuel/highway |
Stromverbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/weighted-combined-power | /consumptions/weightedCombinedPower |
Stromverbrauch kombiniert | Combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/combined | /consumptions/power/combined |
Stromverbrauch Innenstadt | City electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/city | /consumptions/power/city |
Stromverbrauch Stadtrand | Suburban electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/suburban | /consumptions/power/suburban |
Stromverbrauch Landstraße | Rural electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/rural | /consumptions/power/rural |
Stromverbrauch Autobahn | Highway electricity consumption | /consumptions/power-consumption/highway | /consumptions/power/highway |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie kombiniert | Combined consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/combined | /consumptions/fuel/combined |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Innenstadt | City consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/city | /consumptions/fuel/city |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Stadtrand | Suburban consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/suburban | /consumptions/fuel/suburban |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Landstraße | Rural consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/rural | /consumptions/fuel/rural |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Autobahn | Highway consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel-consumption/highway | /consumptions/fuel/highway |
Kraftstoffpreis [Jahr] | /cost-model/fuel-price | /costModel/fuelPrice | |
Strompreis [Jahr] | /cost-model/power-price | /costModel/powerPrice | |
Jahresdurchschnitt [Jahr] | Year of the average fuelcosts | /cost-model/consumption-price-year | /costModel/consumptionPriceYear |
Energiekosten bei 15.000 km Jahresfahrleistung | Energy costs for an annual mileage of 15,000 km | /cost-model/consumption-costs | /costModel/consumptionCosts |
bei einem angenommenen mittleren durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming an average average CO2 price of | /cost-model/co2-costs/middle/{basePrice/accumulated} | /costModel/co2Costs/middle/{basePrice/accumulated} |
bei einem angenommenen niedrigen durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming a low average CO2 price of | /cost-model/co2-costs/low/{basePrice/accumulated} | /costModel/co2Costs/low/{basePrice/accumulated} |
bei einem angenommenen hohen durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming a high average CO2 price of | /cost-model/co2-costs/high/{basePrice/accumulated} | /costModel/co2Costs/high/{basePrice/accumulated} |
Kraftfahrzeugsteuer | Vehicle tax | /cost-model/tax | /costModel/tax |
Zeitspanne von | Timeframe from | /cost-model/time-frame/from | /costModel/timeFrame/from |
Zeitspanne bis | Timeframe to | /cost-model/time-frame/till | /costModel/timeFrame/till |
Example Ad Detail Response with new values (Legacy XML)
GET /search-api/ad/123 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/xml
<ad:equivalent-all-electric-range value="48"/>
<ad:combined co2="23" co2-class="B" />
<ad:discharged co2="123" co2-class="D" />
<ad:weighted-combined-fuel value="4.4">
<ad:weighted-combined-power value="10.8">
<ad:fuel-consumption combined="4.4" city="5.4" suburban="4.0" rural="4.2" highway="6.4"/>
<ad:power-consumption combined="14.4" city="12.4" suburban="13.4" rural="15.4" highway="18.4"/>
<ad:fuel-price value="1.75" />
<ad:power-price value="0.45" />
<ad:consumption-costs value="1234" />
<ad:consumption-price-year value="2024" />
<ad:tax value="234" />
<ad:time-frame from="2024" till="2027"/>
<ad:low base-price="45" accumulated="2345" />
<ad:middle base-price="55" accumulated="3345" />
<ad:high base-price="65" accumulated="4345" />
Example Ad Detail Response with new values (New XML)
GET /search-api/ad/123 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml
<weightedCombinedPower>10.5</weightedCombinedPower >
<combined>4.4</combined >
<city>5.4</city >
<suburban>4.0</suburban >
<rural>4.2</rural >
<highway>6.4</highway >
<combined>14.4</combined >
<city>12.4</city >
<suburban>13.4</suburban >
<rural>15.4</rural >
<highway>18.4</highway >
Affected Interfaces: Search-API Ad-Stream
From around CW16 (15.04.-21.04.) it will be possible to submit the full set of newly required consumption and emission values according to the new PKW-EnVKV released in Feb 2024.
The new values can be derived from the label on energy consumption and CO2-emissions provided by the manufacturer of the car.
- ads with condition “NEW”
- ads with condition “USED” AND (mileage <= 1000 km OR firstRegistration <= 8 months ago)
As we only have the first registration month, we calculate firstRegistration month + 8 months to determine if the data is required.
Example: First registration 01/2024: Data is required for this listing even if the current month is September (09).
The following table describes which fields are required for each car depending on its fuel type:
German | English | Field in SellerAPI | Unit / Value | ||||
Marke | Make | /make | |||||
Handelsbezeichnung (Modell) | Trade name (model) | Derived from /model | |||||
Antriebsart | Drive type | Derived from /fuel | Verbrennungsmotor | Verbrennungsmotor | Plug-In-Hybrid | Elektromotor | Brennstoffzelle |
Kraftstoff | Fuel | Derived from /fuel | Benzin/Diesel/LPG | Erdgas | Benzin/Diesel | - | - |
anderer Energieträger | Other energy sources | Derived from /fuel | - | - | Strom | Strom | Wasserstoff |
Hubraum | /cubicCapacity | ccm | ccm | ccm | - | - | |
CO2-Emissionen (kombiniert) | Combined CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2 | g/km | g/km | - | g/km (always 0) | g/km (always 0) |
CO2-Emissionen (gewichtet, kombiniert) | Weighted combined CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2 | - | - | g/km | - | - |
CO2-Emissionen (bei entladener Batterie) | CO2 emissions with discharged battery | /emissions/discharged/co2 | - | - | g/km | - | - |
CO2-Klasse auf Grundlage der CO2-Emissionen kombiniert | CO2 class based on combined CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2Class | A-G | A-G | - | A-G | A-G |
CO2-Klasse auf Grundlage der CO2-Emissionen gewichtet, kombiniert | CO2 class based on weighted combined CO2 emissions | /emissions/combined/co2Class | - | - | A-G | - | - |
CO2-Klasse auf Grundlage der CO2-Emissionen bei entladener Batterie | CO2 class based on CO2 emissions with discharged battery | /emissions/discharged/co2Class | - | - | A-G | - | - |
Elektrische Reichweite | Electric range | /range | - | - | - | km | - |
Elektrische Reichweite (EAER) | Electric range (EAER) | /equivalentAllElectricRange | - | - | km | - | - |
Verbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined consumption | /consumptions/weightedCombinedFuel | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Verbrauch kombiniert | Combined consumption | /consumptions/fuel/combined | l/100km | kg/100km | - | - | kg/100km |
Verbrauch Innenstadt | City consumption | /consumptions/fuel/city | l/100km | kg/100km | - | - | kg/100km |
Verbrauch Stadtrand | Suburban consumption | /consumptions/fuel/suburban | l/100km | kg/100km | - | - | kg/100km |
Verbrauch Landstraße | Rural consumption | /consumptions/fuel/rural | l/100km | kg/100km | - | - | kg/100km |
Verbrauch Autobahn | Highway consumption | /consumptions/fuel/highway | l/100km | kg/100km | - | - | kg/100km |
Stromverbrauch gewichtet, kombiniert | Weighted combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/weightedCombinedPower | - | - | kWh/100 km | - | - |
Stromverbrauch kombiniert | Combined electricity consumption | /consumptions/power/combined | - | - | kWh/100 km | kWh/100 km | - |
Stromverbrauch Innenstadt | City electricity consumption | /consumptions/power/city | - | - | kWh/100 km | kWh/100 km | - |
Stromverbrauch Stadtrand | Suburban electricity consumption | /consumptions/power/suburban | - | - | kWh/100 km | kWh/100 km | - |
Stromverbrauch Landstraße | Rural electricity consumption | /consumptions/power/rural | - | - | kWh/100 km | kWh/100 km | - |
Stromverbrauch Autobahn | Highway electricity consumption | /consumptions/power/highway | - | - | kWh/100 km | kWh/100 km | - |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie kombiniert | Combined consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel/combined | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Innenstadt | City consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel/city | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Stadtrand | Suburban consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel/suburban | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Landstraße | Rural consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel/rural | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Verbrauch bei entladener Batterie Autobahn | Highway consumption with discharged battery | /consumptions/fuel/highway | - | - | l/100km | - | - |
Kraftstoffpreis [Jahr] | /costModel/fuelPrice | EUR/l | EUR/kg | EUR/l | - | EUR/kg | |
Strompreis [Jahr] | /costModel/powerPrice | - | - | EUR/kWh | EUR/kWh | - | |
Jahresdurchschnitt [Jahr] | Year of the average fuelcosts | /costModel/consumptionPriceYear | YYYY |
The following table describes costs related fields which are required for each car, but are not dependent on its fuel type:
German | English | Field in SellerAPI | Unit / Value | |
Energiekosten bei 15.000 km Jahresfahrleistung | Energy costs for an annual mileage of 15,000 km | /costModel/consumptionCosts | EUR/Jahr | |
Mögliche CO2-Kosten über die nächsten 10 Jahre (15.000 km/Jahr) | Possible CO2 costs over the next 10 years (15,000 km/year) | |||
bei einem angenommenen mittleren durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming an average average CO2 price of | /costModel/co2Costs/middle/{basePrice/accumulated} | EUR/t | EUR |
bei einem angenommenen niedrigen durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming a low average CO2 price of | /costModel/co2Costs/low/{basePrice/accumulated} | EUR/t | EUR |
bei einem angenommenen hohen durchschnittlichen CO2-Preis von | assuming a high average CO2 price of | /costModel/co2Costs/high/{basePrice/accumulated} | EUR/t | EUR |
Kraftfahrzeugsteuer | Vehicle tax | /costModel/tax | EUR/Jahr (befristet Steuerfrei bei Elektro) | |
Fußnoteninformationen | Footnote information | |||
Zeitspanne von | Timeframe from | /costModel/timeFrame/from | YYYY | |
Zeitspanne bis | Timeframe to | /costModel/timeFrame/till | YYYY |
Example request with new values (Petrol car):
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileAdId": "226083",
"mobileSellerId": "1224",
"creationDate": "2024-03-21T11:01:39+01:00",
"modificationDate": "2024-03-21T11:01:39+01:00",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "SmallCar",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A4",
"modelDescription": "Neuer A4",
"condition": "NEW",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"cubicCapacity": 1545,
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": "86",
"co2Class": "C"
"consumptions": {
"fuel": {
"combined": "4.4",
"city": "5.4",
"suburban": "4.0",
"rural": "4.2",
"highway": "6.4"
"costModel": {
"fuelPrice": "1.75",
"consumptionCosts": "3234",
"consumptionPriceYear": "2024",
"co2Costs": {
"low": {
"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
"accumulated": "4345"
"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": "2024",
"till": "2034"
"countryVersion": "DE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"description": "",
"deliveryDate": "2024-03-21T00:00:00+01:00",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "12345.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Example request with new values (Electric car):
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "SmallCar",
"make": "VW",
"model": "ID.3",
"modelDescription": "ID.3",
"condition": "NEW",
"fuel": "ELECTRICITY",
"range": 455,
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": 0,
"co2Class": "A"
"consumptions": {
"power": {
"combined": "14.4",
"city": "12.4",
"suburban": "13.4",
"rural": "15.4",
"highway": "18.4"
"costModel": {
"powerPrice": "0.45",
"consumptionCosts": "1234",
"consumptionPriceYear": 2024,
"co2Costs": {
"low": {
"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
"accumulated": "4345"
"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": "2024",
"till": "2034"
"countryVersion": "DE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"description": "",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "12345.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Example request with new values (Plugin Hybrid car):
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileAdId": "226083",
"mobileSellerId": "1224",
"creationDate": "2024-03-21T11:01:39+01:00",
"modificationDate": "2024-03-21T11:01:39+01:00",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "SmallCar",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A6",
"modelDescription": "Neuer A6 Plugin Hybrid",
"condition": "NEW",
"fuel": "HYBRID",
"hybridPlugin": true,
"cubicCapacity": 1345,
"equivalentAllElectricRange": 48,
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": 23,
"co2Class": "B"
"discharged": {
"co2": 123,
"co2Class": "D"
"consumptions": {
"weightedCombinedFuel": "4.8",
"weightedCombinedPower": "10.5",
"fuel": {
"combined": "4.4",
"city": "5.4",
"suburban": "4.0",
"rural": "4.2",
"highway": "6.4"
"power": {
"combined": "14.4",
"city": "12.4",
"suburban": "13.4",
"rural": "15.4",
"highway": "18.4"
"costModel": {
"fuelPrice": "1.75",
"powerPrice": "0.45",
"consumptionCosts": "1234",
"consumptionPriceYear": 2024,
"co2Costs": {
"low": {
"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
"accumulated": "4345"
"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": 2024,
"till": 2034
"countryVersion": "DE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"description": "",
"deliveryDate": "2024-03-21T00:00:00+01:00",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "12345.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From the end of March 2024, registered dealers will have the ability to insert E-Bikes on our platform. As part of this, dealers can also choose whether they want to offer leasing for a certain listing.
Unlike Car leasing, it is not possible to enter leasing rates or any additional information during the initial phase.
To activate leasing for a certain listing, please include the following:
"ebikeLeasing": {
"active": true
Disabling leasing can be done via:
"ebikeLeasing": {
"active": false
Alternatively, omitting this element completely will also disable leasing.
This change is scheduled for release in production around CW 13, 2024.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From the end of March 2024, registered dealers will have the ability to search for E-Bikes on the Search-API. There is a new VehicleClass (EBike), new categories (CargoBike, FoldingBike, TrekkingBike, MountainBike, CityBike, CrossBike, RacingBike, FatBike, OtherEBike) and several query paramters to allow different criteria of searches.
Please note:
New fields:
Query Parameter | Type | Possible Values |
numberOfGears.min | Int | Range 1-24 |
numberOfGears.max | Int | Range 1-24 |
frameHeight.min | Int | Range: 30-80. Notation in cm. |
frameHeight.max | Int | Range: 30-80. Notation in cm. |
frameMaterial | Set(String) | ALUMINIUM, CARBON, STEEL, TITANIUM |
wheelSize | String | 20, 24, 26, 27.5, 28, 29. Notation in inch. |
batteryCapacityWh.min | Int | Range: 250-1500. Notation in Wh. |
batteryCapacityWh.max | Int | Range: 250-1500. Notation in Wh. |
weight.min | Int | Range: 8-90. Notation in kg. |
weight.max | Int | Range: 8-90. Notation in kg. |
bikeSuitableFor | Set(String) | FEMALE, MALE, UNISEX, GIRLS, BOYS |
motorPosition | Set(String) | MIDDLE_MOTOR, INTERNAL_GEAR |
batteryPosition | Set(String) | INTEGRATED, FRAME, RACK |
The following fields are also added to the Ad details endpoint for EBike ads
Example request XML:
POST /search-api/ad/123 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ad:ad xmlns:resource="http://services.mobile.de/schema/resource"
xmlns:seller="http://services.mobile.de/schema/seller" key="123"
<ad:number-of-gears value="6"/>
<ad:frame-shape key="LOW_STEP" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/frameshapes/LOW_STEP">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Tiefeinsteiger</resource:local-description>
<ad:frame-material key="ALUMINIUM" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/framematerials/ALUMINIUM">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Aluminium</resource:local-description>
<ad:battery-position key="INTEGRATED" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/batterypositions/INTEGRATED">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Integrierter Akku</resource:local-description>
<ad:battery-manufacturer key="BOSCH" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/batterymanufacturers/BOSCH">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bosch</resource:local-description>
<ad:motor-position key="MIDDLE_MOTOR" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/motorpositions/MIDDLE_MOTOR">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Mittelmotor</resource:local-description>
<ad:bike-suitable-for key="MALE" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/bikesuitablefor/MALE">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Herren</resource:local-description>
<ad:bike-gear-type key="DERAILLEUR_GEARS" url="https://services.mobile.de/refdata/bikegeartypes/DERAILLEUR_GEARS">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Kettenschaltung</resource:local-description>
<ad:wheel-size value="18"/>
<ad:battery-capacity-wh value="500"/>
<ad:weight value="30"/>
This change is scheduled for release in production around CW 13, 2024.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API
From the end of March 2024, registered dealers will have the ability to insert E-Bikes on our platform. The insertion and management processes can be carried out within the dealer area and also via Seller-API as for other vehicle categories.
Please note:
New fields:
Field name | Type | Possible Values |
vehicleClass | String | New value: EBike - (mandatory) |
category | String | CargoBike, FoldingBike, TrekkingBike, MountainBike, CityBike, CrossBike, RacingBike, FatBike, OtherEBike - (mandatory) |
frameHeight | Int | Range: 30-80. Notation in cm. |
frameMaterial | String | ALUMINIUM, CARBON, STEEL, TITANIUM |
wheelSize | String | 20, 24, 26, 27.5, 28, 29. Notation in inch. |
batteryCapacityWh | Int | Range: 250-1500. Notation in Wh. |
weight | Int | Range: 8-90. Notation in kg. |
numberOfGears | Int | Range: 1-24 |
bikeSuitableFor | String | FEMALE, MALE, UNISEX, GIRLS, BOYS |
motorPosition | String | MIDDLE_MOTOR, INTERNAL_GEAR |
batteryPosition | String | INTEGRATED, FRAME, RACK |
frameNumber | String | Free text. Max 25 characters. |
The existing fields listed below will also be available for E-Bikes:
Field name | Type | Description |
condition | String | E-Bikes can only have condition = "NEW". (mandatory) |
make | String | Make of the E-Bike. (mandatory) |
modelDescription | String | Detailed description of the model. Also used as an ad title. Example: Cube Stereo Hybrid 140 HPC Race 750 grey. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. (mandatory) |
damageUnrepaired | Boolean | True if the E-Bike has damage that was not fully repaired. (mandatory) |
internalNumber | String | A reference key used by the seller. Also known as internal-number or internal-ID. If it is present, then it must be unique per seller. An empty string is treated the same as if the element was not present. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. |
exteriorColor | String | The mobile.de color name. This is a fixed set of colors. See colors for possible values. |
manufacturerColorName | String | Free text field for color. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. |
price | Price | Price information - (mandatory) - the same rules apply as for other vehicle classes in terms of when VAT is required |
description | String | Free text description of the EBike. Please be aware of special characters when sending formatted texts. More details via https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#_special_characters_in_payload. |
videoUrl | String | Youtube url in youtube.com/xxx format. |
highlights | Collection of String | Short notes highlighting key features of the vehicle. The number of allowed highlights could be inspected via https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#_retrieve_a_single_seller. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters and has a max length of 22 characters. |
dealerHomepage | Boolean | Visible as a featured item on the dealers homepage ("Unsere Empfehlung"). |
bookableFeatures | BookableFeatures | Information about booked features - e.g. top of page or page one ad. |
individualContactId | String | The id of the individual contact. It will be ignored, if the related contact does not exist for this seller. |
nationalDelivery | DeliveryOption | National Delivery is a feature that allows dealers to show a listing up to Germany wide if they are able to deliver it in a certain radius - see https://promo.mobile.de/b2b/en/product/national-delivery/ |
multiLocations | Collection of MultiLocation | Set of multi-locations. |
Autopanorama and Direct Offer are also available for E-Bikes.
Example request:
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "EBike",
"modelDescription": "Some Description",
"condition": "NEW",
"category": "CityBike",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"frameHeight": 35,
"frameMaterial": "ALUMINIUM",
"wheelSize": "27.5",
"batteryCapacityWh": 600,
"weight": 20,
"numberOfGears": 6,
"bikeGearType": "OTHER_GEAR_TYPE",
"batteryManufacturer": "BOSCH",
"bikeSuitableFor": "UNISEX",
"motorPosition": "MIDDLE_MOTOR",
"batteryPosition": "INTEGRATED",
"frameShape": "LOW_STEP",
"frameNumber": "TEST123",
"exteriorColor": "BLACK",
"manufacturerColorName": "schwarz",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "20498.94",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"description": "This is really a nice e-bike.",
"dealerHomepage": true,
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4",
"nationalDelivery": {
"radius": 400,
"period": 90,
"fee": 50,
"additionalInformation": "Delivery via our service provider."
This change is scheduled for release in production around CW 13, 2024.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The FTP server for providing inventory data to null-leasing.com will change to ftp.null-leasing.com. From today on, the new FTP server can be used. The old server at the address null-leasing.exavault.com will still work in parallel until Jan 31, 2024. After that date, null-leasing.exavault.com cannot be used anymore to provide listing updates.
Furthermore, to increase data security, the new server will not support plain (unencrypted) FTP. Supported transport mechanisms are:
Note: Login data (username and password) is not affected by the server change.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Around CW2 2024, we will introduce a new price type LEASING_ONLY for ads on mobile.de. As the name suggests, LEASING_ONLY ads do not have a buying option. They are only meant to be leased. The process of creating/updating an ad including leasing does not change:
"price": {
"type": "LEASING_ONLY",
"consumerPriceNet": "17226.00",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"currency": "EUR"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Around CW38 we will add another label to the listings in order to support users with finding vehicles that have
a battery certificate. To use it there are two steps to follow:
1. Upload the battery certificate as vehicle image. We suggest to upload it as the 2nd picture as not all users
have a look at all pictures of the listing.
2. Insert the text that you see below as part of the vehicle description to make sure the vehicle is getting the label.
There will be no dedicated new field/document upload for the "Battery certificate" for now.
Please note that the label will be only shown for vehicles with fuel type : ELECTRICITY
Text that needs to be sent as part of the vehicle description:
Das Fahrzeug verfügt über ein Batterie Zertifikat. Für weitere Informationen nehmen Sie bitte direkten Kontakt auf.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
In CW 40 we will make the recently introduced feature "direct offers" also available via API. The direct offer feature allows dealers to contact potential customers who have shown interest in their inventory. On mobile.de, consumers can add interesting listings to their watchlist, known as the "Car park." Dealers can now observe this expression of interest within their records. Through the "Direct offer" feature, dealers can now anonymously reach out to these consumers by sending offers to those who have saved the listings on their watchlist. Consumers have the option to directly respond to these offers and communicate with the dealer through conventional channels such as email, chat, or phone calls. Please refer to the Direct Offer page for more information and documentation for technical specifications.
Furthermore, as part of launch of Direct Offer api, the settings section of retrieve a single seller is extended. The settings section now contains settings information related to direct offers. Please refer to the documentation for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From the beginning of October 2023 the SellerAPI will be extended to offer the booking of three new features that will become available as part of the new account offering. Depending on the account type of the dealer he will be able to use certain features. More details related to this can be found in the description of each new feature below.
As part of adding new features we will extend the Seller endpoint
To provide information about the new features:
"settings": {
"maxImages": 30,
"maxHighlights": 3,
"maxIndividualConacts": 5, ← new, "0" if dealer is not eligible
"maxMultiLocations": 10, ← new, , "0" if dealer is not eligible
"nationalDelivery" : true, ← can be true or false
"usedCarSeals": [
This information will be available when retrieving all Sellers and also when retrieving a single Seller. In addition, the endpoint for retrieving a single Seller will provide information about the new features within the invoiceItems and freeContingents.
"billingForecast": {
"billingPeriod": "2023-11",
"calculationDate": "2023-11-01",
"invoiceLanguage": "de",
"currency": "EUR",
"invoiceItems": [
"descriptor": "DELIVERY_OPTION",
"descriptor": "MULTI_LOCATION",
"freeContingents": [
"featureDescriptor": "DELIVERY_OPTION",
"description": "Fahrzeuganlieferung Umkreis",
"contingentUnlimited": "false",
"available": "15.0"
"featureDescriptor": "MULTI_LOCATION",
"description": "Fahrzeuganlieferung Standort",
"contingentUnlimited": "false",
"available": "30.0"
Individual Contact is a new feature that allows the dealer to have individual persons of contact (incl. individual E-Mail / Phone) assigned to each listing. This should allow the dealer to have a more personalised offer as the best contact can be directly mentioned in the listing.
The creation/management of the contacts must be done once in the dealer area. To set up a new individual contact the dealer needs to login and navigate to "My company --> External view". There is a new TAB "Individual contact" to configure new persons of contact.
The different contacts can also contain the same contact data for phone and/or mail and only different names/images if there is a central lead management system for example.
Based on the account type the dealer is allowed to create a certain amount of contacts:
Bronze: not included
Silver: 1
Gold: 5
Platinum: 10
The configured contacts can be retrieved via API. As part of this the API is also providing an ID for each contact that can be used to assign the contact to a specific listing.
Once a contact is assigned all leads will be sent to the assigned individual contact (Calls and E-Mails). Each listing can only have one contact assigned at the same time. If no contact is assigned the main contact data (as per default) will be used.
New fields (only relevant for reading):
Field name | Type | Description |
individualContactId | String | The reference you need to assign a contact to an ad |
firstName | String | First name of the contact |
lastName | String | Last name of the contact |
String | Contact email | |
jobTitle | String | Job title of the contact person |
imageUrl | String | URL of an image of the contact person |
Phone | Phone | phone number of the contact person |
JSON example when reading all individual contacts of one Seller:
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Muster",
"email": "max@mobile.de",
"jobTitle": "Salesagent",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "030",
"number": "1234567890"
"individualContactId": "64ca1066312cd92e09108323",
"firstName": "Martha",
"lastName": "Muster",
"email": ",martha@mobile.de",
"jobTitle": "Manager",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "045",
"number": "1234567890"
JSON example when assigning an individual contact to an ad
(can be done as part of listings creation or via changing it afterwards):
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"mobileSellerId": "21127",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Limousine",
"make": "ALFA ROMEO",
"model": "Giulia",
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4"
If the individualContactId is wrong the contact will be ignored and the ad is still created/updated.
Multi location is a new feature that allows dealers to show a listing on up to 10 additional locations in addition to the main location/account where the vehicle is inserted. This allows dealers to increase the reach of their listings as they can make it available in other regions also.
The listing is still only inserted once in mobile.de but would then have more than one location assigned.
The creation/management of the locations must be done once in the dealer area. To set up a new location the dealer needs to login and navigate to "My company --> External view". There is a new TAB "Locations" to configure new locations.
The Multi Location feature is only available for dealers within the Platinum account. These dealers can create up to 10 locations.
The configured locations can be retrieved via API. As part of this the API is also providing an ID for each location that can be used to assign the location to a specific listing. It is possible to assign up to 10 additional locations to one listing.
On the consumer side the listings will then have the information that they can be delivered to several other locations.
This is a paid feature. Please check the price list for further details.
New fields (only relevant for reading):
Field name | Type | Description |
id | String | id of a multi-location |
name | String | name of multi-location |
deliveryOption | DeliveryOption | delivery details of multi-location |
period | Int | the estimated time of the delivery in days |
fee | String | fee of the delivery in € represented as String |
location | Location | Location details of multi-location |
location - street | String | street of location |
location - houseNumber | String | houseNumber of location |
location - zip | String | zip code of location |
location - city | String | city of location |
location - country | String | country of location |
JSON example when reading all multi-locations of one Seller:
"id": "64ca0bd5eda6a6578e2cfcb8",
"name": "My Location 1",
"deliveryOption": {
"period": 30,
"fee": "0"
"location": {
"street": "Am See",
"houseNumber": "2",
"zip": "67547",
"city": "Worms",
"country": "DE"
"id": "64ca0bb4eda6a6578e2cfcb7",
"name": "My Location 2",
"deliveryOption": {
"period": 14,
"fee": "50"
"location": {
"street": "Lechlweg",
"houseNumber": "1",
"zip": "83607",
"city": "Holzkirchen",
"country": "DE"
JSON example when assigning multiple locations to an ad
(can be done as part of listings creation or via changing it afterwards):
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"mobileSellerId": "21127",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Limousine",
"make": "ALFA ROMEO",
"model": "Giulia",
"multiLocations": [
"id": "64ca0bd5eda6a6578e2cfcb8"
"id": "64ca0bb4eda6a6578e2cfcb7"
If the multiLocations id is wrong the location will be ignored and the ad is still created/updated.
National Delivery is a new feature that allows dealers to show a listing up to Germany wide if they are able to deliver it in a certain radius.
This allows dealers to increase the reach of their listings as they can make it available in other regions as well. On the consumer side the listings will then have the information that they can be delivered in a certain radius/Germany wide.
The National delivery feature is only available for dealers within the Platinum account.
This is a paid feature. Please check the price list for further details.
New fields:
Field name | Type | Description |
radius | Long (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, null) | the maximum delivery distance in km. If it is not set, the delivery is throughout Germany |
period | Int (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150) | the estimated time of the delivery in days (required) |
fee | String | the fee of the delivery in full € (max value 99999,required) |
additionalInformation | String | additional details of the delivery can be added here (max. 250 characters) |
JSON examples when booking the feature:
Free of charge:
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"nationalDelivery": {
"radius": 600,
"period": 14,
"fee": "0",
"additionalInformation": "Some more details"
Lump sum:
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"nationalDelivery": {
"radius": 400,
"period": 90,
"fee": "50",
"additionalInformation": "Some more details"
Germany wide:
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"nationalDelivery": {
"period": 150,
"fee": "150",
"additionalInformation": "Some more details"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
New fields for leasing rates to break down the monthly costs of the leasing. All of them are optional. The change will be available in CW32.
Name | Validation rules |
maintenanceMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
wearMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
maintenanceAndWearCombinedMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. If not null, needs to be the same as wearMonthlyCost plus maintenanceMonthlyCost. |
liabilityInsuranceMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. If set also liabilityInsuranceDeductible needs to be set. |
liabilityInsuranceDeductible | Null, zero or positive. If set also liabilityInsuranceMonthlyCost needs to be set. |
fullyComprehensiveInsuranceMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. If set also fullyComprehensiveInsuranceDeductible needs to be set. |
fullyComprehensiveInsuranceDeductible | Null, zero or positive. If set also fullyComprehensiveInsuranceMonthlyCost needs to be set. |
vehicleTaxMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
summerAndWinterTiresMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
tuevMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
returnInsuranceMonthlyCost | Null, zero or positive. |
"maintenanceMonthlyCost": "10.00",
"wearMonthlyCost": "11.00",
"maintenanceAndWearCombinedMonthlyCost": "21.00",
"liabilityInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.00",
"liabilityInsuranceDeductible": "200.00",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceMonthlyCost": "25.00",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceDeductible": "300.00",
"vehicleTaxMonthlyCost": "12.00",
"summerAndWinterTiresMonthlyCost": "50.00",
"tuevMonthlyCost": "22.00",
"returnInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.00"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Around CW31 we will add new endpoints to the Seller API to support the business model “Online Buying and Selling” (short “OBS”). The business model requires the submission of detailed information on the vehicles’ condition as well as certain documents (e.g., car registration documents or speedometer photos). Via the new endpoints dealers participating in OBS will be able to enrich their existing classifieds listings (given by the mobileAdId) with the additionally needed OBS information. They will further be able to read, alter and delete previously submitted OBS information. The endpoints will use the already existing authentication of the Seller API.
Note: The newly introduced fields are optional. We encourage participating dealers and their contracted transfer service providers to submit as many details as possible. mobile.de maintains quality checks of all OBS listings and reserves the right to not publish listings if critical information is missing. Further details are communicated to the participating dealers during the onboarding for OBS and via the dealer usage agreement (“Händlernutzungsvereinbarung”) for OBS.
Note: API requests to the new endpoints will return a 403 error (“Forbidden”) when the dealer is not an OBS partner dealer.
Endpoint for handling OBS related files:
OBS related files are handled via multipart file upload. The roles for the files are given below:
Role | Type | Description |
VehicleRegistration | JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) | Vehicle registration document ("Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1”) |
ServiceHistory | JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) | Service history document (“Scheckheft”) |
CheckList | JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) | Checklist of used car inspection |
TuevReport | JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) | TÜV protocol of last car inspection (“TÜV DEKRA Prüfbericht”) |
Other | JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) | Can be used to submit other documents about the vehicle’s condition and service history (e.g., if all vehicle related documents are stored as one file instead of separate ones) |
Mileage | JPG, JPEG, PNG (max. 10 MB) | A photo of the odometer, with the engine running. |
DamageImages | Array of images [ JPG, JPEG, PNG (max. 10 MB) ] | Array of photos of damages and excessive traces of use (e.g., scratches, dents), along with descriptions of each photo. |
Supported methods: POST, GET, DELETE, PATCH
Example Request to upload images or documents:
curl -s -u AUTH 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/DamageImages ' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'files=@car1.jpeg;type=image/jpeg' \
-F 'files=@audi.jpeg;type=image/jpeg'
The POST request returns a list of documents with URLs. These URLs need to be stored on the side of the transfer service provider or dealer to be able to reference documents for future requests.
To add a description to a damage image, make an additional PATCH call, as shown in the example below.
Example Request to add description to images:
curl -s -u AUTH -X PATCH 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/DamageImages ' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
"imageUrl": "oneUrl",
"description": "Informative description to the image"
Endpoint for handling OBS related data (other than files):
New Field Name | Type | Description |
optOutOfSellingThroughMobileDe | boolean | Opt out from mobile.de as the seller of the vehicle. |
noDamagesOrExcessiveTracesOfUse | boolean | Dealers can confirm that a vehicle does not have any damages or excessive traces of use by setting this flag to TRUE. |
vehicleCondition | string | Description of the general vehicle condition, especially taking into account potential flaws that are not visible from the outside (e.g., a rattle noise when driving). |
rentalOrCarSharing | boolean | Information whether the car has been previously used as a rental car or for car sharing. |
warrantyExpirationDate | string (YYYYMM) | End date of any warranty that is given by the dealer and is valid for the vehicle. |
pickupEarliestDate | string (ISO-8601) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD |
Providing the date when the vehicle can be picked up at its location by mobile.de's fulfilment partner. |
pickupAddress | object | Address where the vehicle can be picked by mobile.de's fulfilment partner. |
pickupAddress - companyName | string | Part of the pickup address: The name of the dealership / company |
pickupAddress - street | string | Part of the pickup address: The street name |
pickupAddress - houseNumber | string | Part of the pickup address: The house number |
pickupAddress - zipCode | string | Part of the pickup address: The postcode |
pickupAddress - city | string | Part of the pickup address: The city name |
pickupAddress - note | string | Part of the pickup address: Additional pickup note for mobile.de’s fulfilment partner (e.g., “car is parked on the street”) |
pickupTires | enum ( WINTER, SUMMER, ALL_SEASON ) | The set of tires that are actually on the vehicle. Needed for the communication with mobile.de’s fulfilment partner, since the delivery to the end customer happens on the vehicle’s own axis. |
pickupContact | object | Contact person(s) for the handover and pick up of the vehicle on the side of the dealer. |
pickupContact - firstName | string | The first name of the contact person(s) |
pickupContact - lastName | string | The second name of the contact person(s) |
pickupContact - role | string | The role or title of the pickup contact person(s) (e.g., Operations, Sales or similar) |
pickupContact - phoneNumber | string | The phone number (landline) of the contact person(s) |
pickupContact - mobileNumber | string | The mobile number of the contact person(s) |
pickupContact - email | string | The email address of the contact person(s) |
Supported methods: PUT, GET
Example Request:
curl -s -u AUTH 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/data ' \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json"
"noDamagesOrExcessiveTracesOfUse": true,
"vehicleCondition": "Fahrzeug ist in einem guten Zustand",
"rentalOrCarSharing": true,
"warrantyExpirationDate": "202306",
"pickupEarliestDate": "2023-07-30T09:05:12.494Z",
"optOutOfSellingThroughMobileDe": true,
"pickupTires": "WINTER",
"pickupContact": {
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"role": "Operations",
"email": "max.mustermann@maxmustermann.de",
"phoneNumber": "1234556",
"mobileNumber": "1234556"
"pickupAddress": {
"companyName": "Autohaus Mustermann GmbH",
"street": "Albert-Einstein Ring",
"houseNumber": "1",
"city": "Kleinmachnow",
"zipCode": "14532",
"note": "Bitte an der Rezeption melden."
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
UTF-8 encoding for Lead emailing
To support a wider range of characters, our core lead emails will in future be encoded in UTF-8 character encoding.
Lead management systems or systems who automatically process Mobile.de emails need to expect the emails to be encoded in ISO-8859-1 OR UTF-8.
Please use standard Content-Type headers of the email to detect the source encoding.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Images not send attached to every email
To reduce bandwith, Mobile.de lead emails will in future reference images via public urls instead of attaching the images as part of the email.
Content-Type: image/png; name=logo.png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=logo.png
Content-ID: <logo.png>
<a src="https://static.classistatic.de/mobilede-logo.png"/>>
No HTML compaction
The HTML part of Mobile.de lead emailing will no longer be send compacted.
<body><table><tr><td><strong>Enquiry about your vehicle</strong></td></tr></table>/body>
<td><strong>Enquiry about your vehicle</strong></td>
More information about Mobile.de lead emailing can be found here.
Affected Interfaces: Leads
Around CW23 we will add another label to the listings in order to support the last change for the user to make an advantage of the "Umweltbonus". (German Government Grants.) Only if the following text is send as part of the vehicle description, the listing will get the "Umweltbonus" Label.
There will be no dedicated new field for the "Umweltbonus" for now.
Please note that the label will be only shown for vehicles with fuel type : ELECTRICITY
Text that needs to be send as part of the vehicle description:
Das angebotene Fahrzeug ist gemäß der Liste der förderfähigen Elektrofahrzeuge, abrufbar auf der Seite des BAFA, für den Umweltbonus als finanzielle Unterstützung für Käufer von Elektrofahrzeugen berechtigt.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Due to the naming change of ebay-kleinanzeigen to Kleinanzeigen the SellerAPI will be adjusted. The changes will happen around CW27 (from 03.07.)
The following things will be changed:
Old | New | Context |
"marketplace": "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de" | "marketplace": "kleinanzeigen.de" | Export marketplace |
ebaykExport | KleinanzeigenExport | BookableFeatures |
EBAY_K | KLEINANZEIGEN | BillingForecast |
The API changes will happen in the following steps:
1. CW27 (from 03.07.)
New keys/values will be available for listing creation/update. For a certain time (about 4 weeks) the API will still accept the old keys/values as part of listing creation/update and map them. When reading listing, seller and billing data the new keys/values will already be send as part of the data.
2. CW31 (from 31.07.)
Mapping will be removed so that always the new keys/values must be send. Otherwise the call will be rejected.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Around CW15, we will add new attributes for cars in order to support the better insertion of e-cars. As part of
this, we will also add new search options so that these vehicles can be better found. All new fields are
optional but it is highly recommended to fill them in order to make sure vehicles are found.
Please note that the new properties can only be sent for the following fuel types:
ELECTRICITY and HYBRID / HYBRID_DIESEL with hybridPlugin=true.
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"fuel": "ELECTRICITY",
"chargingTime": 330,
"chargingTimeFast": 150,
"plugTypes": [
New Field Name | Type | Description |
chargingTime | Int | Charging time the car needs when charging at a 11 kW charging station (comparable to the charging power
of a wallbox installed at home). Calculated in minutes, e.g., 5hours and 30 minutes should be sent as 330 minutes. |
chargingTimeFast | Int | Charging time the car needs at a fast charging station with 50 kW or more. Important: Only the charging time up to 80% is relevant here. Calculated in minutes, e.g., 2hours and 30 minutes should be sent as 150 minutes. |
plugTypes | Collection of strings | Set of supported plug types available at the vehicle. Multiple possible and may contain: TYPE_1, TYPE_2, CCS_COMBO, CHADEMO, SCHUKO, TESLA_SC |
This change will be released in CW 15/2023
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
We introduced a new error in the leasing part of the Seller API.
When the price of an ad has no VAT set, it is not possible to offer leasing. In this case we return the error
Make sure to set the VAT first.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
On 1.11.2022 we announced to remove outdated fields in the search-api and ad-stream. This cleanup will now be applied to all other output formats like for instance json.
"daytimeRunningLights": true,
Deprecated Field | Replacement |
cruiseControl | speedControl.CRUISE_CONTROL |
xenonHeadlights | headlightType.XENON_HEADLIGHTS |
parkingSensors | parkingAssistants.REAR_SENSORS |
slidingdoor | slidingDoorType.SLIDING_DOOR_RIGHT |
mp3Interface | number of infotainment related fields: soundSystem, voiceControl, touchscreen, usb, carplay, androidAuto, integratedMusicStreaming |
tuner | radio.TUNER |
bendingLights | bendingLightsType.BENDING_LIGHTS |
daytimeRunningLights | daytimeRunningLamps.DAYTIME_RUNNING_LIGHTS |
trailerCoupling | trailerCouplingType.TRAILER_COUPLING_FIX |
Please refer to the 2018 attributes description and Data Format Reference for more details.
This change will be released in KW 15/2023
Affected Interfaces: Ad-Stream
The legacy restriction to require a default private rate with 10.000km annual mileage when creating a leasing offer was lifted.
From now on at least one rate private or commercial is required for creating a leasing offer.
At the same time the limitation to have a minimum/maximum number of leasing rates was removed.
Any number of rates can now be created by a dealer.
The related leasing settings will be removed from Seller Settings Schema end of February.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
We plan to introduce two changes in the search-api and ad-stream.
The format of the dealer homepage url will change.
Please refer to the "homepage" element in the xsd schema for more details.
The new url is semantically the same, so no changes are required on the client side software. This change will go live in the next couple of days without any further announcement.
In 2018 we introduced a number of new attributes that allow better description of a vehicle. Now as part of the api clean up we plan to remove some outdated fields that were replaced by these new attributes. The deprecated fields are part of the features list, e.g.
<feature key="PARKING_SENSORS" />
Deprecated Features | Replacement |
CRUISE_CONTROL | speed-control attribute |
ADAPTIVE_CRUISE_CTL | speed-control attribute |
TUNER | radio attribute |
DAYTIME_RUNNING_LIGHTS | daytime-running-lamps attribute |
BENDING_LIGHTS | bending-lights-type attribute |
XENON_HEADLIGHTS | headlight-type attribute |
TRAILER_COUPLING | trailer-coupling-type attribute |
SLIDINGDOOR | sliding-door-type attribute |
PARKING_SENSORS | parking-assistants attribute |
LEATHER_SEATS | interior-type attribute |
E10 | E10_ENABLED feature |
Please refer to the 2018 attributes description and xsd schema for more details.
This change will be released on 13.12.2022
Affected Interfaces: Search-API/ Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
Retrieving WLTP values on the affected interfaces will be available today. Please refer to the change log entry for more details regarding WLTP.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API/ Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
As part of the switch to Adevinta we also changed our image URLs. We saw that there are cases where it seems that the old eBay picture URL is still stored on data provider side.
This leads to the situation that in case of an image/ad update, the old image URL is sent to us. When this happens, the image on mobile.de site gets lost because the eBay image URL is not working anymore.
If you still have eBay image URLs stored within your database, you should do the following:
conciliate pictures URLs by a GET request for the ad and by comparing the image md5 hash sums (they did not change)
re-upload all pictures and store the new URL/references
After doing so, you should not have any eBay picture URLs connected to the listings anymore.
Please avoid resending all the vehicle images per default.
old eBay picture reference:
new picture picture reference:
If not already done, this should happen as soon as possible to avoid losing images.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The xsd schema for the Search-API and Ad-Stream is now extended with the WLTP values. Please refer to the change log entry for more details regarding WLTP. The actual change in the APIs to provide the new fields will be added after 16.03.2022 and be announced in a separate change log entry.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API/ Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
Starting in September 2018, alle passenger cars need to be registered with WLTP values. EnVKV was still based on NEDC values, requiring car manufacturers to recalculate WLTP values to NEDC valus. Although a renewed EnVKV based on WLTP has been promised since 2019 and was announced again for Q4 2021, we do not see new government regulations coming until later in 2022. As more and more car models only come with WLTP consumption values, we have decided to allow the insertion of EnVKV required cars with only WLTP values. We are still asking everybody to insert an EnVKV compliant vehicle with NEDC values. Only if these values do not exist, you will be able to insert vehicles with WLTP values. For all vehicle types except plugin hybrids and electric vehicles we are asking you to send the following data
For electric vehicles we are asking for
For plugin hybrids we are asking for
Changes will be effective as of 05.01.2022, see WLTP Values for details. We are going to support WLTP in Search-API and Ad-Stream too. Schema changes will be announced soon.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
As part of the switch to Adevinta we will also change our images URLs. This change is done in steps as we need to prepare / change some things in regards to images sizes and data we can provide.
In the future it will not be possible to create image URLs for different sizes on your own using a baseURL + parameter, as the image URL will be fully different for different sizes of the same image.
For SellerAPI, SearchAPI and AdStream there will be changes in the data format and Schema where relevant. KPI API is also affected but here it’s only the Schema as no images URLs are included within KPI API.These are the changes:
We will remove the baseURL as in the future every image size will have its own URL. The “ref” field remains. It should be used as identifier for an image while creating or updating ads. This change is going to happen CW01 2022.
Data Example:
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f8-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "fda8487ed7fcfbecdf1eb55cf582fccf"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "fda8487ed7fcfbecdf1eb55cf552fcdf"
We will add different images sizes:
size="XXL" 1024 x 768
size="XXXL" 1600 x 1200
During this change image URLs themself will not change. If you have created the URLs on your own, knowing the parameters you have to add, you must now switch to use the URLs we provide for each given size.
The schema of KPI-API/AdStream/Search-API has been already adjusted!
Data Example:
<ad:representation size="ICON" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-80.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="S" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-200.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="M" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-240.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="L" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-360.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1024.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XXXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1600.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="ICON" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-80.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="S" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-200.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="M" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-240.jpgG"/>
<seller:representation size="L" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-360.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="XL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="XXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1024.jpg"/>
<seller:representation size="XXXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1600.jpg"/>
Ad images: The baseUrl and ref fields will be removed. Fields to the Urls with specific images sizes will be added.
"images": [
"baseUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acce-1d7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=eps_",
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "6861736831",
"icon": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-80.jpg",
"s": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-200.jpg",
"m": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-240.jpg",
"l": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-360.jpg",
"xl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"xxl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1024.jpg",
"xxxl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1600.jpg"
Dealer logo The dealerLogoBaseUrl field will be replaced with dealerLogo.
"dealerLogoBaseUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acce-1d7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=eps_",
"dealerLogo": {
"icon": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-80.jpg",
"s": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-200.jpg",
"m": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-240.jpg",
"l": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-360.jpg",
"xl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"xxl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1024.jpg",
"xxxl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1600.jpg"
During this change the URLs will be switched. For SearchAPI and AdStream some image sizes will change slightly as the new service is not providing all sizes exactly as before.
Change of sizes:
“M” 298 x 244 to 240 x 180
“L” 400 x 300 to 360 x 270
We will announce upfront when this change will happen. Currently that's planned somewhen in Q1. When you made the changes from 1. and 2. this should not have such an effect anymore.
Data example:
<ad:representation size="ICON" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-80.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="S" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-200.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="M" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-240.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="L" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-360.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1024.jpg"/>
<ad:representation size="XXXL" url="https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-nonprod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-1600.jpg"/>
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle KPI-API Ad-Stream
According to new government regulation, there are two additions to the energy efficiency classes, A++ and A+++. It is possible to upload listings with these new energy efficiency classes starting Friday 17.09.2021.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
It is now possible to upload employee cars with an age of up to 23 months.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Due to data privacy reasons historical ad data availability will be changed to 30 days from 01.07.2021 (instead of 45 days currently).
Affected Interfaces: KPI-API
From 1st July 2020, Germany will reduce VAT from 19% to 16%. mobile.de will not automatically set the 16%.
Please also take this into account when entering vehicle data and adjust the value-added tax (VAT) rate or prices accordingly to our Price Schema.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Adding leasing information to ads is possible starting today as a beta product. Please refer to the documentation for details. mobile.de dealer will be informed in the near future about this new functionality.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The free contingents for Top Ad, Page-1-Ad and Eyecatcher for users of the Comfort- and Premium-Package will be recalculated in the future. From Feb. 1st 2020, the number of free contingents a dealer receives will be based on the average number of ads listed over the last three active months. In this way it can be ensured which monthly free contingent the dealer has available. If the dealer have had an account for less than three months, we will calculate the average based on the three previous month's activity. Before, the free contingent was determined from the inventory of the respective month and was therefore very variable. Now the monthly free contingent is already fixed at the beginning of the month and can be optimally planned.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
A new API sandbox is now available at https://sandbox.services.mobile.de and is ready for testing the API integration. The old sandbox will be switched off in January 2020. Please refer to the documentation for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
Managing ratings of a dealer by API is available from today. Please refer to the documentation for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Some deprecated features/functionalities will be removed from our APIs on 09.12.2019. Furthermore we will introduce a "mobile.de Rating-API" which will allow you to manage dealer ratings.
All requests made in old XML data format will be rejected and responses will be exclusively delivered in new data format. In case you are still using the old data format documented here you have to switch to the officially supported data format documented here.
Doing this you also make sure that you are able to use all the newly introduced functionalities like retrieving vehicle price rating information prior creating the ad.
In order to ensure a consistent feature booking the deprecated field bookedAdFeatures will be removed in the new data format. If you are still using the bookedAdFeatures field please switch to the more flexible bookableFeatures element.
Please refer to our documentation and the corresponding changelog entry from 11.08.2017 for more details.
The old XML data format is not affected as the new feature booking is not available there. Nevertheless, we will remove the old dataformat as communicated above.
As already marked in the deprecated documentation, we will remove the token authentication in Seller-API. If you are still using a token or username/password as token please switch to the "HTTP basic authentication". In order to get a password (The username is your API user name) please contact datenpartner@team.mobile.de.
All other authentication methods will be removed.
As a longer requested functionality we will introduce the possibility to manage ratings of a connected dealer via Seller-API. In case the dealer has activated the permission in his account (active by default) you will be able to retrieve ratings, answer on ratings and trigger a rating. The new API will cover the complete functionality from the current page inside the mobile.de dealer area. As a dealer using the Seller-API on your own you will also be able to manage your dealer ratings. In this case the permission is granted in general.
There will be a separate changelog entry and details in the Seller-API documentation soon (please check again in a few days).
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From 01.10.2019 we will discontinue support for TLS 1.0 because of security reasons. Please make sure that your applications are updated.
If you are not updating, you will not be able to use any of the mobile.de APIs any longer.
In case you are a dealer registered on mobile.de and you are either sending vehicles to us using Seller-API or showing vehicles on your own homepage using the "Inseratseinbindung" please contact the person or company that created this integration for you to make sure it gets updated.
This change affects all services under our domain services.mobile.de: including Seller-API, Search-API (also "Inseratseinbindung"), KPI-API, Ad-Stream and Reference Data
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle KPI-API Ad-Stream
From 01.10.2019 onwards, Seller-API will respect the uploadSticky feature and reject any ad changes when the flag is set to true. In this case ad changes can only be done via the mobile.de dealer area.
The majority of the ads should not be affected and our recommendation is still to not do any ad changes in dealer area when having a transfer service provider. But as there are cases where not every function is 100% supported we made this functionality active again.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The following used car seals are available again: "Mercedes Benz Junge Sterne" and "Jung@Smart".
For available seals check: https://services.mobile.de/refdata/sites/GERMANY/classes/Car/usedcarseals
In order to use the mentioned used car seals, the customer needs to have a mobile.de premium account. For further details please ask your customer to contact his mobile.de contact person.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
A new field in the seller resource describes if a seller uses additionally a picture provider for autopanorama or vehicle images. This information can be useful for Transfer Service Providers, who support sellers with external picture providers.
The additional field is only visible in case there exists a picture provider for the seller.
curl -s -u AUTH 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId' -H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json"
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"pictureProvider": {
"autopanorama": true,
"images": false
This field is also added to the old xml data format see seller-2.0.xsd.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
From CW 22 on, we'll change fuel type HYDROGENIUM as follow:
Please refer to the Fuel And Energy Consumption Validation Rules for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The closedDomain feature will removed in the Seller-API. In the initial phase the create and update ad calls will be changed so that, it will not be possible to enable the feature anymore, i.e. sending "closedDomain": true will be ignored.
The ads with the closedDomain feature active at the moment will stay that way unless deactivated by the user.
The change will be effective from 17.06.2019.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Now reference data for modelrange and trimline is available. Using reference data for trimline and modelrange describes the vehicle better and can result in better price ratings. Further details at reference data documentation.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Now price ratings can be previewed via a new Seller-API endpoint, before the ad has been created. The new endpoint is described in section Preview ad price rating of the Seller-API documentation. Price rating prediction is only working for the new data format (xml+json).
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The following used car seals are not available any longer and were also removed from the reference data: "Mercedes Benz Junge Sterne" and "jung@smart". For available seals check: https://services.mobile.de/refdata/sites/GERMANY/classes/Car/usedcarseals
Dealer permissions were removed for the following used car seals and may be available later again:
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
To ensure these vehicles can be inserted correctly we introduced a change to the EnVkV validation for electric cars with the range extender.
For the mentioned vehicle type this means, in case EnVkV values are required the following fields have to be send:
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The Auto-Panorama functionality in Seller-API is available from today. Please refer to the documentation for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The Seller-API has now GET calls in order to retrieve information about Auto Panorama.
Please refer to the documentation of the calls get interior and get exterior to learn more how to use them.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The following fields are deprecated and will be ignored by Seller-API starting from 15.11.2018:
Deprecated field | Replacement field |
includedDeliveryCosts | |
mp3Interface | |
roofBars | roofRails |
parkingSensors | parkingAssistants.REAR_SENSORS |
cruiseControl | speedControl.CRUISE_CONTROL |
tuner | radio.TUNER |
daytimeRunningLights | daytimeRunningLamps.DAYTIME_RUNNING_LIGHTS |
slidingDoor | slidingDoorType.SLIDING_DOOR_RIGHT |
xenonHeadlights | headlightType.XENON_HEADLIGHTS |
bendingLights | bendingLightsType.BENDING_LIGHTS |
trailerCoupling | trailerCouplingType.TRAILER_COUPLING_FIX |
Legacy XML only | |
E10 | E10_ENABLED |
Replacement attributes:
<vehicle:feature key="E10_ENABLED"/>
<vehicle:feature key="ROOF_RAILS"/>
<vehicle:parking-assistant key="REAR_SENSORS"/>
<vehicle:speed-control key="CRUISE_CONTROL"/>
<vehicle:radio-type key="TUNER"/>
<vehicle:daytime-running-lamps key="DAYTIME_RUNNING_LIGHTS"/>
<vehicle:sliding-door-type key="SLIDING_DOOR_RIGHT"/>
<vehicle:headlight-type key="XENON_HEADLIGHTS"/>
<vehicle:bending-lights-type key="BENDING_LIGHTS"/>
<vehicle:trailer-coupling-type key="TRAILER_COUPLING_FIX"/>
Please have a look on how to use the replacement fields in the Seller-API documentation and new features and attributes .
Fields are also marked as deprecated in the reference data: i.e. https://services.mobile.de/refdata/classes/Car/features
<reference:item key="BENDING_LIGHTS" url="http://services.mobile.de/refdata/classes/Car/features/BENDING_LIGHTS" deprecated="true">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Kurvenlicht</resource:local-description>
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
A new feature has been added to the Seller-API to make the POST new ad call idempotent.
It prevents duplicated ads being created when the call is retried after a failure. Please refer to the Seller-API documentation for details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The Auto-Panorama functionality in Seller-API is coming soon.
A final version of the api specification is already defined. Please refer to the documentation for details. To make the api more robust we have changed the specification comparing to the one in the changelog entry from 17.07.2017.
To allow you starting the integration work, this functionality is already available on the API Sandbox.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Affected immediately, vehicle descriptions on mobile.de can have up to 5000 characters. When retrieving a vehicle using one of our APIs it may also contain up to 5000 characters.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
From beginning of September 2018 there will be two new endpoints available in SellerAPI to upload your existing 360° pictures. The implementation will support uploading one 360° picture per vehicle for an interior and a series of JPG images where the 360° outside view will be generated from.
Both endpoints support PUT and DELETE. In case a 360° picture/picture series is already uploaded it will be replaced when there is a new upload.
Uploaded pictures must fulfil the following criteria:360° picture series uploaded via API will not be stabilized. The generated 360° picture will be shown in the standard "mobile.de Auto-Panorama" Player.
Please note:
It could occur that details of this announcement may change as we are still
working on the implementation.
Of course we try to avoid this, since we are interested in making your effort as
small as possible. In case of necessary changes we will inform you in detail.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Support for 5000 characters in vehicle description field is still work in progress and we're aiming for a release in CW 30. As soon as the change is live, we'll publish a new entry in the changelog.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
Recently added attributes and features are also added to the Search-API so they can be used for queries. Within the detail page they were added already some time ago.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
Within the next days we will enhance the vehicle description field from 3000 to 5000 characters. As soon as the change is live you are able to send vehicle descriptions with up to 5000 characters and when retrieving a vehicle using one of our APIs it may also contain up to 5000 characters.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream
Seller-API and Search-API now support new features and attributes for the vehicle-type "Car". In addition some existing attributes will also be available for other categories.
The List of new features and attributes including the glossary can be found here: new features and attributes.
In case of any technical questions please contact the mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
Starting from around CW 16, Seller-API will provide additional details about Ad Turbo forecast (paid bookings) and trial period in seller resource when using our JSON data format.
The new data about trial periods will look like:GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12
"mobileSellerId": "12",
"customerNumber": "8",
"trialPeriods": [
"bookableFeature": "adTurbo",
"freeTries": "10",
"trialPeriodStart": "2018-04-01T10:00:00Z"
"trialPeriodEnd": "2018-04-30T10:00:00Z"
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Instead of previously announced, our new attributes will be added mid of April 2018.
Please see the following table for an overview of new features and attributes.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
The image upload functionality in the seller-api has been extended with the new endpoints:
Additionally the Create ad endpoint has been extended to accept images so that new ads could be created with images.
The main benefit of the new functionality is to avoid problematic multipart requests and to give the users more granular control for error handling. Please refer to the seller-api documentation for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
In order to ensure a consistent feature booking the deprecated field bookedAdFeatures will be removed from June 2018 in the new data format. If you are still using the bookedAdFeatures field please switch to the more flexible bookableFeatures element.
Please refer to our documentation and the corrosponding changelog entry from 11.08.2017 for more details.
The old XML data format is not affected as the new feature booking is not available there. Nevertheless, we suggest switching to the new data format (XML/JSON).
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
As already marked in the documentation, we will remove the token authentication in Seller-API. If you are still using a token or username/password as token please switch to the "HTTP basic authentication".
All other authentication methods will be removed beginning June 2018.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
In order to ensure that main services are running in our sandbox, we'll limit the sandbox capabillities to our main APIs. From now on the sandbox will support the main Seller-API and Search-API usecases, meaning it's possible to create and read ads and upload pictures using the Seller-API.
Other functions like the mobile.de dealer area and public search/vehicle detailpages are not maintained/supported actively. In order to check if an ad was created as expected please use the Seller-API to compare the ad after creation/update.
For the future we will investigate if we can find another more reliable solution in order to support general mobile.de usecases even in our sandbox.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
In order to support you in explaining our new features / attributes we added a glossary to the HTML file mentioned in the respective changelog entry.
The List of features including the glossary can be found here: new features and attributes.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Together with adding new attributes also some existing fields will be cleaned up as they are deprecated. The following fields will be removed from beginning June 2018:
Deprecated field | Replacement field |
includedDeliveryCosts | |
mp3Interface | |
roofBars | |
parkingSensors | parkingAssistants.REAR_SENSORS |
Legacy XML only | |
E10 | E10_ENABLED |
New attributes | |
cruiseControl | speedControl.CRUISE_CONTROL |
tuner | radio.TUNER |
daytimeRunningLights | daytimeRunningLamps.DAYTIME_RUNNING_LIGHTS |
slidingDoor | slidingDoorType.SLIDING_DOOR_RIGHT |
xenonHeadlights | headlightType.XENON_HEADLIGHTS |
bendingLights | bendingLightsType.BENDING_LIGHTS |
trailerCoupling | trailerCouplingType.TRAILER_COUPLING_FIX |
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
As previously announced, our XML schema for Search-API has been updated with new vehicle attributes.
Please have a look at the Ad Data XSD to see new attributes in the vehicle detail page from Search-API.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
Around mid/end of March 2018 we will add new features and attributes for existing vehicles categories. All attributes will be added to the vehicle-type "Car". In addition some existing attributes will also be available for other categories.
Please see the following table for an overview of new features and attributes.
Our recommendation is to start with the area "Extended Attributes for Cars" as these changes will affect already existing attributes and may affect existing applications.
None of the new fields is mandatory so not sending them is not leading to an error response. For the beginning the new attributes and features will only be shown on the vehicle detail page on mobile.de and in our Search-API.
A glossary with more details regarding new attributes will be published in the following weeks.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
From beginning April 2018 it is not possible anymore to book the ebayK feature (ebaykExport) on ad creation. The reason for this is, that the ad must fulfill some criterias to be valid for the ebayK export. One criteria is that it must have at least one image. At the moment picture upload is not possible on ad creation.
In order to book the ebayK feature please create the ad first, upload one or more pictures and then book the ebaykExport feature. In case you are sending the ebayK feature on ad creation in the future will will "ignore" the booking and send a warning. The ad will be created without the ebayK feature then.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
As announced the new demand tool Ad Turbo is available now. You can find some important details below:
Please recommend dealers to directly contact our Sales-Team to get a booking recommendation for the Ad Turbo: 030/ 81097-940.
Further details can be found on our Ad Turbo landing page.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Mid of February 2018 we will introduce a new demand tool “Ad Turbo” for Premium and Comfort dealers. It can be booked using the Seller-API the following ways.
JSON data format{
"mobileAdId": "123456",
... obmitted for brevity
"bookableFeatures": {
"adTurbo": {
"active": true
XML data format
<seller-ad:ad id="123456">
... obmitted for brevity
There will be a trial period until end of March 2018. During this period the "Ad Turbo" can only be booked but NOT unbooked using the SellerAPI to avoid that free bookings are lost.
Within the trial period dealers are getting a limited amount of free "Ad Turbo" bookings and an active "Ad Turbo" is valid for the complete ad lifetime or until it gets unbooked manually via the dealer area. All active "Ad Turbo" bookings will be deactivated at the end of the trial period to avoid unexpected costs. After the trial period the tool will be billed as usual (per vehicle/per day).
More details regarding this specific tool will be send out to all eligible dealers mid of February.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
On 15.11.2017 we will switch off the Upload API and the possibility to directly upload files through the dealer area. The Seller API will remain the only way to insert vehicles besides the manual form on mobile.de. A notification was sent out already a few weeks ago to any active interface user. In case it is not possible for you to switch your application to use the SellerAPI you may switch to a Service Provider, use the mobile.de Dealer Area or AutoAct for managing your inventory.
This step is needed due to increased traffic and complexity during the last years/months.
In case of any technical questions please contact the mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Starting in November 2017, the Search-API will provide Price Rating Information for Ads. The information will be added to the detail view and can be retrieved a few seconds after the ad was created. In case it has not yet been calculated, no such information will be provided.
The information when shown for an ad will look like:<price-rating>
<label key="GOOD_PRICE"/>
<label-range key="VERY_GOOD_PRICE" from="10012" to="10023"/>
<label-range key="GOOD_PRICE" from="10023" to="10045"/>
<label-range key="REASONABLE_PRICE" from="10045" to="100766"/>
<label-range key="INCREASED_PRICE" from="100766" to="1003453"/>
<label-range key="HIGH_PRICE" from="1003453" to="1012455"/>
If you have any technical questions, please contact mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
End of CW35 the maximum price for cars that are included in the automatic ebayK export for Comfort and Premium customers will be raised to 15.000€ (from 12.000€). This is not affecting any external API directly. So normally no change is needed.
In case you are using this limit in your software to advise your customers regarding the manual ebayK export there may be a need to adapt the content.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Starting around end of September 2017, the SellerAPI will provide Price Rating Information for Dealer Ads. The information will be added to a sub resource of an ad and can be retrieved using a GET Request a few seconds after the ad was created.
In case it has not yet been calculated, no such information will be provided.
The information when retrieving the endpoint for an ad will look like:{
"label": "labelname"
Price rating information is not available
Please be aware that this information is only available using the new data format.
If you have any technical questions, please contact mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Through the introduction of the booking assistant a few weeks ago and the new cost control option in the near future, it will be the case that a feature booking/unbooking is rejected.
Starting around CW33, the Seller-API will get an additional resource for feature bookings.
This new resource will also provide more details about the current feature status of an ad and more flexibility with feature bookings.
New "bookableFeatures" resource when retrieving ads/an ad:"bookableFeatures": {
"topOfPage": {
"active": true,
"blocked": true,
"redPencil": {
"active": true
"eyeCatcher": {
"active": false,
"blocked": true,
"reason": "COST_CONTROL"
... # All features incl. Status listed here
How to book features using the new resource:
"bookableFeatures": {
"topOfPage": {
"active": true
"eyeCatcher": {
"active": false
NOTE: Features not included when creating/updating an ad will not be affected. The old status will still be in effect. This is not possible at the moment. Furthermore, we will have backward compatibility initially. This means that if the "old" feature booking resource is active, this will control the features. Also the response after creating/updating an ad will be supplemented with additional information in the event a feature change was not successful. The ad-data-change will be processed as usual and the response may contain a warning if, for example, the cost control is reached and a booking could not be made.
This will look like:{
"warnings": [
"key": "restricted-feature",
"args": [
"key": "reason",
"key": "feature",
"value": "topOfPage"
"key": "active",
"value": "true"
Additionally a new endpoint will be available to retrieve some additional seller information
Endpoint: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/{seller-id}/feature-settings{
"bookingAssistant": {
"topOfPage": {
"mobileAdIds": [12345, 5324, 54564, 56456546, 45645]
"eyeCatcher": {
"mobileAdIds": [4535, 768768, 231342, 45646]
"costControl": {
"topOfPage": {}
At the beginning you will only receive warnings in case the booking assistant is controlling a specific feature that you try to book/unbook as the cost control is not active yet. From around end of September there will be the first cases where a booking is rejected with a warning because the dealer has activated the cost control for a specific feature.
In case of any technical questions please contact the mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Starting on 30.09.2017 we will switch off the Upload API and the possibility to directly upload files through the dealer area. The Seller API will remain the only way to insert vehicles besides the manual form on mobile.de. A notification was sent out already a few weeks ago to any active interface user.
This step is needed due to increased traffic and complexity during the last years/months.
Please find your shutdown dates according to your contract below:
In case of any technical questions please contact the mobile.de customer service.
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
In case the booking buddy has booked a feature (TOP_OF_PAGE, EYE_CATCHER, PAGE_ONE_AD) any feature changes (booking//unbooking) will be ignored for this specific feature. All other features will be handled as usual for the specific ad.
There will be an Seller-API change in the near future to reflect this in the response after updating an ad. As soon as technical details are clear we will send out a communication.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
From now on it is possible to insert vehicles with price on request instead of entering a price. This affects the following vehicle classes:
In order to insert a vehicle with price on request please specify as follows:
"price": { "type": "ON_REQUEST" }
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Please see seller resource for further details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
This includes Seller-API, Search-API, Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) and Ad-Stream. Please refer to the documentation of the specific interface for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) Ad-Stream
The field top of page mobile is not supported anymore for upload interfaces. This includes Seller-API and Upload-Interface (CSV / XML).
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
The highlights are short free text remarks describing the ad. Depending on the account type (upcoming change in the beginning of the 2017) a dealer can specify a different number of highlights. Please refer to the documentation of the specific interface for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) Ad-Stream
Using the Seller-API it is possible now to create, delete and read upload credentials for assigned dealers in order to use these credentials for managing the inventory. This is especially needed for offline installed tools from service providers. Please see here for further details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The Seller-API supports now the unified data format with the first class json support and simplified xml model.
A refreshed version of the Seller-API is now available here. The previous version of the documentation is still available here.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
The field exhaust inspection (AU) is not supported anymore for upload interfaces and retrieving interfaces. This includes Seller-API, Search-API, Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) and Ad-Stream.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) Ad-Stream
Insertions of and searching by roofbars are not possible anymore.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
It is no longer possible to upload external dataformats (Czekalla, EVA (Volkswagen XML-Format), Schwacke (autoWert, SalesAssist und schwackeNET), SilverDAT II).
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
The number of allowed images may vary for different sellers and should be retrieved using the relevant Seller-API resource. At the moment the number of images is still 15 but the api users are advised to not rely on that fixed number any more and refresh the seller settings periodically.
Please refer to the Seller-API and/or Upload-Interface (German / English) documentation for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML) Seller-API
Our Upload-FTP server is replaced by an HTTPS endpoint and will be switched off by end of 2016. Nothing is changed except the way that the upload file is transported to us (HTTPS instead of FTP). But consider switching to Seller-API anyway.
Please check out the Upload-Interface documentation (German / English) for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
The Seller-API now supports the HTTP Basic Authentication in addition to the existing Token authentication. It uses the same user credentials as the FTP Upload-Interface.
Please check out the Seller-API documentation (Authorization / permissions section) for more details.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Starting today, we will inform our users in csv upload reports about ads, which are blocked or deleted from our quality team. Ads, which are blocked would need to be updated with a dealer to comply with our ad guidelines. Deleted ads need to be deleted by a dealer before it is possible to recreate these ads (this behavior is similar to the approach in our dealer area).
The XML upload report will be appended with the following information for a deleted ad:
The XML upload report will be appended with the following information for a blocked ad:
Note. The old indicator of blocked or deleted ads (element otherWarning/code:ad-blocked) will be removed by the end of the year.
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
The following new search parameters have been added
Affected Interfaces: Search-API
The change has the following semantic:
the vehicle is EnVKV compliant (csv - 95/CR/envkv; xml - vehicle-1.0.xsd/envkv-compliant)
the field 'energy efficiency class' (csv - 169/FN/energy_efficiency_class; xml -
vehicle-1.0.xsd/energy-efficiency-class) must be specified.
More information about these fields is available in:
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
We are offering you the possibility to exclude the payment protection insurance (csv - 162/FG; xml - seller-ad-1.1.xsd/rate-insurance) from the financing offer. This makes it possible to send the following values to the interfaces:
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle KPI-API
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Only if uploading XML, not for CSV:
Affected Interfaces: Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Affected Interfaces: KPI-API
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle
This is just a reminder, nothing new: We are supporting only RGB color space images in all our upload interfaces it is not possible to upload CMYC images to our plattform.
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
Just an advice, nothing new:
Affected Interfaces: Seller-API
Affected Interfaces: Search-API / Inseratsschnittstelle Ad-Stream KPI-API Seller-API Upload-Interface (CSV / XML)
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