The following attributes will be available based on the vehicle class.
German | English | Attribute Name | Type | Comment |
Letzte Wartung (Datum) | Last maintenance (Date) | lastMaintenanceDate (New JSON/XML) last-maintenance-date (Legacy XML) | String | Format: YYYYMM. |
Anhängelast gebremst | Trailer load braked | trailerLoadBraked (New JSON/XML) trailer-load-braked (Legacy XML) | Int | Maximum trailer load, braked. Notation in kg (max 9999). |
Anhängelast gebremst | Trailer load unbraked | trailerLoadUnbraked (New JSON/XML) trailer-load-unbraked (Legacy XML) | Int | Maximum trailer load, braked. Notation in kg (max 9999). |
Stützlast | Support load | maxNoseWeight (New JSON/XML) max-nose-weight (Legacy XML) | Int | Maximum weight or downward force from the caravan's hitch to the tow car's tow ball. Notation in kg (max 999). |
Betriebsgewicht | Operating weight | operatingWeight (New JSON/XML) operating-weight (Legacy XML) | Int | Notation in kg (max 999999). |
Sitzhöhe | Seat height | seatHeight (New JSON/XML) seat-height (Legacy XML) | Int | Height of seats. Notation in mm. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. |
Zylinder | Cylinder | cylinder (New JSON/XML) cylinder (Legacy XML) | Int | Amount of cylinders. The value must be in a range from 1 to 12. |
Tankgröße | Tank volume | fuelTankVolume (New JSON/XML) fuel-tank-volume (Legacy XML) | Int | The volume of fuel tank. Notation in liter. The value must be in a range from 1 to 99. |
Heizung | Heating | heating (New JSON/XML) heating (Legacy XML) | Set | Possible values: GAS, DIESEL, PETROL, ELECTRICITY, WOOD |
Stehhöhe | Standing height | standingHeight (New JSON/XML) standing-height (Legacy XML) | Int | Notation in cm (max 299). |
Zuladung | Payload | payload (New JSON/XML) payload (Legacy XML) | Int | Notation in kg (max 9999). |
Zugelassene Sitzplätze | Approved seats | seatbeltSeats (New JSON/XML) seatbelt-seats (Legacy XML) | Int | Amount of seats with seat belts (max 9). |
Länge (Typ) | Length (type) | lengthType (New JSON/XML) length-type (Legacy XML) | String | Possible values: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 |
Höhe (Typ) | Height (type) | heightType (New JSON/XML) height-type (Legacy XML) | String | Possible values: H1, H2, H3 |
Antriebsart | Drive type | driveType (New JSON/XML) drive-type (Legacy XML) | String | Possible values: FRONT, REAR, ALL_WHEEL |
Radstand | Wheelbase | wheelBase (New JSON/XML) wheel-base (Legacy XML) | String | Possible values: SHORT, MIDDLE, LONG, EXTRA_LONG |
Im Kundenauftrag | On customer´s behalf | onCustomerBehalf (New JSON/XML) on-customer-behalf (Legacy XML) | Boolean | Set to true if the vehicle is sold on the customer's behalf. |
Gefederte Vorderachse | Suspended front axle | suspendedFrontAxle (New JSON/XML) SUSPENDED_FRONT_AXLE in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a suspended front axle. |
Gefederte Kabine | Suspended cab | suspendedCab (New JSON/XML) SUSPENDED_CAB in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The cabin of the vehicle is suspended. |
Druckluftbremsanlage | Air brake system | airBrakeSystem (New JSON/XML) AIR_BRAKE_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has an air brake system. |
Frontzapfwelle | Front PTO | frontPto (New JSON/XML) FRONT_PTO in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | Frontal power take-off shaft. |
Virtuelle Seitenspiege | Virtual side mirror | virtualSideMirror (New JSON/XML) VIRTUAL_SIDE_MIRROR in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has virtual side mirrors. |
Inspektion neu | New service | newService (New JSON/XML) NEW_SERVICE in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle gets a new inspection when sold. |
Navigationsvorbereitung | Navigation preparation | navigationPreparation (New JSON/XML) NAVIGATION_PREPARATION in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a preparation for a navigation system. |
Matt | Matte | matteColor (New JSON/XML) MATTE_COLOR in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The color of the vehicle is matte. |
Umweltbonus | Environmental Bonus | environmentalBonus (New JSON/XML) ENVIRONMENTAL_BONUS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | If the vehicle Eligible for BAFA funding. |
Batterie-Gesundheitszertifikat | Battery Health Certificate | batteryHealthCertificate (New JSON/XML) BATTERY_HEALTH_CERTIFICATE in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | If the battery health certificate is available. |
Rechtslenker | Right-hand-drive | rightHandDrive (New JSON/XML) RIGHT_HAND_DRIVE in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The steering wheel is on the right side. |
Bidirektionales Laden | Bidirectional charging | bidirectionalCharging (New JSON/XML) BIDIRECTIONAL_CHARGING in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | For E-Cars: Bidirectional charging is available. |
Faltdach | Folding roof | foldingRoof (New JSON/XML) FOLDING_ROOF in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a folding roof. |
Wärmepumpe | Heat pump | heatPump (New JSON/XML) HEAT_PUMP in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | For E-Cars: The vehicle has a heat pump. |
Elektr. Sitzeinstellung Memory-Funktion |
Memory seats | memorySeats (New JSON/XML) MEMORY_SEATS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | At least the driver seat has a memory function. |
Stoppie-Control | Stoppie-Control | stoppieControl (New JSON/XML) STOPPIE_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | An "ABS" like system for the motorbike front wheel to prevent the rear wheel from lifting up. |
Wheelie-Control | Wheelie-Control | wheelieControl (New JSON/XML) WHEELIE_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | A system to prevent the front wheel from lifting up. |
Kurven-ABS | Cornering ABS | bankingAbs (New JSON/XML) BANKING_ABS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | When the motorcycle is at an angle, then the ABS kicks in gradually, modulating braking pressure on a scale to improve handling at arguably a rider’s most vulnerable moment. |
Schaltautomat | Quickshifter | quickshifter (New JSON/XML) QUICKSHIFTER in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | A device that eliminates the need to use the clutch or throttle when shifting gears UP on a manual transmission. |
Blipper | Blipper | blipper (New JSON/XML) BLIPPER in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | A device that eliminates the need to use the clutch or throttle when shifting gears DOWN on a manual transmission. |
Griffheizung | Handle heating | handleHeating (New JSON/XML) HANDLE_HEATING in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a handle heating. |
Semi-aktives Fahrwerk | Semi-active chassis | semiActiveChassis (New JSON/XML) SEMI_ACTIVE_CHASSIS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | A type of automotive suspension system that controls the damping force of the shock absorber in response to input from continuously varying road surfaces. |
Drossel | Throttle | throttle (New JSON/XML) THROTTLE in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | Throttle to limit the power. Details should be specified in the description of the vehicle. |
SAT-Anlage | Satellite system | satelliteSystem (New JSON/XML) SATELLITE_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a satellite system. |
Fahrradträger | Bike rack | bikeRack (New JSON/XML) BIKE_RACK in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a bike rack to transport one or more bikes. |
Rangierhilfe | Manoeuvring system | manoeuvringSystem (New JSON/XML) MANOEUVRING_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | A system to remote control the vehicle when parking. |
Warmwasser | Hot water | hotWater (New JSON/XML) HOT_WATER in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a system to provide hot water. |
Ausparkassistent | Rear traffic alert | rearTrafficAlert (New JSON/XML) REAR_TRAFFIC_ALERT in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has a feature that helps drivers avoid collisions when reversing. |
Adaptives Fahrwerk | Dynamic chassis control | dynamicChassisControl (New JSON/XML) DYNAMIC_CHASSIS_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has electronically controlled shock absorbers. |
Anhängerrangierassistent | Trailer assist | trailerAssist (New JSON/XML) TRAILER_ASSIST in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | An assistant system that helps when driving with a trailer. |
Abgedunkelte Scheiben | Tinted windows [Privacy Glass] | tintedWindows (New JSON/XML) TINTED_WINDOWS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The vehicle has tinted windows (privacy glass). |
Elektr. Seitenspiegel anklappbar | Folding exterior mirrors | foldingExteriorMirrors (New JSON/XML) FOLDING_EXTERIOR_MIRRORS in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The side mirrors are electrically foldable. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | queenSizeBed (New JSON/XML) QUEEN_SIZE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Queen size bed. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | frenchBed (New JSON/XML) FRENCH_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. French bed. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | singleBed (New JSON/XML) SINGLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Single bed. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | rearDoubleBed (New JSON/XML) REAR_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Double bed in the back. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | frontDoubleBed (New JSON/XML) FRONT_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Double bed in the front. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | dropDownBed (New JSON/XML) DROP_DOWN_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Drop down bed. |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | popupRoofDoubleBed (New JSON/XML) POPUP_ROOF_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Pop-up roof (double bed). |
Art der Betten | Type of beds | seatConversionBed (New JSON/XML) SEAT_CONVERSION_BED in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Seat conversion bed. |
Sitzgruppen | Seating arrangement | environmentalBonus (New JSON/XML) L_SHAPED_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | Type of seating group: L-shaped seating group |
Sitzgruppen | Seating arrangement | barVersionSeatingArrangement (New JSON/XML) BAR_VERSION_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT in feature set (Legacy XML) | Boolean | Type of seating group: Bar version seating group |
Example Streamed Ad with new values (New XML: application/
Example Streamed Ad with new values (New Json: application/
"mobileAdId": "123",
"suspendedFrontAxle": true,
"suspendedCab": true,
"airBrakeSystem": true,
"frontPto": true,
"virtualSideMirror": true,
"newService": true,
"navigationPreparation": true,
"matteColor": true,
"environmentalBonus": true,
"rightHandDrive": true,
"bidirectionalCharging": true,
"foldingRoof": true,
"heatPump": true,
"memorySeats": true,
"stoppieControl": true,
"wheelieControl": true,
"quickshifter": true,
"blipper": true,
"handleHeating": true,
"semiActiveChassis": true,
"throttle": true,
"satelliteSystem": true,
"bikeRack": true,
"manoeuvringSystem": true,
"hotWater": true,
"steeringAxle": true,
"rearTrafficAlert": true,
"dynamicChassisControl": true,
"trailerAssist": true,
"tintedWindows": true,
"foldingExteriorMirrors": true,
"queenSizeBed": true,
"frenchBed": true,
"singleBed": true,
"rearDoubleBed": true,
"frontDoubleBed": true,
"dropDownBed": true,
"popupRoofDoubleBed": true,
"seatConversionBed": true,
"lShapedSeatingArrangement": true,
"barVersionSeatingArrangement": true,
"lastMaintenanceDate": 202402,
"lastMaintenanceMileage": 100,
"trailerLoadBraked": 500,
"trailerLoadUnbraked": 300,
"maxNoseWeight": 150,
"operatingWeight": 300,
"seatHeight": 4,
"cylinder": 3,
"fuelTankVolume": 10,
"heating": [
"standingHeight": 50,
"payload": 500,
"seatbeltSeats": 5,
"lengthType": "L1",
"heightType": "H1",
"driveType": "ALL_WHEEL",
"wheelBase": "SHORT",
"onCustomerBehalf": true
Example Streamed Ad with new values (Legacy XML: application/xml)
<ad:features url="">
<ad:feature key="SUSPENDED_CAB" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Gefederte Kabine</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="SUSPENDED_FRONT_AXLE" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Gefederte Vorderachse</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="AIR_BRAKE_SYSTEM" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Druckluftbremsanlage</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="VIRTUAL_SIDE_MIRROR" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Virtuelle Seitenspiegel</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="NEW_SERVICE" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Inspektion neu</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="NAVIGATION_PREPARATION" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Navigationsvorbereitung</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="FRONT_PTO" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Frontzapfwelle</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="MATTE_COLOR" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Matt</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="ENVIRONMENTAL_BONUS" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Umweltbonus</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="RIGHT_HAND_DRIVE" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Rechtslenker</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="BIDIRECTIONAL_CHARGING" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bidirektionales Laden</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="FOLDING_ROOF" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Faltdach</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="HEAT_PUMP" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Wärmepumpe</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="MEMORY_SEATS" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Elektr. Sitzeinstellung mit Memory-Funktion</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="STOPPIE_CONTROL" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Stoppie-Control</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="WHEELIE_CONTROL" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Wheelie-Control</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="QUICKSHIFTER" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Schaltautomat</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="BLIPPER" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Blipper</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="HANDLE_HEATING" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Griffheizung</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="SEMI_ACTIVE_CHASSIS" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Semi-aktives Fahrwerk</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="THROTTLE" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Drossel</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="SATELLITE_SYSTEM" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">SAT-Anlage</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="BIKE_RACK" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Fahrradträger</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="MANOEUVRING_SYSTEM" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Rangierhilfe</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="HOT_WATER" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Warmwasser</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="STEERING_AXLE" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Lenkachsse</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="DYNAMIC_CHASSIS_CONTROL" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Adaptives Fahrwerk</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="TRAILER_ASSIST" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Anhängerrangierassistent</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="TINTED_WINDOWS" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Abgedunkelte Scheiben</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="FOLDING_EXTERIOR_MIRROS" url=""/>
<ad:feature key="DISTANCE_WARNING_SYSTEM" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Abstandswarner</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="HILL_START_ASSIST" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Berganfahrassistent</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="QUEEN_SIZE_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Queensbett</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="FRENCH_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Französisches Bett</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="SINGLE_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Einzelbetten</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="REAR_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Doppelbett im Heck</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="FRONT_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Doppelbett im Frontberereich</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="DROP_DOWN_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Klappbett</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="POPUP_ROOF_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Aufstelldach (Doppelbett)</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="SEAT_CONVERSION_BED" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bettumbau Sitzgruppe</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="L_SHAPED_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">L-Sitzgruppe</resource:local-description>
<ad:feature key="BAR_VERSION_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT" url="">
<resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bar-Version</resource:local-description>
<ad:last-maintenance-date value="202402"/>
<ad:last-maintenance-mileage value="50"/>
<ad:trailer-load-braked value="500"/>
<ad:trailer-load-unbraked value="750"/>
<ad:max-nose-weight value="100"/>
<ad:operating-weight value="900"/>
<ad:seat-height value="1000"/>
<ad:cylinder value="4"/>
<ad:fuel-tank-volume value="50"/>
<ad:standing-height value="50"/>
<ad:payload value="900"/>
<ad:seatbelt-seats value="2"/>
<ad:length-type value="L1"/>
<ad:height-type value="H1"/>
<ad:drive-type value="ALL_WHEEL"/>
<ad:wheel-base value="SHORT"/>