New Attributes

The following attributes will be available based on the vehicle class.

German English Attribute Name Type Comment
Letzte Wartung (Datum) Last maintenance (Date) lastMaintenanceDate (New JSON/XML)
last-maintenance-date (Legacy XML)
String Format: YYYYMM.
Anhängelast gebremst Trailer load braked trailerLoadBraked (New JSON/XML)
trailer-load-braked (Legacy XML)
Int Maximum trailer load, braked. Notation in kg (max 9999).
Anhängelast gebremst Trailer load unbraked trailerLoadUnbraked (New JSON/XML)
trailer-load-unbraked (Legacy XML)
Int Maximum trailer load, braked. Notation in kg (max 9999).
Stützlast Support load maxNoseWeight (New JSON/XML)
max-nose-weight (Legacy XML)
Int Maximum weight or downward force from the caravan's hitch to the tow car's tow ball. Notation in kg (max 999).
Betriebsgewicht Operating weight operatingWeight (New JSON/XML)
operating-weight (Legacy XML)
Int Notation in kg (max 999999).
Sitzhöhe Seat height seatHeight (New JSON/XML)
seat-height (Legacy XML)
Int Height of seats. Notation in mm. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999.
Zylinder Cylinder cylinder (New JSON/XML)
cylinder (Legacy XML)
Int Amount of cylinders. The value must be in a range from 1 to 12.
Tankgröße Tank volume fuelTankVolume (New JSON/XML)
fuel-tank-volume (Legacy XML)
Int The volume of fuel tank. Notation in liter. The value must be in a range from 1 to 99.
Heizung Heating heating (New JSON/XML)
heating (Legacy XML)
Stehhöhe Standing height standingHeight (New JSON/XML)
standing-height (Legacy XML)
Int Notation in cm (max 299).
Zuladung Payload payload (New JSON/XML)
payload (Legacy XML)
Int Notation in kg (max 9999).
Zugelassene Sitzplätze Approved seats seatbeltSeats (New JSON/XML)
seatbelt-seats (Legacy XML)
Int Amount of seats with seat belts (max 9).
Länge (Typ) Length (type) lengthType (New JSON/XML)
length-type (Legacy XML)
String Possible values: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
Höhe (Typ) Height (type) heightType (New JSON/XML)
height-type (Legacy XML)
String Possible values: H1, H2, H3
Antriebsart Drive type driveType (New JSON/XML)
drive-type (Legacy XML)
String Possible values: FRONT, REAR, ALL_WHEEL
Radstand Wheelbase wheelBase (New JSON/XML)
wheel-base (Legacy XML)
String Possible values: SHORT, MIDDLE, LONG, EXTRA_LONG
Im Kundenauftrag On customer´s behalf onCustomerBehalf (New JSON/XML)
on-customer-behalf (Legacy XML)
Boolean Set to true if the vehicle is sold on the customer's behalf.
Gefederte Vorderachse Suspended front axle suspendedFrontAxle (New JSON/XML)
SUSPENDED_FRONT_AXLE in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a suspended front axle.
Gefederte Kabine Suspended cab suspendedCab (New JSON/XML)
SUSPENDED_CAB in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The cabin of the vehicle is suspended.
Druckluftbremsanlage Air brake system airBrakeSystem (New JSON/XML)
AIR_BRAKE_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has an air brake system.
Frontzapfwelle Front PTO frontPto (New JSON/XML)
FRONT_PTO in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean Frontal power take-off shaft.
Virtuelle Seitenspiege Virtual side mirror virtualSideMirror (New JSON/XML)
VIRTUAL_SIDE_MIRROR in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has virtual side mirrors.
Inspektion neu New service newService (New JSON/XML)
NEW_SERVICE in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle gets a new inspection when sold.
Navigationsvorbereitung Navigation preparation navigationPreparation (New JSON/XML)
NAVIGATION_PREPARATION in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a preparation for a navigation system.
Matt Matte matteColor (New JSON/XML)
MATTE_COLOR in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The color of the vehicle is matte.
Umweltbonus Environmental Bonus environmentalBonus (New JSON/XML)
ENVIRONMENTAL_BONUS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean If the vehicle Eligible for BAFA funding.
Batterie-Gesundheitszertifikat Battery Health Certificate batteryHealthCertificate (New JSON/XML)
Boolean If the battery health certificate is available.
Rechtslenker Right-hand-drive rightHandDrive (New JSON/XML)
RIGHT_HAND_DRIVE in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The steering wheel is on the right side.
Bidirektionales Laden Bidirectional charging bidirectionalCharging (New JSON/XML)
BIDIRECTIONAL_CHARGING in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean For E-Cars: Bidirectional charging is available.
Faltdach Folding roof foldingRoof (New JSON/XML)
FOLDING_ROOF in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a folding roof.
Wärmepumpe Heat pump heatPump (New JSON/XML)
HEAT_PUMP in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean For E-Cars: The vehicle has a heat pump.
Elektr. Sitzeinstellung
Memory seats memorySeats (New JSON/XML)
MEMORY_SEATS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean At least the driver seat has a memory function.
Stoppie-Control Stoppie-Control stoppieControl (New JSON/XML)
STOPPIE_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean An "ABS" like system for the motorbike front wheel to prevent the rear wheel from lifting up.
Wheelie-Control Wheelie-Control wheelieControl (New JSON/XML)
WHEELIE_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean A system to prevent the front wheel from lifting up.
Kurven-ABS Cornering ABS bankingAbs (New JSON/XML)
BANKING_ABS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean When the motorcycle is at an angle, then the ABS kicks in gradually, modulating braking pressure on a scale to improve handling at arguably a rider’s most vulnerable moment.
Schaltautomat Quickshifter quickshifter (New JSON/XML)
QUICKSHIFTER in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean A device that eliminates the need to use the clutch or throttle when shifting gears UP on a manual transmission.
Blipper Blipper blipper (New JSON/XML)
BLIPPER in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean A device that eliminates the need to use the clutch or throttle when shifting gears DOWN on a manual transmission.
Griffheizung Handle heating handleHeating (New JSON/XML)
HANDLE_HEATING in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a handle heating.
Semi-aktives Fahrwerk Semi-active chassis semiActiveChassis (New JSON/XML)
SEMI_ACTIVE_CHASSIS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean A type of automotive suspension system that controls the damping force of the shock absorber in response to input from continuously varying road surfaces.
Drossel Throttle throttle (New JSON/XML)
THROTTLE in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean Throttle to limit the power. Details should be specified in the description of the vehicle.
SAT-Anlage Satellite system satelliteSystem (New JSON/XML)
SATELLITE_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a satellite system.
Fahrradträger Bike rack bikeRack (New JSON/XML)
BIKE_RACK in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a bike rack to transport one or more bikes.
Rangierhilfe Manoeuvring system manoeuvringSystem (New JSON/XML)
MANOEUVRING_SYSTEM in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean A system to remote control the vehicle when parking.
Warmwasser Hot water hotWater (New JSON/XML)
HOT_WATER in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a system to provide hot water.
Ausparkassistent Rear traffic alert rearTrafficAlert (New JSON/XML)
REAR_TRAFFIC_ALERT in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has a feature that helps drivers avoid collisions when reversing.
Adaptives Fahrwerk Dynamic chassis control dynamicChassisControl (New JSON/XML)
DYNAMIC_CHASSIS_CONTROL in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has electronically controlled shock absorbers.
Anhängerrangierassistent Trailer assist trailerAssist (New JSON/XML)
TRAILER_ASSIST in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean An assistant system that helps when driving with a trailer.
Abgedunkelte Scheiben Tinted windows [Privacy Glass] tintedWindows (New JSON/XML)
TINTED_WINDOWS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The vehicle has tinted windows (privacy glass).
Elektr. Seitenspiegel anklappbar Folding exterior mirrors foldingExteriorMirrors (New JSON/XML)
FOLDING_EXTERIOR_MIRRORS in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The side mirrors are electrically foldable.
Art der Betten Type of beds queenSizeBed (New JSON/XML)
QUEEN_SIZE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Queen size bed.
Art der Betten Type of beds frenchBed (New JSON/XML)
FRENCH_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. French bed.
Art der Betten Type of beds singleBed (New JSON/XML)
SINGLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Single bed.
Art der Betten Type of beds rearDoubleBed (New JSON/XML)
REAR_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Double bed in the back.
Art der Betten Type of beds frontDoubleBed (New JSON/XML)
FRONT_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Double bed in the front.
Art der Betten Type of beds dropDownBed (New JSON/XML)
DROP_DOWN_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Drop down bed.
Art der Betten Type of beds popupRoofDoubleBed (New JSON/XML)
POPUP_ROOF_DOUBLE_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Pop-up roof (double bed).
Art der Betten Type of beds seatConversionBed (New JSON/XML)
SEAT_CONVERSION_BED in feature set (Legacy XML)
Boolean The type of beds available. Can be more than one. Seat conversion bed.
Sitzgruppen Seating arrangement environmentalBonus (New JSON/XML)
Boolean Type of seating group: L-shaped seating group
Sitzgruppen Seating arrangement barVersionSeatingArrangement (New JSON/XML)
Boolean Type of seating group: Bar version seating group


Example Streamed Ad with new values (New XML: application/


Example Streamed Ad with new values (New Json: application/

            "mobileAdId": "123",
            "suspendedFrontAxle": true,
            "suspendedCab": true,
            "airBrakeSystem": true,
            "frontPto": true,
            "virtualSideMirror": true,
            "newService": true,
            "navigationPreparation": true,
            "matteColor": true,
            "environmentalBonus": true,
            "rightHandDrive": true,
            "bidirectionalCharging": true,
            "foldingRoof": true,
            "heatPump": true,
            "memorySeats": true,
            "stoppieControl": true,
            "wheelieControl": true,
            "quickshifter": true,
            "blipper": true,
            "handleHeating": true,
            "semiActiveChassis": true,
            "throttle": true,
            "satelliteSystem": true,
            "bikeRack": true,
            "manoeuvringSystem": true,
            "hotWater": true,
            "steeringAxle": true,
            "rearTrafficAlert": true,
            "dynamicChassisControl": true,
            "trailerAssist": true,
            "tintedWindows": true,
            "foldingExteriorMirrors": true,
            "queenSizeBed": true,
            "frenchBed": true,
            "singleBed": true,
            "rearDoubleBed": true,
            "frontDoubleBed": true,
            "dropDownBed": true,
            "popupRoofDoubleBed": true,
            "seatConversionBed": true,
            "lShapedSeatingArrangement": true,
            "barVersionSeatingArrangement": true,
            "lastMaintenanceDate": 202402,
            "lastMaintenanceMileage": 100,
            "trailerLoadBraked": 500,
            "trailerLoadUnbraked": 300,
            "maxNoseWeight": 150,
            "operatingWeight": 300,
            "seatHeight": 4,
            "cylinder": 3,
            "fuelTankVolume": 10,
            "heating": [
            "standingHeight": 50,
            "payload": 500,
            "seatbeltSeats": 5,
            "lengthType": "L1",
            "heightType": "H1",
            "driveType": "ALL_WHEEL",
            "wheelBase": "SHORT",
            "onCustomerBehalf": true


Example Streamed Ad with new values (Legacy XML: application/xml)

                <ad:features url="">
                    <ad:feature key="SUSPENDED_CAB" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Gefederte Kabine</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="SUSPENDED_FRONT_AXLE" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Gefederte Vorderachse</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="AIR_BRAKE_SYSTEM" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Druckluftbremsanlage</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="VIRTUAL_SIDE_MIRROR" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Virtuelle Seitenspiegel</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="NEW_SERVICE" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Inspektion neu</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="NAVIGATION_PREPARATION" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Navigationsvorbereitung</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="FRONT_PTO" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Frontzapfwelle</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="MATTE_COLOR" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Matt</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="ENVIRONMENTAL_BONUS" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Umweltbonus</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="RIGHT_HAND_DRIVE" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Rechtslenker</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="BIDIRECTIONAL_CHARGING" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bidirektionales Laden</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="FOLDING_ROOF" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Faltdach</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="HEAT_PUMP" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Wärmepumpe</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="MEMORY_SEATS" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Elektr. Sitzeinstellung mit Memory-Funktion</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="STOPPIE_CONTROL" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Stoppie-Control</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="WHEELIE_CONTROL" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Wheelie-Control</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="QUICKSHIFTER" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Schaltautomat</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="BLIPPER" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Blipper</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="HANDLE_HEATING" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Griffheizung</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="SEMI_ACTIVE_CHASSIS" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Semi-aktives Fahrwerk</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="THROTTLE" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Drossel</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="SATELLITE_SYSTEM" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">SAT-Anlage</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="BIKE_RACK" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Fahrradträger</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="MANOEUVRING_SYSTEM" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Rangierhilfe</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="HOT_WATER" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Warmwasser</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="STEERING_AXLE" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Lenkachsse</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="DYNAMIC_CHASSIS_CONTROL" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Adaptives Fahrwerk</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="TRAILER_ASSIST" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Anhängerrangierassistent</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="TINTED_WINDOWS" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Abgedunkelte Scheiben</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="FOLDING_EXTERIOR_MIRROS" url=""/>
                    <ad:feature key="DISTANCE_WARNING_SYSTEM" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Abstandswarner</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="HILL_START_ASSIST" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Berganfahrassistent</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="QUEEN_SIZE_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Queensbett</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="FRENCH_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Französisches Bett</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="SINGLE_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Einzelbetten</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="REAR_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Doppelbett im Heck</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="FRONT_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Doppelbett im Frontberereich</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="DROP_DOWN_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Klappbett</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="POPUP_ROOF_DOUBLE_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Aufstelldach (Doppelbett)</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="SEAT_CONVERSION_BED" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bettumbau Sitzgruppe</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="L_SHAPED_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">L-Sitzgruppe</resource:local-description>
                    <ad:feature key="BAR_VERSION_SEATING_ARRANGEMENT" url="">
                        <resource:local-description xml-lang="de">Bar-Version</resource:local-description>
                <ad:last-maintenance-date value="202402"/>
                <ad:last-maintenance-mileage value="50"/>
                <ad:trailer-load-braked value="500"/>
                <ad:trailer-load-unbraked value="750"/>
                <ad:max-nose-weight value="100"/>
                <ad:operating-weight value="900"/>
                <ad:seat-height value="1000"/>
                <ad:cylinder value="4"/>
                <ad:fuel-tank-volume value="50"/>
                <ad:standing-height value="50"/>
                <ad:payload value="900"/>
                <ad:seatbelt-seats value="2"/>
                <ad:length-type value="L1"/>
                <ad:height-type value="H1"/>
                <ad:drive-type value="ALL_WHEEL"/>
                <ad:wheel-base value="SHORT"/>