- Basics
- Introduction
- Quick Start
- Access and Testing
- High Level Concepts
- Cross Cutting Technical Concerns
- Working with Ad Data
- References
- Resources Reference
- Data Format Reference
- Data Types Reference
- Ad
- Ads
- AdQuality
- BookableFeatures
- BookableFeature
- Statistic
- DeliveryOption
- MultiLocation
- WarningResponse
- Warning
- Seller
- Sellers
- FeatureSettings
- BookingAssistantFeatures
- BookingAssistantFeature
- CostControlFeature
- CostControlFeatures
- IndividualContact
- Location
- SellerSettings
- DealerRatingSettings
- DirectOfferSettings
- Phones
- Phone
- Responsibility
- Coordinates
- AutomatedExport
- PictureProvider
- BillingForecast
- InvoiceItem
- FreeContingent
- SpecialCondition
- Financing
- Price
- Image
- Images
- Dimension
- Kba
- EBikeLeasing
- AutoPanoramaImage
- AutoPanoramaInterior
- AutoPanoramaExterior
- PriceRating
- PriceRatingLabelRange
- RatingOverview
- Ratings
- Rating
- RatingPerson
- RatingDealerContactedBy
- RatingAd
- RatingReply
- EmailInvites
- EmailInvite
- Leasing
- LeasingRate
- ObsAttributes
- PickupAddress
- PickupContact
- ObsDocuments
- ObsDocument
- SelfUploadAccount
- ErrorResponse
- Error
- Arg
- DirectOffer
- DirectOfferResponse
- Emissions
- EmissionValues
- Consumptions
- ConsumptionValues
- CostModel
- Co2Costs
- Co2CostModel
- TimeFrame
- Envkv
- FeatureBlockReason
- AdFeature
- AdQualityStatus
- SellerType
- Salutation
- RatingYesNoAnswer
- BoughtTheCarAnswer
- InviteState
- LeasingType
- PickupTires
- Role
- Fields for Vehicle Classes
- Data Types Reference
- Formatting of Description
- Error Handling and Data Validation
- Reference Data
- Support
- Customer Support Contact
- How to report an error, downtime or a bug?
- Where to find the internal number?
- Difference between mobileSellerId / customerNumber?
- How to prevent new ad placements?
- How to renew an ad?
- Reference data explanation
- Semantic Validation
- Table of Mandatory fields
- HTTP status and error codes
- Seller-API and the costs
- Suggestions / recommendations on our Seller-API and/or the documentation
The mobile.de Seller-API is an interface to store seller vehicle and user data to the mobile.de-database and make them available on the platform as classified ads. It enables API users to carry out all necessary operations to manage the full lifecycle of listings from creation to deletion.
The API is available at this base URL:
Main features
Create a new ad
Delete an ad
List all sellers ads
List all sellers of an API-account
Upload images
Change the order of existing images
Create Direct Offer for an ad
Get Direct Offer for an ad
Seller API Access can be granted to Transfer Service Providers and Self-Uploading Dealers registered with mobile.de. Self-Uploading Dealers or their tool developers/agencies who only want to provide data for their own account won’t need a separate Seller-API-Account. In case of a company group with one or more accounts belonging to the same company each account will be seen independently and transfer has to be done using the individual upload credentials of each account. They just need to send an email to service@team.mobile.de with the following information
the affected mobile.de customer number and company name
the request for the customers Seller-API activation
For Transfer Service Providers who want to operate as a TSP for more than ten customers, since the Seller APIs is a highly complex topic, we need the following information to be send to service@team.mobile.de:
The name, email and telephone number of the person who handles contractual issues for the requesting company.
The name, email and telephone number of the person who handles technical issues for the requesting company.
What kind of software applications or tools are currently used (commercial software applications)?
Which platform will be supplied? (mobile.de / automobile.fr)?
The complete company address.
The VAT ID of the requesting company.
All mobile.de customer numbers who should be supplied (min. 10)
Limited support for the development process and maintenance: Please note that all examples provided in our documentation are considered as guidelines for your development process but mobile.de for itself is not able to directly assist with any of your preferred programming languages and/or used scripts. |
Test Account
A test environment can be provided. Please send us all information mentioned in our Prerequisites to service@team.mobile.de. For more details see section API Sandbox.
Quick Start
Make a sample REST API call to the testing environment of mobile.de.
cURL: This example is using cURL, an open source command line tool, to make http requests. On Mac or Linux systems cURL is usually pre-installed, Windows users can find cURL at https://curl.haxx.se.
For this example you need read access to the Seller API in the API Sandbox environment. Please refer to the Getting a Test Account to get access to the testing environment.
Make a Test Call
The previous step equipped you with a username and password for the test system. Lets make a test call and list all sellers associated to your test account.
curl -vs -u username:password \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json" \
"sellers": [
"mobileSellerId": "884",
"customerNumber": "873",
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"maxImages": 15,
"maxHighlights": 1,
"automatedExports": [
"marketplace": "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de",
"eligible": true,
"active": false
"videoUrl": false
"companyName": "The Wall"
Access and Testing
Authentication and Authorization
The API is available at this base URL:
In order to upload listings on behalf of mobile.de customers you’ll need to register as an API user on the mobile.de platform. Please contact the Customer Support for further details about the activation process!
The user must be authenticated with a username and password using the HTTP basic authentication scheme. For detailed information on HTTP basic authentication see
During the activation process the Customer Support will provide you with instructions how to get the access credentials. The credentials are unique for each API user and do not dependent on sellers or ads.
API Sandbox
Please note that the returned location headers for POST requests are currently pointing to the production environment. |
For testing purposes an api sandbox environment is available.
The sandbox only offers the full functionality of the following apis:
Getting a Test Account
The API test account can be requested by email to service@team.mobile.de. The email should state that you request an API User account for the API Sandbox environment. Including your project and your requirements.
High Level Concepts
API User / TSP
An API user
is the entity that has an API account
and uses that account to post ads for one or more sellers (which are linked to that account) to the API.
Usually the API user
is a TSP (Transfer Service Provider
) which posts ads for a larger number of sellers.
For posting the API User is using his API User authentication credentials for every assigned seller.
This is for TSPs wo are having a web based platform.
API User / TSP with individual sellers
In addition to the standard API User / TSP definition on top where the API User is using the API User credentials for API usage there is the
possibility to create individual dealer upload credentials also for TSP managed sellers. This is called Self-Upload-Account
This is for TSPs managing several dealers providing an offline based tool where the credentials would be stored on the dealers device.
Individual Dealer
A dealer is able to use the API like a TSP but only for his dealer account.
When the Upload Interface is activated an API_User
is created.
This is for dealers having own tools to manage the inventory on mobile.de.
The ad represents a vehicle for sale that is published on the mobile.de platform. It consists among the others of:
vehicle details
booked features - e.g.
to make an appear on the top of the search results to increase the sell probability
The seller represents information about the owner of the vehicle. It consists among the others of:
company name (for commercial sellers)
name of the seller (for private sellers)
contact details
A unique identifier of an ad published on the mobile.de platform.
It is primarily used to identify a particular ad when invoking a rest call.
For this purpose the mobileAdId
is passed as a path parameter.
A unique identifier of a seller that publishes ads on the mobile.de platform.
Image Reference
A unique url that identifies an image on the mobile.de platform.
This is also known as image url
or simply image ref
The image refs are used for associating uploaded images with ads.
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Site Id
Also knows as Site Key
The mobile.de runs different websites in different countries.
For example http://www.mobile.de in Germany and http://www.automobile.it in Italy.
Each of those sites is identified by a site-key
You can find a full list of the site ids in our reference data.
However this API is for all of those sites but for the various sites there may exist some different rules for offering a vehicle and different sets of reference data (make and model sets, vehicle classes and feature sets) might be visible.
Each seller is at home on one of these sites. When posting ads, they are created on the site where the seller is at home and so the specific reference data and validation rules of that site apply to new ads.
This is why you should know on which site your sellers are at home. See Seller Resource section to find out the site ids of your sellers.
Reference Data
Reference data is a set of tables that define valid values for a number of fields such as colors, makes, models and others.
For example. Valid values for the field gearbox are defined by the reference data endpoint https://services.mobile.de/refdata/gearboxes.
Please refer to the Reference Data full details section for more information.
Cross Cutting Technical Concerns
This section contains rules and behaviours that are common for all mobile.de
Please adhere to the these guides for all api calls unless specified otherwise in the detailed documentation for a particular service call.
In general the API follows the conventions for REST-APIs. All communication is done via HTTP. Correct combination of request methods (verbs) and URL trigger the actions of the API.
You can find more information about the REST principles here:
A resource in REST terminology means a piece of information such as Ad, Seller or Image.
Http Verbs
Where possible, the Seller API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs (methods) for each action.
Used for retrieving resources.
Used for creating resources.
Used for replacing resources or collections.
Used for deleting resources.
Idempotent Methods
An idempotent http method is an operation that when called multiple times it does not change state on the server side.
are idempotent.
operation in general is not idempotent as each call creates a new resource on the server.
Status Codes
Http status codes represents a result of an api call.
- 200 (OK)
A successful API call will be indicated by an HTTP-status code 200 (OK).
- 201 (created)
When you have posted something, a successful API call will be indicated by an HTTP-status code 201 (created). Have a look at the returned HTTP header
.It contains the URL of the newly created resource and you should memorize at least the id or key of that item, which you can find at the end of the URL.
Example of a newly created ad with the mobileAdId 456:
Location: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/123/ads/456
- 204 (no content)
After deleting something (HTTP method DELETE) a successful API call will be indicated by an HTTP-status code 204 (No Content), though that resource no longer exists.
- 400 (bad request)
This code is returned when there is something wrong with the content that you have sent. In most cases the response payload contains more details about what went wrong. See Error Responses for more details.
- 401 (Unauthorized)
The access credentials are not correct. Please see [Authentication and Authorisation] section for more details.
- 403 (Forbidden)
The API user doesn’t have sufficient permissions to perform the api call.
- 404 (not found)
This status code is returned when you are trying to access a resource that does not exist. In a simple case this can be a typo in the path you are accessing, but this can also have another reason:
From your point of view, only sellers that are linked to your API account are visible. So if you try to read or write data for a seller that is not linked to your account and therefore not existing in your API universe, you will get an HTTP status code 404.
The seller with the Id 123 is linked to your account, the seller with the Id 456 is not. Posting an ad to
results in an HTTP status 201 (created) whereas posting an ad to/seller-api/sellers/456/ads
results in an HTTP status 404 (not found).If you keep getting not found errors, check the following list of possible error causes:
Do you use the correct seller-key in your requests URLs?
Make sure you send your requests to the correct URL containing the seller-key of the customer you are servicing. Ask Customer Support whether the customer account had been properly set for TSP servicing with your mobile.de TSP account.
Do you use the correct HTTP method and API service URL?
Take a look at the API Use Case table provided below and make sure you got the API base URL, resource path and HTTP method right.
- 405 (method not allowed)
This status code indicates that the endpoint either doesn’t support specified http verb (method) or the requested media type is not supported. Please check the value of the
header is correct as specified in the Media Types section. - 409 (conflict)
This status code indicates there is a concflict between the incoming request and the current state of the resource. In most cases the response payload contains more details about what went wrong. See Error Responses for more details.
- 415 (unsupported media type)
The write endpoint doesn’t accept data in specified format. Please check the value of the
header is correct as specified in the Media Types section. - 5xx
If you receive an HTTP code starting with 5 it indicates that the service faced an internal error. Please contact Customer Support and report the error.
Path Parameters
The api uses path parameters
to identify resources.
A path parameter is a part of the url that must be replaced with some value (usually a resource id) when making an api call.
Parameters are named (prefixed with ":"
) to make it possible to refer to particular parameter.
For example:
contains two path parameters: mobileSellerId and mobileAdId.
When making an api call the values must be specified for all parameters, e.g. assuming that mobileSellerId=12
and mobileAdId=34
the url will be
Media Types
The api exchanges the data using either json
or xml
Both representations (media types) use the same schema in terms of fields names and types. Detailed description of data structures for
individual operations is available in the Resources Reference section.
The api client indicates the preferred data representation using the Accept
header for reading use cases (GET requests)
and the Content-Type
header for writing use cases (PUT, POST requests).
Operation | Media type | Http header |
read |
json |
Accept: |
write |
json |
Content-Type: |
read |
xml |
Accept: |
write |
xml |
Content-Type: |
Json Representation
Sample json response.
GET /seller-api/sellers/12 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileSellerId": "12",
"customerNumber": "8",
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"maxImages": 30,
"maxHighlights": 3,
"usedCarSeals": [
"automatedExports" : [
"eligible" : true,
"marketplace" : "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de",
"active" : false
"videoUrl" : true
"companyName": "Smoke AG"
Xml Representation
Sample xml response.
GET /seller-api/sellers/12 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<companyName>Smoke AG</companyName>
Error Responses
The Seller-API responds with HTTP status 400 (bad request) in case of user caused errors. This includes among the other cases like:
unparsable json or xml,
syntactically incorrect data - e.g. json data that doesn’t match the schema
validation errors - e.g. mandatory fields are missing
In such cases the api tries to include in the error response as much details as possible to help the user to identify the problem.
The error message is sent as the response body using the following schema Error Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<value>ParseError at [row,col]:[1,768]
Message: The element type "vehicleClass" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</vehicleClass>".</value>
"errors": [
"key": "envkv_energy_efficiency_class_is_empty"
"key": "delivery-period-xor-delivery-date"
The representation of the error response is dictated by the requested media type. See Media Types for more details. |
For more details about validation rules for individual resources please visit the [Resources] section.
Special characters in payload
Please make sure to escape any special characters in your JSON and XML payload before sending requests. Ideally, this is automatically handled by your client library. Escapes or unescapes a string removing traces of reserved characters that could prevent parsing.
The following characters are reserved in JSON and must be properly escaped to be used in strings:
Double quote is replaced with \"
Backslash is replaced with \\
For a full list of reserved characters in JSON please visit http://www.json.org.
Escaping \\ linebreaks for the advanced vehicle discription with WIKI syntax:
"description": "The vehicle has the following additional features:\\\\ * Winter tires Warranty\\\\ * Warranty"
Do not send multiple requests for the same ad at the same time. Always wait for the request to be finished before sending the next one (in scope of the same ad) or you will run into problems.
E.g. do not update one ad’s images while another image-update-call for the same ad is still in progress.
Date Time Representation
This part contains general information regarding how to work with date/time based fields in the APIs of mobile.de.
Date Time
The datetime information is represented as text that conforms to the ISO_8601 standard.
It is formatted using the Europe/Berlin
time zone offset, for example 2015-12-01T18:40:44+01:00
"creationDate": "2015-12-01T18:40:44+01:00"
Month and Year
Some fields require only year and month precision. They are represented as text using yyyyMM
"firstRegistration": "200909",
"generalInspection": "201611"
The fields that require information only about the year are represented as a number using yyyy
"constructionYear": 2010
Working with Ad Data
Seller API allows you to manage your vehicle inventory in a programmatic way and integrate it with other applications. It enables you to carry out all necessary operations to handle the full lifecycle of listings from creation to deletion.
The main object that you’ll encounter in the API is the ad object. An ad object contains all the data necessary to visually display the vehicle as a listing on the mobile.de marketplace. Currently ad data are exchange in either JSON or XML format. All mobile.de APIs use the same unified data format, you can learn more about it here.
The ad object contains roughly three parts: Platform meta data for the mobile.de, the vehicle for sale and additional information about the listing. |
- Platform Meta Data
mobileAdId The unique identifier for an ad object on mobile.de marketplace.
Example: 123456789123mobileSellerId Reference to the seller of this ad object.
Example: 1234567creationDate The insertion date of the ad object.
Example: 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00renewalDate Last date the ad was marked as new. If this field is set, then the ad appears as a newly created ad in search results.
Example: 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00
- Vehicle Data
classification General classification of the vehicle.
Example: Car or Motorbikecategory Detailed classification of the vehicle.
Example: Cabrio or Limousinemake Make of the vehicle.
Example: Mercedes or Toyotamodel Model of the vehicle.
Example: X5 or PriusmodelDescription Detailed free text description of the vehicle. This is also used as ad title together with the make.
Example: Golf III always parked in garage
- Additional Ad Information
price Provides price information for the vehicle, including currency, VAT rate and price type.
deliveryDate Date where the vehicle is ready to be delivered to the customer.
damageUnrepaired Indicates if the vehicle has a damage. e.g. accident vehicle with body damage.
How Ad Data Are Rendered
Representation as JSON data in Seller API
This is an ad fragment in JSON format for demonstration purposes only, some fields are not included. |
"mobileAdId": "57325222", (1)
"mobileSellerId": "122976",
"make": "VW",
"model": "Touran",
"category": "SmallCar", (2)
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"modelDescription": "Car Model Description and Title", (3)
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"firstRegistration": "201002",
"mileage": 250011,
"deliveryPeriod": 6,
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "12000.00", (4)
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Representation as listing on mobile.de marketplace
This is how ad data are displayed in the public detail view on mobile.de. |

Workflow example
This section provides a sample workflow from creation to deletion of an ad.
You’ll need mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
in addition to your authentication credential in order to work with most endpoints in Seller API.
For more information about each resource, have a look at our Resources Reference.
- (Optional) Upload images
PUT /seller-api/sellers/images
If you have images, use this endpoint to preupload them one by one before creating your ad. The response will be a reference for each uploaded image, which you have to include in your ad JSON. Please see Images Resource for more details how to upload images.
Image reference example:
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467631f9-acce-1e7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
- Create a new ad
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads
Insert a new ad for seller identified bymobileSellerId
in the resource path. You can send either the complete ad data or only the required fields and update the rest later. At this point it is also possible to book paid features from mobile.de marketplace or order them in a separate update call. You’ll receive a newmobileAdId
as reference in theLocation
header after the ad is created.
Ad created response example:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217220
- Retrieve ad
To retrieve your newly created ad, useGET
on the ad resource. See Data Example for some sample data. - Update ad data
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
To change your ad after it was created, usePUT
on the ad resource. The request body must be the complete ad with all fields. - View statistics
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/statistic
Seller API also provides various statistics about your ad performance through this endpoint. - Mark ad as new
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/vehicle-attribute/renewal-date
on therenewal-date
endpoint to renew your ad. It will be relisted and appears like a new ad in search results. - Book features
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
Book additional paid ad features from mobile.de marketplace to increase your ad performance, e.g. highlight ad with a larger preview image on top of the search result page. - Delete ad
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
To delete your old ads, useDELETE
on the ad resource. Seller API will response withHTTP 200
status when the ad was successfully deleted. All associated images will be purged as well.
How to handle errors
Errors during ad creation and update
In case the submitted data or call syntax in general is incorrect the api call results in HTTP 400
status response.
Seller API will provide an error-key
as feedback, if available. You can find the explaination for each error key under
Error Keys.
Example response with error-key
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"errors": [
"key": "invalid-value"
"args": [
"key": "path",
"value": "gearbox"
"key": "invalid-value",
"value": "XYZ"
Upload image failures
Once uploaded, the image could be associated with a newly created or existing ad. Calls may take longer duration due to file uploading and storage, so consider checking the timeouts and/or retries in case of an error. In case Seller API response with an error-key, you can check the details in this list for image error keys.
Data Example
This section provides some sample data from a typical ad object in JSON format.
For a complete description of all fields, see Ad Schema. |
"mobileAdId": "123456789",
"mobileSellerId": "98761",
"creationDate": "2016-12-06T12:55:36+01:00",
"modificationDate": "2017-03-02T14:22:47+01:00",
"uploadSticky": false,
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "EstateCar",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A4",
"modelDescription": "A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI multitronic Attraction",
"condition": "USED",
"firstRegistration": "201002",
"mileage": 800,
"cubicCapacity": 1984,
"power": 155,
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"emissionSticker": "EMISSIONSSTICKER_GREEN",
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acce-1e7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "fda8487ed7fcfbecdf1eb55cf582fccf"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acce-1d7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "fda8487ed7fcfbecdf1eb55cf582fccf"
"emissionClass": "EURO4",
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": 86.0,
"co2Class": "C"
"consumptions": {
"fuel": {
"city": 5.4,
"suburban": 4.0,
"rural": 4.2,
"highway": 6.4,
"combined": 4.4
"costModel": {
"fuelPrice": "1.75",
"consumptionPriceYear": 2024,
"co2Costs": {
"low": {
"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
"accumulated": "4345"
"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": 2024,
"till": 2034
"consumptionCosts": "3234"
"exteriorColor": "SILVER",
"manufacturerColorName": "Silver Moon",
"doors": "FOUR_OR_FIVE",
"seats": 5,
"interiorColor": "GREY",
"interiorType": "ALCANTARA",
"generalInspection": "201402",
"constructionDate": "2010-07-15T00:00:00+02:00",
"numberOfPreviousOwners": 2,
"countryVersion": "DE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"roadworthy": false,
"abs": true,
"alloyWheels": true,
"centralLocking": true,
"electricHeatedSeats": true,
"electricWindows": true,
"esp": true,
"immobilizer": true,
"powerAssistedSteering": true,
"description": "This is really a nice car. The only strange thing is that so called flux capacitor that it is equipped with. The previous owner told me that he took it from an old DeLorean. No idea what it is good for.",
"schwackeCode": 10110413,
"deliveryPeriod": 6,
"price": {
"dealerPriceGross": "13090.00",
"consumerPriceGross": "13090.00",
"dealerPriceNet": "11000.00",
"consumerPriceNet": "11000.00",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Resources Reference
This section contains a detailed description of all rest apis provided by the Seller API
Please note the that below endpoints are available on the following base url: Please refer to the Access and Testing paragraph to get more information how to access the api and the test environment. |
Name | Method | Endpoint |
Auto Panorama |
This is a readonly interface that allows retrieving information about the sellers associated with a given Api User account.
The information contains also the maximum number of images the seller is allowed to upload per each ad. Please note that this number may vary for different sellers and could change over the time. |
List all sellers
GET /seller-api/sellers
Provides a list of Sellers associated with the given Api User. The result contains all details so there is no need to make an additional call to Retrieve a single seller endpoint for more details.
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
GET /seller-api/sellers HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"sellers": [
"mobileSellerId": "12",
"customerNumber": "8",
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"maxImages": 30,
"maxHighlights": 3,
"usedCarSeals": [
"automatedExports" : [
"eligible" : true,
"marketplace" : "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de",
"active" : false
"videoUrl" : true,
"leasing": {
"maxPrivateRates": 16,
"maxCommercialRates": 16
"companyName": "Smoke AG"
"mobileSellerId": "2173",
"customerNumber": "2186",
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"maxImages": 15,
"maxHighlights": 0,
"usedCarSeals": [
"automatedExports" : [
"eligible" : true,
"marketplace" : "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de",
"active" : false
"videoUrl" : true,
"leasing": {
"maxPrivateRates": 16,
"maxCommercialRates": 16
"companyName": "Weatherill's"
Retrieve a single seller
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId
Retrieves a single Seller identified by the mobileSellerId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read details of the specified seller. |
GET /seller-api/sellers/12 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileSellerId": "12",
"customerNumber": "8",
"type": "DEALER",
"siteId": "GERMANY",
"readonly": false,
"settings": {
"maxImages": 30,
"maxHighlights": 3,
"usedCarSeals": [
"automatedExports" : [
"eligible" : true,
"marketplace" : "ebay-kleinanzeigen.de",
"active" : false
"videoUrl" : true,
"leasing": {
"maxPrivateRates": 16,
"maxCommercialRates": 16
"directOffer": {
"eligible": true,
"blocked": false
"companyName": "Smoke AG",
"billingForecast": {
"billingPeriod": "2017-07",
"calculationDate": "2017-07-23",
"invoiceLanguage": "de",
"currency": "EUR",
"invoiceItems": [
"descriptor": "VEHICLE_COUNT",
"accountType": "GOLD",
"fromDate": "2017-07-01",
"toDate": "2017-07-31",
"unitPrice": "169.99",
"totalPrice": "169.99",
"articleCount": "8.04",
"quantityAmount": "23.0",
"quantityUnit": "DAY"
"descriptor": "VEHICLE_INSERTION",
"accountType": "",
"fromDate": "2017-07-01",
"toDate": "2017-07-31",
"unitPrice": "2.99",
"totalPrice": "0.0",
"articleCount": "8.0",
"quantityAmount": "0.0",
"quantityUnit": "ITEM"
"freeContingents": [
"descriptor": "TOP_OF_PAGE",
"description": "Top-Inserat inkl. kostenfreiem Kontingent",
"available": "0",
"contingentUnlimited": false
Billing forecast details will be omitted in case it is not up to date. |
Retrieve ad feature settings
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/feature-settings
Retrieves Feature Settings for Booking Buddy and Cost Control from a single Seller identified by the mobileSellerId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read details of the specified seller. |
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/feature-settings HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"bookingAssistant": {
"topOfPage": {
"mobileAdIds": [
"405967", "35345003", "5485002"
"eyeCatcher": {
"mobileAdIds": [
"7891012", "24522453"
Billing forecast details will be omitted in case it is not up to date. |
This resource allows complete management of a seller’s inventory.
It provides a CRUD
set of operations to manipulate ad data.
Create a new ad
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads
Creates a new ad for the seller identified by mobileSellerId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Http Headers
Header | Explanation |
X-Mobile-Insertion-Request-Id |
Unique value per ad creation operation. Please refer to Avoiding Duplicated Ads In Case Of Failure for more details. Restrictions:
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
303 |
This ad already exists. Please refer to Avoiding Duplicated Ads In Case Of Failure for more details. |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to create ads for the specified seller. |
Sample Success Request
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Cabrio",
"make": "ASTON MARTIN",
"model": "DB9",
"modelDescription": "DB9 Volante",
"condition": "NEW",
"power": 283,
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"emissionSticker": "EMISSIONSSTICKER_GREEN",
"emissions": {
"combined": {
"co2": 86.0,
"co2Class": "C"
"consumptions": {
"fuel": {
"city": 5.4,
"suburban": 4.0,
"rural": 4.2,
"highway": 6.4,
"combined": 4.4
"costModel": {
"fuelPrice": "1.75",
"consumptionPriceYear": 2024,
"co2Costs": {
"low": {
"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
"accumulated": "4345"
"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": 2024,
"till": 2034
"consumptionCosts": "3234"
"exteriorColor": "BLACK",
"manufacturerColorName": "schwarz",
"metallic": true,
"interiorColor": "BLACK",
"interiorType": "LEATHER",
"countryVersion": "BE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"accidentDamaged": false,
"roadworthy": false,
"abs": true,
"centralLocking": true,
"electricHeatedSeats": true,
"electricWindows": true,
"esp": true,
"navigationSystem": true,
"parkingAssistants": [
"powerAssistedSteering": true,
"description": "Getriebe Automatik-6-Gang, ASR Antriebsschlupfregelung, CD-Wechsler, Radio/CD, Aussentemperaturanzeige, Diebstahlwarnanlage, Scheinwerferreinigung, Bordcomputer/Reiserechner, Heckantrieb, Lenksaeule mech/elektrisch einstellbar, elektrisch einklappbare Aussenspiegel, 19-\" Felgen, Designpaket Royal, Windschott, Raucherpaket",
"deliveryPeriod": 14,
"dealerHomepage": true,
"warranty": true,
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "20498.94",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4",
"nationalDelivery": {
"radius": 400,
"period": 90,
"fee": 50,
"additionalInformation": "Lieferung über unseren Dienstleister 'InstantoCar'"
Sample Success Response
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217220
The |
Sample Error Request
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Motorbike",
"category": "Motorcycle",
"make": "CAGIVA",
"modelDescription": "Gilera",
"condition": "USED",
"firstRegistration": "200302",
"mileage": 26000,
"cubicCapacity": 665,
"power": 45,
"gearbox": "XYZ",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"fullServiceHistory": true,
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"drivingMode": "CHAIN_DRIVE",
"electricStarter": true,
"windshield": true,
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "2000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
Sample Error Response
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"errors": [
"key": "invalid-value"
"args": [
"key": "path",
"value": "gearbox"
"key": "invalid-value",
"value": "XYZ"
Sample Request with Images
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Cabrio",
"make": "ASTON MARTIN",
"model": "DB9",
"modelDescription": "DB9 Volante",
"condition": "NEW",
"power": 283,
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"emissionSticker": "EMISSIONSSTICKER_GREEN",
"exteriorColor": "BLACK",
"manufacturerColorName": "schwarz",
"metallic": true,
"interiorColor": "BLACK",
"interiorType": "LEATHER",
"countryVersion": "BE",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"accidentDamaged": false,
"roadworthy": false,
"abs": true,
"centralLocking": true,
"electricHeatedSeats": true,
"electricWindows": true,
"esp": true,
"navigationSystem": true,
"parkingAssistants": [
"powerAssistedSteering": true,
"description": "Getriebe Automatik-6-Gang, ASR Antriebsschlupfregelung, CD-Wechsler, Radio/CD, Aussentemperaturanzeige, Diebstahlwarnanlage, Scheinwerferreinigung, Bordcomputer/Reiserechner, Heckantrieb, Lenksaeule mech/elektrisch einstellbar, elektrisch einklappbare Aussenspiegel, 19-\" Felgen, Designpaket Royal, Windschott, Raucherpaket",
"deliveryPeriod": 14,
"dealerHomepage": true,
"warranty": true,
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "20498.94",
"vatRate": "19.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942c713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Avoiding Duplicated Ads In Case Of Failure
When the POST
operation fails e.g. due to network connectivity problems or internal server error, the user does not know whether the ad has been created or not.
If the user retries the POST
operation it is possible that duplicated ad is created.
In order to address this issue the Seller-API has been extended with new functionality.
The new functionality allows the user to retry the POST
operation in a safe manner, so that it will not create a duplicated ad in case it has been created with the initial call.
In order to correlate the retry call with the initial POST
call, the user must send a unique value
in the newly introduced http header X-Mobile-Insertion-Request-Id
It makes the POST
call idempotent.
Let’s consider the following scenario.
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads HTTP/1.1
X-Mobile-Insertion-Request-Id: my-unique-id-for-this-ad
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
<some ad data>
HTTP/1.1 500 internal server error
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 09:23:34 GMT
At this stage the user does not know whether the ad has been created.
The retry call with the same X-Mobile-Insertion-Request-Id: my-unique-id-for-this-ad
as previously
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads HTTP/1.1
X-Mobile-Insertion-Request-Id: my-unique-id-for-this-ad
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
<some ad data>
responds with http status 303
when the ad has already been created in the initial call.
The Location
header will point to the ad created originally.
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 09:23:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Location: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/1001
Content-Length: 0
Otherwise the API responds with http status 201
as usual
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 09:23:34 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Location: https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/1001
Content-Length: 0
The If the user whats to create five different ads, five different values must be sent to the Seller-API. The same value must be resued only for the retry calls. The recommended strategy to create unique values is to use a UUID generator. |
List all sellers ads
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads
Provides a list of Ads for a Seller identified by mobileSellerId
path parameter.
The result contains all ad details so there is no need to make an extra call to Retrieve a single ad endpoint for more details.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read ads for the specified seller. |
curl -i -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:58:23 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
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"uploadSticky": false,
"export": false,
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Cabrio",
"make": "ASTON MARTIN",
"model": "DB9",
"modelDescription": "DB9 Volante EU",
"condition": "NEW",
"dealerHomepage": true,
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"suburban": 4.0,
"rural": 4.2,
"highway": 6.4,
"combined": 4.4
"costModel": {
"fuelPrice": "1.75",
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"co2Costs": {
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"basePrice": "45",
"accumulated": "2345"
"middle": {
"basePrice": "55",
"accumulated": "3345"
"high": {
"basePrice": "65",
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"tax": "234.4",
"timeFrame": {
"from": 2024,
"till": 2034
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"fuel": "DIESEL",
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"rural": 4.2,
"highway": 6.4,
"combined": 4.4
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"basePrice": "55",
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"basePrice": "65",
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"till": 2034
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"make": "ASTON MARTIN",
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"description": "Getriebe Automatik-6-Gang, ASR Antriebsschlupfregelung, CD-Wechsler, Radio/CD, Aussentemperaturanzeige, Diebstahlwarnanlage, Scheinwerferreinigung, Bordcomputer/Reiserechner, Heckantrieb, Lenksaeule mech/elektrisch einstellbar, elektrisch einklappbare Aussenspiegel, 19-\" Felgen, Designpaket Royal, Windschott, Raucherpaket",
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"dealerHomepage": true,
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"accidentDamaged": false,
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"warranty": true,
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"power": 283,
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"make": "IVECO",
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"price": {
"type": "ON_REQUEST",
"currency": "EUR"
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"firstRegistration": "200302",
"mileage": 26000
Retrieve a single ad
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
Retrieves a single Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read ads for the specified seller. |
curl -i -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/231922' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/231922 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:58:23 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 4641
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"mobileSellerId": "12",
"creationDate": "2016-04-01T15:42:47+02:00",
"modificationDate": "2016-04-05T15:42:47+02:00",
"renewalDate": "2016-04-02T15:42:47+02:00",
"reserved": true,
"uploadSticky": true,
"export": true,
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "EstateCar",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A4",
"modelDescription": "A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI multitronic Attraction",
"condition": "USED",
"internalNumber": "E1063",
"emissionSticker": "EMISSIONSSTICKER_GREEN",
"emissionClass": "EURO4",
"description": "Airbag Beifahrerseite abschaltbar, Außenspiegel elektr. verstell- und heizbar, beide, Connectivity-Paket, Dachkuppel Kontrastfarbe (Dach, Dachbogen und Dachkantenspoiler), Einparkhilfe vorn und hinten, optisch (APS Plus), Frontscheibe mit Bandfilter oben, Innenlicht-Paket LED, Klimaautomatik, Lenkrad (Sport/Leder - 3-Speichen) mit Multifunktion, Licht- und Regensensor, Metallic-Lackierung, Multi-Media-Interface MMI Basic / MMI Radio, Sitzheizung vorn, Sound-System DSP / Audi Sound-System, Xenon-Scheinwerfer Plus (Abblend- und Fernlicht), Airbag Fahrer-/Beifahrerseite, Anti-Blockier-System (ABS), Antriebs-Schlupfregelung (ASR), Außenspiegel elektr. verstellbar, beide, Außenspiegel und Heckspoiler in Kontrastfarbe, Dachhimmel Stoff, titangrau, Dachkantenspoiler, Einstiegleisten mit Schriftzug, Elektron. Differentialsperre (EDS), Elektron. Stabilitäts-Programm (ESP), Fahrer-Informations-System (FIS), Fensterheber elektrisch vorn, Getriebe 5-Gang, Heckleuchten LED, Isofix-Aufnahmen für Kindersitz, Karosserie: 4-türig, Kopf-Airbag-System (Sideguard), Lendenwirbelstützen verstellbar, Lenksäule (Lenkrad) mech. Höhen-/Längsverstellung, LM-Felgen, Reifenkontroll-Anzeige, Rücksitzlehne geteilt/klappbar, Schadstoffarm nach Abgasnorm Euro 6, Seitenairbag vorn, Servolenkung, Sitz-Paket, Sitze vorn höhenverstellbar, Sportsitze vorn, Start/Stop-Anlage, Stoßfänger lackiert, Tagfahrlicht, Warnanlage für Sicherheitsgurte, Wegfahrsperre (elektronisch), Wärmeschutzverglasung grün getönt, Zentralverriegelung mit Fernbedienung, Fondsitzanlage (3 Sitzplätze), Audi music interface, Scheibenwaschdüsen heizbar, Scheinwerfer-Reinigungsanlage (SRA), Tagfahrlicht LED, Universal-Schnittstelle Bluetooth",
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcce-1c7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "e7f6e858ba6fb12ae29163f14ac71b4c"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acce-1c7f-ca2b-9f13912d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "808d5b6fdbc7ca73883f0690e49146fd"
"videoUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dtGk5ioEXlIM",
"dealerHomepage": true,
"price": {
"dealerPriceGross": "12541.81",
"consumerPriceGross": "13169.72",
"dealerPriceNet": "10486.46",
"consumerPriceNet": "11011.47",
"vatRate": "19.60",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"financing": {
"annualPercentageRate": "3.25",
"nominalInterestRate": "7.75",
"typeOfNominalInterestRate": "VARIABLE",
"firstInstallment": 8000,
"monthlyInstallment": 1000,
"finalInstallment": 2000,
"paybackPeriod": "MONTHS_12",
"netLoanAmount": "17000.00",
"grossLoanAmount": "18000.00",
"closingCosts": "2000.00",
"paymentProtectionInsurance": "5000.00",
"bank": "Postbank Berlin"
"esp": true,
"countryVersion": "DE",
"constructionYear": 2010,
"fuel": "PETROL",
"accidentDamaged": false,
"seats": 5,
"firstRegistration": "201002",
"electricWindows": true,
"roadworthy": false,
"interiorColor": "GREY",
"centralLocking": true,
"immobilizer": true,
"deliveryPeriod": 6,
"vin": "WAUZZZ8E9TA002011",
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"power": 155,
"mileage": 25000,
"exhaustInspection": "201402",
"exteriorColor": "SILVER",
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"cubicCapacity": 1984,
"kba": {
"hsn": "0588",
"tsn": "AHQ"
"numberOfPreviousOwners": 2,
"schwackeCode": 10110413,
"electricHeatedSeats": true,
"manufacturerColorName": "Silver Moon",
"metallic": true,
"doors": "FOUR_OR_FIVE",
"parkingAssistants": [
"generalInspection": "201402",
"powerAssistedSteering": true,
"abs": true,
"alloyWheels": true,
"constructionDate": "2010-07-15T00:00:00+02:00",
"interiorType": "ALCANTARA",
"highlights": [
"low mileage",
Update an ad
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
Updates an ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to update ads for the specified seller. |
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Motorbike",
"category": "Motorcycle",
"make": "CAGIVA",
"modelDescription": "Gilera",
"condition": "USED",
"firstRegistration": "200302",
"mileage": 26000,
"cubicCapacity": 665,
"power": 45,
"gearbox": "MANUAL_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"fullServiceHistory": true,
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"drivingMode": "CHAIN_DRIVE",
"electricStarter": true,
"windshield": true,
"description": "Mint condition",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "2000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Update Ad with Images
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Motorbike",
"category": "Motorcycle",
"make": "CAGIVA",
"modelDescription": "Gilera",
"condition": "USED",
"firstRegistration": "200302",
"mileage": 26000,
"cubicCapacity": 665,
"power": 45,
"gearbox": "MANUAL_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"fullServiceHistory": true,
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"drivingMode": "CHAIN_DRIVE",
"electricStarter": true,
"windshield": true,
"description": "Mint condition",
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "2000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942c713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Delete an ad
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId
Deletes an Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to delete ads for the specified seller. |
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Images associated with the ads are hosted by mobile.de
which means that the image data must be uploaded to us through the Seller-API
Once an image is uploaded it is stored internally on the Picture Service and it is identified using a unique url, for example:
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Upload Images Overview
There are two flows how the images are uploaded and associated with the ads.
Upload Images For Given Ad
This is the traditional flow which consists of the following steps.
A new ad is created.
All images are uploaded using a
request using themobileAdId
of newly created ad from step 1.
This flow has certain limitations:
All images are sent in a single request. When processing of a single image fails the API rejects the entrie call and all images must be uploaded again.
It is not the most efficient option from the performance perspective as all images are transmitted to us sequentially.
It is relatively difficult to implement a
http call in a correct way.
Images Uploaded Upfront
This is the recommended way of uploading the images |
To mitigate the limitations of the previous image upload flow the Seller-API has been extended with a new functionality. The new flow consists of the following steps:
Upload images before ad creation
Images are uploaded one by one using the Upload Image endpoint. Each call responds with the image reference.
A new ad is created using the Create a new ad endpoint with the list of image references passed in the payload. Please refer to the example how to include images in the create ad call.
Associate images after ad creation
A new ad is created using the Create a new ad endpoint.
Images are uploaded one by one using the Upload Image endpoint. Each call responds with the image reference.
Once all images are uploaded they are associated with the ad using the Associate images endpoint by passing a list of image references collected in the step 2 and the
of newly created ad from step 1.
Alternatively the images can be associated using the regular Update an ad endpoint. It requires however passing the entire ad information rather than just the image references.
Image Quality Requirements And Restrictions
The images have to be in JPG-format.
The maximum number of images per ad depends on the seller settings. Please refer to the retrieving seller information section for details.
The images must not be larger than 2097152 bytes.
The image width + height must not be smaller than 20 pixels.
The image width + height must not be larger than 9000 pixels.
The image colorspace must be RGB. CMYK is not possible.
Calls may take longer duration due to file uploading and storage, so consider checking the timeouts and/or retries in case of an error.
Upload Image
POST /seller-api/images
Uploads a single image to the mobile.de platform. Once uploaded the image could be associated with a newly created or existing ad.
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
binary image data with the |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation | Remedy |
400 |
not-a-jpeg-file |
Submitted image doesn’t meet the criteria. |
The image can’t be uploaded. Please use another image. |
500 |
n/a |
Unable to upload image due to network or storage error |
Retry the call |
Curl command
This is a sample curl
command assuming that the image img1.jpeg
is in current directory.
curl -u username:password \
-H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json" \
-T img1.jpeg \
-X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/images'
POST /seller-api/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 97451
<binary image data>
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 204
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Location: https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-acca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "ee57b82fbcb7a091f25ce675fa26a782"
Associate images
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/images
Associates images identified by references to the ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
The response provides a list of associated images.
In case some invalid image references are submitted they will be ignored and not included in the response.
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation | Remedy |
400 |
invalid-url-syntax |
Unable to parse the specified image reference. |
Correct the image reference. |
400 |
images-per-ad-limit-exeeded |
Too many images for a given ad. |
Please refer to the retrieving seller information endpoint for details how to get the maximum number of allowed images. |
400 |
concurrent-update-error |
Concurrent update on the ad resource. |
Retry the upload call. |
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942c713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942b713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "0be1f77c12883d9ee8d5045f5afbd87b"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942c713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "4da20fd3c37ec93f928ece5ae9f015a0"
If the number of returned images is smaller than in the request it means that some image references were not accepted. They were either broken or did not exist in our database anymore. |
Upload images multipart
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/images
Uploads images for an Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
The API call to add images supports two modes:
Add pictures initially
All images, which are related to the ad are added to it via the API in one single call.
The content-type of the request entity must be multipart/form-data
. The content type of a single part must be image/jpeg
. The parts are named "image".
The images are attached to the ad in the same order as you put them into the request.
The response will be a list of image URLs. You have to store those URLs as a reference for future image operations an this ad.
Change pictures
After initially putting images to the ad you can also remove single images, change image order or add other images to the ad.
In this case a single part of the request entity contains either an image in the way described above or the internal image url. A part containing an internal image url must be named image-ref
. Please note that external URLs will be rejected!
Just send another multipart request. You only need to provide binary image data for new images. All existing images are referenced by their picture-service-URLs. In this case the name of the single part is image-ref
. Images that are no longer referenced will be deleted. New images included as binary data will be added. The order in the multipart request becomes the order of the ads images. Have a look at the below example.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation | Remedy |
500 |
n/a |
Unable to upload image due to network or storage error |
Retry the call |
400 |
not-a-jpeg-file |
Submitted image doesn’t meet the criteria. |
The image can’t be uploaded. Please use another image. |
400 |
invalid-url-syntax |
Unable to parse the specified image reference. |
Correct the image reference. |
400 |
images-per-ad-limit-exeeded |
Too many images for a given ad. |
Please refer to the retrieving seller information endpoint for details how to get the maximum number of allowed images. |
400 |
unsupported-form-element |
The multipart POST request contains invalid form elements. |
Please refer to the Add pictures initially and Change pictures for details how to build a |
400 |
broken-multipart-upload |
The POST data is not a syntactically correct multipart request. |
Please refer to the Add pictures initially and Change pictures for details how to build a |
400 |
concurrent-update-error |
Concurrent update on the ad resource. |
Retry the upload call. |
Upload new images curl command
This is a sample curl
command assuming that the images img1.jpeg
and img2.jpeg
are in current directory.
curl -v -s -u username:password \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json" \
-F "image=@img1.jpeg;type=image/jpeg" \
-F "image=@img2.jpeg;type=image/jpeg" \
-XPUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images'
Alternative syntax with enummeration for files, e.g. image1=@img1.jpeg
, image2=@img2.jpeg
curl -v -s -u username:password \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json" \
-F "image1=@img1.jpeg;type=image/jpeg" \
-F "image2=@img2.jpeg;type=image/jpeg" \
-XPUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images'
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=vjrLeiXjJaWiU0JzZkUPO1rMcE2HQ-n7XsSx
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="img1.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
...some binary JPEG data omitted here...
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="img2.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
...some binary JPEG data omitted here...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "5420c3991bd070d64fc3d5e9815c7de6"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"hash": "d42dceec6006b1c45dc4c9a7afaedd97"
Change the order of existing images curl command
curl -v -s -u username:password \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json" \
-F 'image-ref=https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4b7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg' \
-F 'image-ref=https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg' \
-X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images'
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=vjrLeiXjJaWiU0JzZkUPO1rMcE2HQ-n7XsSx
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image-ref"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image-ref"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Get all image URLs
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/images
Lists images for an Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"images": [
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50942d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
"ref": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/46/467621f9-dcca-4c7f-ba2b-5f50922d713b?rule=mo-640.jpg"
Delete all images
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/images
Deletes images associated with the Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
It is NOT required to delete the images before deleting the ad. |
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/images HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Auto Panorama
Upload Interior Image
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/interior-image
Uploads an image of the vehicle interior that in the second step will be used for creating Auto Panorama view.
The result of this call is an image reference e.g. /api/media/1000
which will be used as an argument to the Create Interior Auto Panorama call.
Image requirements:
Ratio: 2:1
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
binary image data with the |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code |
Explanation |
400 |
not-a-jpeg-file |
The uploaded image does not meet the required criterias or is empty. |
404 |
n/a |
curl -X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior-image' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: image/jpeg; charset=ISO-8859-1' -T '/path/to/file/with/<image data>'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior-image HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: image/jpeg; charset=ISO-8859-1
<image data>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:02 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 25
"ref": "/api/media/1000"
Create Interior Auto Panorama
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/interior
Creates an interior Auto Panorama from an image uploaded through the Upload Interior Image api call.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
empty-image-reference |
The submitted request does not contain image reference. |
400 |
invalid-image-reference |
The submitted image reference is not valid any more. |
404 |
n/a |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to update ads for the specified seller. |
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior' \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '
"image": {
"ref": "/api/media/14796"
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
"image": {
"ref": "/api/media/14796"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:04 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Get Interior Auto Panorama
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/interior
Retrieves an interior Auto Panorama for given ad.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/leasing' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/leasing HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:52:54 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 759
"grossListPrice": 20000,
"vatRate": "19.00",
"lender": "Test-Auto",
"rates": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "10000",
"totalAmount": "300.50",
"grossRate": "300.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "20.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "15.99"
"type": "COMMERCIAL",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "15000",
"totalAmount": "400.50",
"netRate": "350.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "25.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "19.99"
"comment": "my leasing comment"
Delete Interior Auto Panorama
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/interior
Deletes an interior Auto Panorama for given ad.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to update ads for the specified seller. |
curl -X DELETE 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
DELETE https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/interior HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:03 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Upload Exterior Image
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/exterior-image
Uploads an image - a single frame of a 360 degree external Auto Panorama.
The result of this call is an image reference e.g. /api/media/1000
Once all frames of the external Auto Panorama are uploaded and image references collected, they will be used as an argument to the Create Exterior Auto Panorama call.
Image requirements:
Resolution: up to 3240 × 2160 Pixel
Number of images: 12-60
File size: 1-4MB optimal
Ratio: 3:2 or 2:1
To reduce the total amount of time needed to create an external Auto Panorama, it is recommended to upload the images of individual frames in parallel. |
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
binary image data with the |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
400 |
not-a-jpeg-file |
The uploaded image does not meet the required criterias or is empty. |
404 |
curl -X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior-image' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: image/jpeg; charset=ISO-8859-1' -T '/path/to/file/with/<image data>'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior-image HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: image/jpeg; charset=ISO-8859-1
<image data>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:03 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 25
"ref": "/api/media/1001"
Create Exterior Auto Panorama
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/exterior
Creates an exterior Auto Panorama from an images uploaded through the Upload Exterior Image api call. The image references must be specified in correct order.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
empty-image-reference |
The submitted request does not contain image reference. |
400 |
invalid-image-reference |
The submitted image reference is not valid any more. |
404 |
n/a |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to update ads for the specified seller. |
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior' \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '
"images": [
"ref": "/api/media/1001"
"ref": "/api/media/1002"
"ref": "/api/media/1003"
"ref": "/api/media/1004"
"ref": "/api/media/1005"
"ref": "/api/media/1006"
"ref": "/api/media/1007"
"ref": "/api/media/1008"
"ref": "/api/media/1009"
"ref": "/api/media/1010"
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
"images": [
"ref": "/api/media/1001"
"ref": "/api/media/1002"
"ref": "/api/media/1003"
"ref": "/api/media/1004"
"ref": "/api/media/1005"
"ref": "/api/media/1006"
"ref": "/api/media/1007"
"ref": "/api/media/1008"
"ref": "/api/media/1009"
"ref": "/api/media/1010"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:04 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Get Exterior Auto Panorama
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/exterior
Retrieves an exterior Auto Panorama for given ad.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:04 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 66
"images": [
"ref": "/api/media/14796"
"ref": "/api/media/14797"
Delete Exterior Auto Panorama
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/auto-panorama/exterior
Deletes an exterior Auto Panorama for given ad.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to update ads for the specified seller. |
curl -X DELETE 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
DELETE https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/28481/ads/34561/auto-panorama/exterior HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:04 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Price Rating
It is possible to retrieve a price rating for a specific vehicle shortly after the vehicle is created. It is also possible to preview price rating information for vehicles that have not been created yet. mobile.de rates the offer price by analyzing a wide range of vehicle data and comparing it with similar offers. Buyers can then assess the price immediately. This will be reflected in the label element.
Retrieve ad price rating
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/price-rating
Retrieves price rating information for an Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/price-rating
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/price-rating HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"label": "GOOD_PRICE"
Preview ad price rating
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/price-rating
Preview price rating information for an Ad that has not been created yet.
Price rating prediction is only working for the new data format (xml+json). |
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/price-rating
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/price-rating HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Limousine",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A7",
"modelDescription": "A7 Premium",
"condition": "USED",
"firstRegistration": "201003",
"mileage": 20000,
"cubicCapacity": 1699,
"power": 85,
"gearbox": "MANUAL_GEAR",
"fuel": "PETROL",
"seats": 5,
"damageUnrepaired": false,
"abs": true,
"alloyWheels": true,
"centralLocking": true,
"climatisation": "MANUAL_CLIMATISATION",
"electricWindows": true,
"esp": true,
"powerAssistedSteering": true,
"description": "",
"kba": {
"hsn": "999",
"tsn": "ALU"
"price": {
"consumerPriceGross": "20000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 314
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"labelRanges": [
"label": "VERY_GOOD_PRICE",
"from": "13600",
"to": "16200"
"label": "GOOD_PRICE",
"from": "16200",
"to": "17300"
"from": "17300",
"to": "19200"
"from": "19200",
"to": "21400"
"label": "HIGH_PRICE",
"from": "21400",
"to": "23100"
NO_RATING Response
In case there is no price rating available a reason will be provided. Currently possible reason codes are:
reason code |
damaged_cars_not_supported |
unrepaired_cars_not_supported |
only_ready_to_drive_cars_supported |
new_cars_not_supported |
price_below_8000_euro |
price_over_40000_euro |
seats_over_9 |
over_10_years_old |
usage_type_not_supported |
mileage_above_1000_km |
disabled_accessible_cars_not_supported |
only_category_cars_supported |
model_not_supported |
only_german_market_cars_supported |
price_below_3000_euro |
price_over_150000_euro |
mileage_below_1000_km |
price_too_low |
price_too_high |
mileage_negative |
power_negative |
cubic_capacity_negative |
first_registration_invalid |
unsupported_make_model |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 58
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"label": "NO_RATING",
"reasons": [
It is possible to retrieve important demand metrics for an ad. This function delivers strictly private information, which must not be displayed to any other user except the corresponding customer. It is not allowed to store this information longer than the duration of the ad it relates to or to aggregate this data.
You need special permission to be able to do this API call. |
Retrieve ad statistics
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/statistic
Retrieves statistics for an Ad identified by the mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/statistic
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/statistic HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"impressions": 32,
"parkings": 5,
"emails": 2,
"calls": 3
Other Errors Cases
Error Key | Description |
not-allowed-to-see-statistics |
The user doesn’t have permission to read the statistics. |
Seller Upload Credentials
Using this SellerAPI resource it is possible to create, retrieve and delete upload credentials for assigned dealers. This should be usually used for offline installed TSP-Tools as it is not allowed to store the TSP-Account-Credentials on the dealers device.
Create upload credentials
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/self-upload-account
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
curl -X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/16/self-upload-account' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1'
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/16/self-upload-account HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:05 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 63
"accountName": "itsp_tsp-1_dealer-1",
"password": "B0jcWJ2wigiy"
Retrieve upload credentials
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/self-upload-account
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/self-upload-account' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/self-upload-account HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:06 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 80
"accountName": "itsp_tsp-1_dealer-1",
"creationTime": "2017-03-16T16:07:45+01:00"
Delete upload credentials
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/self-upload-account
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
curl -X DELETE 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/self-upload-account' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml'
DELETE https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/self-upload-account HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:06 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+xml
Content-Length: 0
Dealer Ratings
This set of resources allow the management of dealer ratings via Seller-API. Dealer ratings can be retrieved, answered and buyers can be invited to submit dealer ratings. The concept is similar to the implementation in dealer area. More information about dealer rating management in dealer area and in general can be found at dealer rating page.
Check Permissions
If a dealer has activated the rating API can be checked via the seller resource. See Seller for the field description:
GET /seller-api/sellers/12 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"settings": {
"dealerRating": {
"eligible": true,
"active": true,
"personalizedInviteText": true
Retrieve dealer rating overview
The dealer rating overview is the summary of the dealers ratings. It needs a certain amount of ratings to be available.
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/overview
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
Either the dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP or the rating overview is not available. |
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/overview' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/overview HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 134
"score": 4.4,
"totalActiveRatings": 9,
"advice": 4.13,
"friendliness": 4.44,
"responseTime": 4.67,
"recommendation": 86,
"vehicleAsDescribed": 86
Retrieve dealer ratings
Retrieve a list of all relevant dealer ratings.
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/ratings
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
The dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP. |
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:24 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 1695
"ratings": [
"ratingId": "1846374855",
"completionTime": "2019-08-12T19:34:59+02:00",
"advice": 4.0,
"friendliness": 4.0,
"responseTime": 4.0,
"recommendation": "YES",
"vehicleAsDescribed": "YES",
"dealerContactedBy": {
"phone": true,
"email": false,
"personally": false
"likeAboutDealer": "Super toll.",
"notLikeAboutDealer": "Das Auto fährt nicht.",
"ratingWasHelpfulResponses": 0,
"ratingAuthor": {
"salutation": "MALE",
"name": "Max Mustermann"
"dealerContactPerson": {
"salutation": "MALE",
"name": "Mustermann"
"ad": {
"title": "Ford Transit Custom Kombi 320L1 Trend Navi|Kamera|DAB",
"price": "26970.01",
"firstRegistration": "201902",
"mileage": 22679,
"power": "96 kW (131 PS)",
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"exteriorColor": "GREY",
"internalNumber": "XYZ9110"
"ratingId": "1760660222",
"completionTime": "2019-06-20T14:17:29+02:00",
"advice": 5.0,
"friendliness": 5.0,
"responseTime": 5.0,
"recommendation": "YES",
"vehicleAsDescribed": "YES",
"boughtTheCar": "YES",
"dealerContactedBy": {
"phone": true,
"email": false,
"personally": true
"likeAboutDealer": "Die Beratung fand in freundlicher Athmosphäre statt.\nDer Verkäufer war sehr kompetent und hat alle meine Fragen sehr gut beantwortet.\nSehr gut fand ich, dass ich das Fahrzeug schon einen Tag früher als vereinbart bekommen konnte und so meine Fahraufträge sicher waren.",
"notLikeAboutDealer": "",
"ratingWasHelpfulResponses": 0,
"ratingAuthor": {
"salutation": "MALE",
"name": "Peter Mustermann"
"dealerContactPerson": {
"salutation": "MALE",
"name": "Max Mustermann"
"ad": {
"title": "Ford Transit Custom 2.0 TDCi 320 L2 Trend Kombi",
"price": "25440.0",
"firstRegistration": "201812",
"mileage": 15905,
"power": "96 kW (131 PS)",
"gearbox": "AUTOMATIC_GEAR",
"exteriorColor": "WHITE",
"internalNumber": "XZY46477"
Retrieve single dealer rating
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/ratings/:ratingId
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
ratingId |
Unique identifier of a rating for a specific dealer. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
The dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP or the rating id is not available. |
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings/1195501264' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings/1195501264 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 792
"ratingId": "1195501264",
"completionTime": "2018-04-20T19:34:41+02:00",
"advice": 5.0,
"friendliness": 5.0,
"responseTime": 5.0,
"recommendation": "YES",
"vehicleAsDescribed": "YES",
"boughtTheCar": "YES",
"dealerContactedBy": {
"phone": true,
"email": true,
"personally": true
"likeAboutDealer": "Super Beratung, Kofferraumgröße war wichtig, konnte Probepacke machen ",
"notLikeAboutDealer": "Zu weit entfernt von meinem Wohnort",
"ratingWasHelpfulResponses": 0,
"ratingAuthor": {
"salutation": "FEMALE",
"name": "Musterfrau"
"dealerContactPerson": {
"salutation": "MALE",
"name": "Mustermann"
"ad": {
"title": "Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost Business WinterP|Navi|PCD",
"price": "15980.0",
"firstRegistration": "201706",
"mileage": 9450,
"power": "92 kW (125 PS)",
"gearbox": "MANUAL_GEAR",
"exteriorColor": "WHITE",
"internalNumber": "XYZ3311"
Reply on dealer rating
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/ratings/:ratingId/comment
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
ratingId |
Unique identifier of a rating for a specific dealer. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
rating_reply_too_long |
A rating reply can be maximum 1000 characters. |
400 |
rating_reply_is_empty |
A rating reply can not be empty. |
403 |
rating_reply_already_exists |
Only one reply can be sent per rating. |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
The dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP or the rating id is not available. |
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings/1846374856/comment' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '{"comment":"Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann, \n\n vielen Dank für die tolle Bewertung. \nWir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass mit Ihrem neuen Auto. \n\nIhr Autohaus"}'
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/ratings/1846374856/comment HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
{"comment":"Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann, \n\n vielen Dank für die tolle Bewertung. \nWir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass mit Ihrem neuen Auto. \n\nIhr Autohaus"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:26 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 0
Retrieve dealer rating invites and inviteables
The dealer can send out rating invitations. This resource provides a list of invites including mobileAdIds which are eligible for invitation and invites where invitations have been triggered already by the dealer or TSP.
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/invites
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
The dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP. |
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/invites' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/invites HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 2139
"invites": [
"mobileAdId": "257859209",
"title": "Ford Transit Custom 2.0 TDCi 320 L2 Trend Kombi",
"internalNumber": "XYZ46477",
"price": "25440.0",
"firstRegistration": "201812",
"mileage": 15905,
"deletionTime": "2019-11-01T12:03:44+01:00",
"state": "ELIGIBLE"
"mobileAdId": "283873237",
"internalNumber": "1-11",
"price": "33880.0",
"firstRegistration": "201501",
"mileage": 49800,
"deletionTime": "2019-10-05T09:18:51+02:00",
"buyerEmail": "foo@bar.de",
"personalizedInviteText": "personal invite text",
"invitationTime": "2019-11-04T19:20:36+01:00",
"reinviteable": true,
"state": "SENT"
"mobileAdId": "285423509",
"internalNumber": "2-22",
"price": "15880.0",
"firstRegistration": "201207",
"mileage": 46006,
"deletionTime": "2019-10-25T15:10:51+02:00",
"buyerEmail": "foo2@ybar.de",
"personalizedInviteText": "Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann, \n\nwir gratulieren Ihnen zum Kauf Ihres neuen Fahrzeugs und bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Vertrauen.\n\nWir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich einige Minuten Zeit nehmen könnten, um uns zu bewerten.\n\nMit freundlichen Grüßen\n\nIhr Musterautohaus",
"invitationTime": "2019-10-31T19:01:04+01:00",
"reinviteable": false,
"state": "STARTED"
"mobileAdId": "262167514",
"title": "ACURA RSX",
"internalNumber": "",
"price": "13298.0",
"firstRegistration": "201603",
"mileage": 55555,
"deletionTime": "2019-10-21T12:38:35+02:00",
"buyerEmail": "foobar@com",
"reinviteable": false,
"state": "PENDING"
"mobileAdId": "283471667",
"title": "VW Caddy 1.6 TDI Kasten BOTT WERKSTATT-EINBAU,AHK",
"internalNumber": "4-44",
"price": "8880.0",
"firstRegistration": "201401",
"mileage": 31270,
"deletionTime": "2019-10-08T13:21:54+02:00",
"buyerEmail": "foo4@bar.com",
"personalizedInviteText": "Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann, \n\nwir gratulieren Ihnen zum Kauf Ihres neuen Fahrzeugs und bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Vertrauen.\n\nWir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich einige Minuten Zeit nehmen könnten, um uns zu bewerten.\n\nMit freundlichen Grüßen\n\nIhr Musterautohaus",
"invitationTime": "2019-10-30T19:28:55+01:00",
"reinviteable": false,
"state": "SENT"
Invite buyers to submit dealer rating
After a purchased vehicle is deleted from mobile.de marketplace an invitation can be sent to the buyer to rate the dealer.
Which mobileAdIds are eligible for invitation can be found out via the above GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/invites
When the dealer made a mistake or would like to send a reminder a second invite can be sent to the buyer as soon as the first invite has been processed, which takes normally one day.
Before an invitation can be send to the buyer the dealer must get the buyers consent for the invitation and sharing of his email address with mobile.de. The
dealer can download a personalized consent form at https://handel.mobile.de/dealerratings/invite-consent-form or without the need to login here.
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
buyer_email_not_allowed |
There are certain rules to prevent cheating. |
400 |
invite_for_ad_already_exists |
An invite for the mobileAdId already exists. |
400 |
rating_for_ad_already_exists |
A rating for the mobileAdId already exists. |
400 |
personalized_invite_text_not_supported |
Dealer needs to be at least in package Gold for this feature. |
400 |
not_reinviteable |
This mobileAdId is not reinviteable. |
400 |
invite_email_invalid |
Email address needs to be valid. |
400 |
invite_email_empty |
Email address can not be empty. |
400 |
invite_text_empty |
When no personalized invite text is required, it should not be sent or set to null, but can not be blank. |
400 |
invite_text_too_long |
The personalized invite text can be maximum 3000 characters long. |
403 |
rating_not_supported_for_dealer |
The Dealer needs to have at least account type Gold for rating management via API. |
404 |
n/a |
The resource is not found or the dealer did not activate dealer rating management for the TSP. |
curl -X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/invites/123' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '{"buyerEmail":"dealer@rating.com"}'
POST https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/15/rating/invites/123 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:51:26 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
States of the Invitation
ELIIGIBLE --(1)-> PENDING --(2)-> SENT --(3)-> STARTED
There is an eligible ad for which the dealer can request the rating.
GET :sellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
"mobileAdId": "262167561",
"title": "ACURA RSX",
"price": "5555.0",
"firstRegistration": "201603",
"mileage": 55555,
"state": "ELIGIBLE"
(1) The dealer submits the email address of the user.
POST :sellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
"buyerEmail": "foobar@gmx.de",
"inviteText": "hello there"
The email address is submitted and the invitation email is scheduled for sending.
GET :sellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
"mobileAdId": "262167561",
"title": "ACURA RSX",
"price": "5555.0",
"firstRegistration": "201603",
"mileage": 55555,
"state": "PENDING",
"buyerEmail": "foobar@gmx.de",
"inviteText": "hello there"
(2) The rating engine sends the email to the user.
The invitation is sent to the user. The user can start completing the survey.
GET :sellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
"mobileAdId": "262167561",
"title": "ACURA RSX",
"price": "5555.0",
"firstRegistration": "201603",
"mileage": 55555,
"state": "SENT",
"buyerEmail": "foobar@gmx.de",
"inviteText": "hello there",
"reinviteable": true
(3) The user starts completing the survey.
(4) There is no reaction from the user. The dealer decides to resend the invitation or use another email address.
POST :sellerId/rating/invites/:mobileAdId
"buyerEmail": "foobaz@gmx.de",
"inviteText": "hello there"
The user has already started the survey. Once the survey is completed a new dealer rating will be created.
An ad can be extended with leasing information to show a specific number of leasing rates to the potential vehicle buyer. At the moment, we only support mileage leasing (kilometer leasing). And we only support offers to customers in Germany due to VAT regulations. Leasing information consists of some general information relevant for all leasing rates of this ad and specific rates. A leasing rate in this case is a combination of duration of the leasing contract in month, the annual mileage allowed in the contract terms and, in the future, a down payment. Currently, the down payment is always 0, but this might change in the future. It is not possible to submit two rates with the same annualMileage and termOfContract within the same rate type.
Create or update leasing rate
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/leasing
Create or update leasing rates for the ad of a seller identified by mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
A unique identifier of the ad published on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
duplicate_mileage_contract |
Duplicate annualMileage and termOfContract within same rate type. |
400 |
leasing_ad_has_no_vat |
Leasing not possible for the given ad when the price has no VAT set |
404 |
n/a |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to create leasing for the ad of specified seller. |
409 |
automatic_leasing_overwrite_protection |
Automatic leasing rates created via the dealer area cannot be overwritten. |
Sample Success Request
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217220/leasing HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"grossListPrice": 20000,
"vatRate": "19.00",
"lender": "Test-Auto",
"rates": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "10000",
"totalAmount": "300.50",
"grossRate": "300.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "20.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "15.99",
"maintenanceMonthlyCost": "10.0",
"wearMonthlyCost": "11.0",
"maintenanceAndWearCombinedMonthlyCost": "21.0",
"liabilityInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.0",
"liabilityInsuranceDeductible": "200.0",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceMonthlyCost": "25.0",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceDeductible": "300.0",
"vehicleTaxMonthlyCost": "12.0",
"summerAndWinterTiresMonthlyCost": "50.0",
"tuevMonthlyCost": "22.0",
"returnInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.0"
"type": "COMMERCIAL",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "15000",
"totalAmount": "400.50",
"netRate": "350.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "25.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "19.99",
"maintenanceMonthlyCost": "10.0",
"wearMonthlyCost": "11.0",
"maintenanceAndWearCombinedMonthlyCost": "21.0",
"liabilityInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.0",
"liabilityInsuranceDeductible": "200.0",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceMonthlyCost": "25.0",
"fullyComprehensiveInsuranceDeductible": "300.0",
"vehicleTaxMonthlyCost": "12.0",
"summerAndWinterTiresMonthlyCost": "50.0",
"tuevMonthlyCost": "22.0",
"returnInsuranceMonthlyCost": "15.0"
"comment": "my leasing comment"
Sample Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Get leasing rate
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/leasing
Get leasing rates for the ad of a seller identified by mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to create leasing for the ad of specified seller. |
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/leasing HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"grossListPrice": 20000,
"vatRate": "19.00",
"lender": "Test-Auto",
"rates": [
"type": "PRIVATE",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "10000",
"totalAmount": "300.50",
"grossRate": "300.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "20.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "15.99"
"type": "COMMERCIAL",
"downPayment": 0,
"termOfContract": "12",
"annualMileage": "15000",
"totalAmount": "400.50",
"netRate": "350.50",
"netLoanAmount": "50.00",
"annualPercentageRate": "15.00",
"nominalInterestRate": "19.00",
"destinationCharges": "40.00",
"registrationFees": "30.00",
"extraMileageCosts": "25.50",
"lowMileageCompensation": "19.99"
"comment": "my leasing comment"
Delete leasing rate
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/leasing
Deletes leasing rates associated with the Ad identified by mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the ad on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/leasing HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Under the business model “Online Buying and Selling” (short “OBS”, German: “Online-Kauf”) mobile.de buys the vehicle from the dealer and acts as the contracting party towards the end customer. To fulfil its legal duties towards end customers and to mitigate its liability risks, mobile.de is obliged to ensure that the condition of the sold vehicles is as advertised. Therefore, mobile.de requests from participating partner dealers additional information, especially vehicle documents and additional input about the vehicle’s condition. Furthermore, mobile.de asks its partner dealers for contact information that is required to handle the pickup from the dealer’s location and the shipping to the end customer as smoothly as possible.
The endpoints described in the following are used to enrich already existing classifieds listings (given by the mobileAdId) with OBS-relevant information to allow mobile.de to perform quality checks before publishing them under OBS. API users may further use these endpoints to read, alter and delete previously submitted OBS-relevant information. The endpoints use the already existing authentication of the Seller API.
Please, note that mobile.de currently explores the possibility of allowing its OBS partner dealers to sell directly to the end customer via Online-Kauf. Under this scenario mobile.de as a platform provider will, independently of its own liability risk towards the end customer, maintain its right to scrutinise listings and to request additional information for the advertised vehicles to ensure a high level of quality and transparency for all published Online-Kauf listings.
The number of OBS partner dealers is steadily growing and new partner dealers are signed for OBS individually. Please, note that mobile.de does not yet provide an endpoint for transfer service providers to query whether their customers take part in OBS or not.
The new endpoints can only be used for listings belonging to onboarded OBS partner dealers. API requests to the new endpoints will return a 403 error (“Forbidden”) if the listings do not belong to an onboarded OBS partner dealer. For test purposes, the sandbox test accounts API1 to API5 are marked as OBS partner dealers. For further information about test accounts, please refer to https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#_test_account.
To ensure the eligibility of the classifieds listings for OBS, certain fields need to be filled. When creating classified listings to test the OBS specific endpoints, it is advised to use the following example values.
“vehicleClass”: “Car”
“condition”: “USED”
“mileage”: 40000
“firstRegistration”: “202301”
"numberOfPreviousOwners": 1
“consumerPriceGross”: "40000.00"
“accidentDamaged”: false
“roadworthy”: true
“damageUnrepaired”: false
Since verifying the quality of the enriched listings is partially a manual process, there is no automatic update / API response regarding the status of the listing (whether it was published under OBS or not). An additional GET endpoint may be included in later releases to cover this use case.
All fields described are optional. We encourage participating dealers and their contracted transfer service providers to submit as many details as possible. mobile.de maintains quality checks of all OBS listings and may not publish listings if critical information is missing. Further details are communicated to the participating dealers during the onboarding for OBS and via the dealer usage agreement (“Händlernutzungsvereinbarung”) for OBS.
Lastly, the upload of all documents, especially of damage images and the odometer photo, is of course free of charge and independent of the package booked by the dealer or API user.
Set OBS attributes
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/data
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/data' \
-d '{
"noDamagesOrExcessiveTracesOfUse": true,
"vehicleCondition": "Fahrzeug ist in einem guten Zustand",
"rentalOrCarSharing": true,
"warrantyExpirationDate": "202306",
"pickupEarliestDate": "2023-07-30T09:05:12.494Z",
"optOutOfSellingThroughMobileDe": true,
"pickupTires": "WINTER",
"pickupContact": {
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"role": "Operations",
"email": "max.mustermann@maxmustermann.de",
"phoneNumber": "1234556",
"mobileNumber": "1234556"
"pickupAddress": {
"companyName": "Autohaus Mustermann GmbH",
"street": "Albert-Einstein Ring",
"houseNumber": "1",
"city": "Kleinmachnow",
"zipCode": "14532",
"note": "Bitte an der Rezeption melden"
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/data HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"noDamagesOrExcessiveTracesOfUse": true,
"vehicleCondition": "Fahrzeug ist in einem guten Zustand",
"rentalOrCarSharing": true,
"warrantyExpirationDate": "202306",
"pickupEarliestDate": "2023-07-30T09:05:12.494Z",
"optOutOfSellingThroughMobileDe": true,
"pickupTires": "WINTER",
"pickupContact": {
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"role": "Operations",
"email": "max.mustermann@maxmustermann.de",
"phoneNumber": "1234556",
"mobileNumber": "1234556"
"pickupAddress": {
"companyName": "Autohaus Mustermann GmbH",
"street": "Albert-Einstein Ring",
"houseNumber": "1",
"city": "Kleinmachnow",
"zipCode": "14532",
"note": "Bitte an der Rezeption melden"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Get OBS attributes
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/data
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/data'
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/data HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"noDamagesOrExcessiveTracesOfUse": true,
"vehicleCondition": "Fahrzeug ist in einem guten Zustand",
"rentalOrCarSharing": true,
"warrantyExpirationDate": "202306",
"pickupEarliestDate": "2023-07-30T09:05:12.494Z",
"optOutOfSellingThroughMobileDe": true,
"pickupTires": "WINTER",
"pickupContact": {
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"role": "Operations",
"email": "max.mustermann@maxmustermann.de",
"phoneNumber": "1234556",
"mobileNumber": "1234556"
"pickupAddress": {
"companyName": "Autohaus Mustermann GmbH",
"street": "Albert-Einstein Ring",
"houseNumber": "1",
"city": "Kleinmachnow",
"zipCode": "14532",
"note": "Bitte an der Rezeption melden"
Upload OBS documents
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/:role
The POST request returns a list of documents with URLs. These URLs need to be stored on the side of the transfer service provider or dealer to be able to reference documents for future requests. Please note that only the role DamageImages is able to store multiple documents. All other document types only allow one single document to be associated with an ad at a time.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Type of OBS document. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
binary data |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
content-too-large |
Indicates that one of the files exceeds the max size of 10MB. |
400 |
unsupported-media-type |
Indicates that one of the files has a media type which is not supported for the role. |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-X POST 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages' \
-F 'files=@car1.jpeg;type=image/jpeg' \
-F 'files=@audi.jpeg;type=image/jpeg'
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
<binary image data>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"obsDocuments": [
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/38/38200674-6b3a-49ae-a882-53dda10e95a9"
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/b6/b69f39f2-91cd-45bf-880f-b3da42810f14"
List OBS documents
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/:role
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Type of OBS document. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages'
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"obsDocuments": [
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/38/38200674-6b3a-49ae-a882-53dda10e95a9",
"description": "example description"
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/b6/b69f39f2-91cd-45bf-880f-b3da42810f14",
"description": "example description"
Delete OBS documents
Note: It is only possible to delete all documents of a certain role. Therefore, if you would like to delete a single damage image (the only role that allows multiple files), you need to first delete all damage images and then reupload the intended images using the POST endpoint described above.
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/:role
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Type of OBS document. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-X DELETE 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages'
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Add description to already uploaded OBS documents
To add a description to a damage image, make an additional PATCH call, as shown in the example below.
Note: This endpoint is only applicable to damage images.
PATCH /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/obs/media/:role
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Type of OBS document. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
invalid-seller |
Indicates that the given mobileSellerId is not prepared for OBS. |
curl -u username:password \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-X PATCH 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages'
-d '{
"obsDocuments": [
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/38/38200674-6b3a-49ae-a882-53dda10e95a9",
"description": "new description"
PATCH /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/217221/obs/media/DamageImages HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"obsDocuments": [
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/38/38200674-6b3a-49ae-a882-53dda10e95a9",
"description": "new description"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"obsDocuments": [
"imageUrl": "img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/38/38200674-6b3a-49ae-a882-53dda10e95a9",
"description": "new description"
Direct Offer
A Direct offer can be created for an ad, This direct offer will be shown to all perspective buyers who have parked your ad.
The Direct offer request must follow the following constraints.
The offer text must not contain phone numbers or email addresses.
The offer text must contain only characters from Latin-1 (also known as ISO-8859-1) character set.
The offer text length must be between 3 and 1000 characters.
The validForDays value must be greater than or equal to 1 and lower than or equal to 14.
Expired offers
When an active offer reaches its expiration date (after the validUntil date), it will no longer be displayed to consumers. However, dealers can view the offer for an ad for up to 30 days after validUntilDate. The offer will be permanently deleted when the 30-day period is over.
Create or update direct offer
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/direct-offer
Create or update Direct Offer for the ad of a seller identified by mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
A unique identifier of the ad published on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
400 |
offerText-missing |
The request is missing a offer text. |
400 |
validForDays-missing |
The request is missing validForDays. |
400 |
offerText-invalid |
The offer text contains forbidden values such as email address and/or phone numbers or invalid characters. |
400 |
offerText-length |
The offer text length is not within the allowed limits, the allowed length is maximum 1000 and minimum 3 characters. |
400 |
validForDays-invalid |
The validForDays value is invalid, the allowed value must be greater than or equal to 1 and lower than or equal to 14. |
400 |
no-parking |
There are no parkings for the given ad. |
403 |
customer-blocked |
The customer is blocked from creating Direct offers by Customer Support. |
403 |
customer-not-eligible |
The customer’s package does not provide Direct offers functionality. |
404 |
n/a |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to create direct offer for the ad or the ad doesn’t exist. |
Sample Success Request
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '
"offerText": "Here is 15% discount if you reach out in the next 7 days",
"validForDays": 3
Please refer to the Authentication and Authorization section to learn how to authenticate the user. |
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
"offerText": "Here is 15% discount if you reach out in the next 7 days",
"validForDays": 3
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Location: http://localhost:38593/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer
Content-Length: 0
Sample Bad Request - Forbidden Content
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '
"offerText": "Here is my email email@email.com and phone number 0151234567",
"validForDays": 3
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
"offerText": "Here is my email email@email.com and phone number 0151234567",
"validForDays": 3
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 137
"errors": [
"key": "offerText-invalid",
"args": [
"key": "forbidden-content",
"value": "phone"
"key": "forbidden-content",
"value": "email"
Sample Bad Request - Offer Validity
curl -X PUT 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1' -d '
"offerText": "This is a test",
"validForDays": 15
PUT https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json; charset=ISO-8859-1
"offerText": "This is a test",
"validForDays": 15
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 43
"errors": [
"key": "validForDays-invalid"
Get direct offer
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/ads/:mobileAdId/direct-offer
Retrieve Direct Offer for the ad of a seller identified by mobileSellerId
and mobileAdId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
A unique identifier of the ad published on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Http Status | Error code | Explanation |
404 |
n/a |
Indicates that the direct offer for the given ad doesn’t exist. |
curl -X GET 'https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json'
GET https://services.mobile.de/seller-api/sellers/11/ads/13318/direct-offer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:54:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Content-Length: 158
"offerText": "Here is 15% discount if you reach out in the next 7 days",
"validUntil": "2025-01-25",
"createdAt": "2023-06-13",
"mobileAdId": 13318,
"blocked": false
Individual Contacts
Retrieve all individual contacts
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/individual-contacts
Retrieves a list of IndividualContact defined by a single Seller identified by the mobileSellerId
path parameter.
More information about IndividualContact management in dealer area and in general can be found at the individual contact page.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read details of the specified seller. |
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Muster",
"email": "max@mobile.de",
"jobTitle": "Sales Agent",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "030",
"number": "1234567890"
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "NEW",
"make": "BMW"
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "USED",
"usageType": "CLASSIC",
"make": "BMW"
"individualContactId": "64ca1066312cd92e09108323",
"firstName": "Martha",
"lastName": "Muster",
"email": "martha@mobile.de",
"jobTitle": "Manager",
"imageUrl": "https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/11/11790a5e-92b3-4ba3-8bd1-e9805623c29d?rule=mo-640.jpg",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "045",
"number": "1234567890"
JSON example when assigning an individual contact to an ad (can be done as part of listings creation or via changing it afterwards):
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/207648 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"mobileSellerId": "21127",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Limousine",
"make": "ALFA ROMEO",
"model": "Giulia",
"individualContactId": "64c232e9c19479425a9bb5c4"
If the individualContactId is unknown the contact will be ignored but the ad is still created/updated. |
Create an individual contact
POST /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/individual-contacts
Retrieves Individual Contact defined by a single Seller identified by the mobileSellerId
path parameter.
More information about Individual Contact management in dealer area and in general can be found at the individual contact page.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Error code | Explanation |
403 |
individual-contact-max-count-reached |
Indicates that the max number of individual contacts has been reached. |
409 |
individual-contact-duplicate-responsibility |
Indicates that there already exists another individual contact with the same responsibility. |
POST /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"email": "max.mustermann@test.de",
"jobTitle": "BMW Sales Manager",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "123",
"number": "456789"
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "NEW",
"make": "BMW"
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "USED",
"make": "BMW"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"individualContactId": "677ead16c374ca5951fcfe3f",
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"email": "max.mustermann@test.de",
"jobTitle": "BMW Sales Manager",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "123",
"number": "456789"
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "NEW",
"make": "BMW"
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "USED",
"usageType": "EMPLOYEE_CARS",
"make": "BMW"
Update an individual contact
PUT /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/individual-contacts/:individualContactId
Updates an IndividualContact identified by the individualContactId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the individual contact |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Error code | Explanation |
409 |
individual-contact-duplicate-responsibility |
Indicates that there already exists another individual contact for the same responsibility. |
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts/677ead16c374ca5951fcfe3f HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"firstName": "Max",
"lastName": "Mustermann",
"email": "max.mustermann@test.de",
"jobTitle": "Abarth Sales Manager",
"phone": {
"countryCallingCode": "49",
"areaCode": "123",
"number": "456789"
"responsibilities": [
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"condition": "NEW",
"make": "ABARTH"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
Delete an individual contact
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/individual-contacts/:individualContactId
Deletes an IndividualContact identified by the individualContactId
path parameter.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Unique identifier of the individual contact |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
DELETE /seller-api/sellers/12/individual-contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Multi Locations
Retrieve all multi locations
GET /seller-api/sellers/:mobileSellerId/multi-locations
Retrieves a list of MultiLocation defined by a single Seller identified by the mobileSellerId
path parameter.
More information about MultiLocation listings management in dealer area and in general can be found at the multi location listings page.
Parameter | Explanation |
Unique identifier of the seller on the mobile.de platform. |
Data Types
Request | Success Response | Error Response |
n/a |
Http/REST Specifics
Please refer to the Media Types and Status Codes sections for more details.
Non-standard Response Codes
Status Code | Explanation |
404 |
Indicates that the given Api User does not have permission to read details of the specified seller. |
GET /seller-api/sellers/12/multi-locations HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Accept: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"id": "64ca0bd5eda6a6578e2cfcb8",
"name": "My Location 1",
"deliveryOption": {
"period": 30,
"fee": "0"
"location": {
"street": "Am See",
"houseNumber": "2",
"zip": "67547",
"city": "Worms",
"country": "DE"
"id": "64ca0bb4eda6a6578e2cfcb7",
"name": "My Location 2",
"deliveryOption": {
"period": 14,
"fee": "50"
"location": {
"street": "Lechlweg",
"houseNumber": "1",
"zip": "83607",
"city": "Holzkirchen",
"country": "DE"
JSON example when assigning multiple locations to an ad (can be done as part of listings creation or via changing it afterwards):
PUT /seller-api/sellers/12/ads/207648 HTTP/1.1
Host: services.mobile.de
Content-Type: application/vnd.de.mobile.api+json
"mobileAdId": "207648",
"mobileSellerId": "21127",
"vehicleClass": "Car",
"category": "Limousine",
"make": "ALFA ROMEO",
"model": "Giulia",
"multiLocations": [
"id": "64ca0bd5eda6a6578e2cfcb8"
"id": "64ca0bb4eda6a6578e2cfcb7"
If the multiLocations id is wrong the location will be ignored and the ad is still created/updated. |
Data Format Reference
This section describes various aspects of the data exchanged through the api calls.
Data Types Reference
This section contains a detailed definition of the data consumed and produced by the apis.
The data consists of a number of fields
and each field is of certain type
A type could be a simple value such as String
or Int
or a complex type that groups logically other fields.
The data fragment below contains fields of types String
, Int
, Boolean
and Price
"make": "AUDI", (1)
"cubicCapacity": 665, (2)
"fullServiceHistory": true, (3)
"price": { (4)
"consumerPriceGross": "2000.00",
"type": "FIXED",
"currency": "EUR"
} (5)
1 | The make field is of type String |
2 | The cubicCapacity field is of type Int |
3 | The fullServiceHistory field is of type Boolean |
4 | The price field is of type Price which logically groups some other fields |
5 | The top level type for ad data is Ad - it specifies that e.g. make and price are valid field names on this level |
The below sections contain explanation of all the fields and how they are grouped together into types.
Top level type for representing Ad data in the Seller-API.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
mobile-platform Ad ID |
String |
mobile-platform Seller ID |
String |
e.g. 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
String |
e.g. 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Key Fields |
String |
The GENERAL classification of vehicles e.g. Car or Motorbike. See vehicle classes for possible values. |
String |
The DETAILED classification of vehicles e.g. Cabrio or Limousine. See categories for possible values. |
String |
Make of the vehicle e.g. Mercedes, Toyota. See makes for possible values. |
String |
Model of the vehicle e.g. X5, Prius. See models for possible values. |
String |
Detailed description of the model. Also used as ad title. Example Golf III always parked in garage. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. Max 48 characters. |
String |
Indicates whether the vehicle is new or used. See conditions for possible values. |
String |
Type of used car. See usage types for possible values. |
String |
The date when the vehicle was first officially registered. Format yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
The mileage of the vehicle. Notation in km. |
String |
The vehicle identification number (aka VIN or FIN), which uniquely identifies the vehicle. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Identification_Number. The field is case sensitive. Please send capital letters. |
String |
A reference key used by the seller. Also known as internal-number or internal-ID. If it is present, then it must be unique per seller. An empty string is treated same as if the element was not present. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. Max 40 characters. |
Engine / Drive Train |
Int |
Cubic-capacity of the engine. Notation integer. The value must be in the range from 1 to 99999. |
Int |
Power of the vehicle. Notation in KW. The value must be in the range from 0 to 9999. |
String |
Transmission type of the vehicle. See gear boxes for possible values. |
String |
Fuel type of the vehicle. See fuel for possible values. |
Int |
Number of axles. Information only for commercial vehicles. The value must be in the range from 1 to 99. |
String |
The actuation of the vehicle. See wheel formulas for possible values. |
Boolean |
A Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is a hybrid electric vehicle that uses rechargeable batteries, or another energy storage device, that can be recharged by plugging it in to an external source of electric power. See EnVKV Data Validation Rules. |
Int |
Charging time required for the car at a 11KW charging station (comparable to the charging power of a Wallbox installed at home). Notation in minutes, integer. The value must be in the range from 1 to 1439. |
Int |
Charging time required for the car at a fast charging station with 50KW or more. Only the charging time up to 80% is relevant here. Notation in minutes, integer. The value must be in the range from 1 to 1439. |
Collection of String |
Set of supported plug types available at the vehicle. See plug types for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is compatible with E10 fuel. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a catalytic converter. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a particulate filter for diesel engines. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has been converted to run on biodiesel fuel. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is suitable for biodiesel fuel. Available only for diesel engines. (Biodiesel geeignet). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has been converted to run on vegetable oil fuel. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is suitable for vegetable oil fuel. Available only for cars and semi trailer trucks and only for diesel engines. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has performance handling system. (Sportfahrwerk). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has start-stop system to improve fuel efficiency. |
String |
Emission sticker for German low emission zones (Feinstaubplakette für Umweltzone). See emission stickers for possible values. |
String |
The vehicle’s emission class e.g., EURO1, EURO2, EURO3, etc. See emission classes for possible values. |
Emission values for the vehicle. These values are legally required for new cars. |
Fuel and energy consumption values for the vehicle. |
The cost model associated with the vehicle. |
Int |
The electric driving range of the vehicle. Notation in km. The value must be in the range from 0 to 9999. |
Int |
WLTP electric range (EAER) in km (only for plugin hybrids). The value must be in the range from 0 to 99999. |
Flags related to envkv. Contains a flag to allow listings to be entered without all envkv data. |
Int |
The number of cylinders in the engine. The value must be in the range from 1 to 24. |
Int |
The volume of fuel tank. Notation in liter. The value must be in the range from 0 to 9999. |
EBike Specific Fields |
Int |
The height of the frame. Notation in cm. The value must be in the range from 30 to 80. |
String |
The material of the frame. See frame materials for possible values. |
String |
The shape of the frame. See frame shapes for possible values. |
String |
The frame number. Free text. Max 25 characters. |
String |
The position of the battery. See battery positions for possible values. |
Int |
The capacity of the battery. Notation in Wh. The value must be in the range from 250 to 1500. |
String |
The manufacturer of the battery. See bike manufacturers for possible values. |
String |
The wheel size of the E-Bike. Notation in inch. The value must correspond to one of the following values 20, 24, 26, 27.5, 28, 29. |
String |
The gear type of the E-Bike. See bike gear types for possible values. |
Int |
The number of available gears. The value must be in the range from 1 to 24. |
String |
The position of the motor. See motor positions for possible values. |
String |
Bike suitability. See bike suitability for possible values. |
Indicates whether the E-Bike is suitable for leasing. Additional details, such as leasing company or rate, are not supported for now. |
Exterior / Interior |
String |
The color of the vehicle’s exterior as specified on mobile.de. There is a fixed set of colors. See colors for possible values. |
String |
Free text field for manufacturer’s color name. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. Max 32 characters. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle’s color is metallic. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle’s color is matte. |
String |
The number of doors on the vehicle. See door counts for possible values. |
Int |
The number of seats in the vehicle. Available ony for categories Car, Bus, Truck up to 7,5t. The value must be in the range from 1 to 255. |
Int |
The height of the seats. Notation in mm. The value must be in the range from 0 to 999. Available only for Motorbike. |
String |
The color of the vehicle’s interior. See interior colors for possible values. |
String |
The material used in the interior of the vehicle. See interior types for possible values. |
Facts |
String |
The date of the next general inspection. Format yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
String |
The date of the next exhaust inspection. Format yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the buyer receives a new HU/AU. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle gets a new inspection when sold. |
Int |
The year the vehicle was constructed. Format yyyy. Information only for commercial vehicles. |
String |
The day when the vehicle was built. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
The number of previous owners the vehicle has had. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a full service history. (Scheckheftgeplfegt). |
String |
The date of the last maintenance. Format yyyyMM. |
Int |
The mileage of the vehicle at the time of the last maintenance. Notation in km. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has been used as a non-smoker vehicle. |
String |
ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country for which the vehicle was built. See country versions for possible values. This field is mandatory for new cars. |
Boolean |
Boolean |
See http://services.mobile.de/manual/damage.html. Available only for Cars. |
Boolean |
See http://services.mobile.de/manual/damage.html. Available only for Cars. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the car is currently or was previously used as a taxi. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is being sold on behalf of a customer. |
Vehicle Details |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). |
String |
Information about the airbags in the vehicle. See airbags for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with air suspension. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has alloy wheels. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an automatic rain sensor. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with auxiliary heating. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an awning. An awning is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of the vehicle. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the motorhome is equipped with a bed. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with Bluetooth functionality. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a storage box. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a Boom Suspension System (BSS). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a bunk bed. A bunk bed is a specific type of Motorhome bed. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a cabin. Available only for AgriculturalVehicle and ForkliftTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a CD multichanger. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a CD player. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with central locking. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has central lubricant application system, which is a system that delivers controlled amounts of lubricant to multiple locations on a machine while the machine is operating. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a circular seating arrangement |
String |
The type of climatisation or air conditioning system of the vehicle. See climatisations for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a fridge. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a air compressor. The air compressor supplies compressed air for the truck air suspension and braking systems. Available only for TruckOver7500 and SemiTrailerTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a crane. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is damaged by hail. |
The external dimension of the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Disabled accessible |
Boolean |
Disabled conversion |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has disc brakes. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a divider is present in the vehicle. A divider in a van, is a partition that separates the driver’s compartment from the rear compartment or cargo area. Available only for VanUpTo7500. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a sleeping compartment for the driver. Available only for Bus. |
String |
Information about the cab type of the truck. See driving cabs for possible values. |
String |
Specifies the driving mode of the motorbike (e.g., chain, belt, etc.). See driving modes for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an Electronic Braking System (EBS). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has electrically adjustable seats. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has electrically adjustable exterior mirrors. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the seats of the vehicle can be heated electrically. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has electric starter that allows the engine to be started by pressing a button. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the windows of the vehicle can be raised and lowered electrically by pressing a button or switch. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an Electronic Stability Program (ESP). |
Int |
The number of Euro pallets that can be accommodated in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with front fog lights. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with front hydraulics for operating attachments or accessories. Available only for AgriculturalVehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a front jack for attaching compatible accessories or tools. Available only for AgriculturalVehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a full fairing, which increases efficiency. Available only for SemiTrailerTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a hands-free phone system. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes a head-up display (HUD), a technology that projects an image onto the vehicle’s windshield for easy viewing. |
String |
Indicates the type of hydraulic installation present in the vehicle. See hydraulic installations for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an immobilizer, a security device designed to prevent the engine from starting without the correct key or authentication. |
Int |
Specifies the installation height. Information only for commercial vehicles. Notation in mm. The value must be in the range from 1 to 65535. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with ISOFIX. ISOFIX is an international standard for attachment points for child safety seats in passenger cars. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Motorbike is equipped with a kickstarter for manually starting the engine. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a built-in kitchen or kitchenette. Available only for Bus. |
Int |
The maximum authorized weight of the vehicle. Information only for commercial vehicles. Notation in kg. The value must be in the range from 1 to 999999. |
Int |
The maximum lifting capacity of the vehicle. Notation in kg. The value must be in the range from 1 to 99999. Available only for ForkliftTruck. |
Int |
The maximum height to which the vehicle’s equipment can lift. Notation in mm. The value must be in the range from 1 to 65535. Available only for ForkliftTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a sensor that automatically activates or adjusts the headlights based on ambient light conditions. |
Int |
The maximum weight that the vehicle can carry. Notation in kg. The value must be in the range from 1 to 999999. Information only for commercial vehicles. |
The dimension of the vehicle’s loading space. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a seating arrangement in the middle row. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the steering wheel is equipped with multifunctional controls, allowing the driver to operate various vehicle features such as audio, navigation, and phone functions. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is or was used by a municipality or is meant to be used as a municipal vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a navigation system, which provides route guidance and location information to aid in travel. |
Int |
The number of bunks or sleeping areas in the vehicle. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has an onboard computer that displays information such as fuel efficiency, range, etc. |
Int |
The total number of hours the vehicle has been in operation. Notation integer. The value must be in the range from 1 to 99999. Information only for commercial vehicles. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a panoramic glass roof, providing an expansive view and increased natural light inside the vehicle. |
Collection of String |
Information about the parking assistant features available in the vehicle. See parking assistants for possible values. |
String |
Information about the speed control system in the vehicle. See speed controls for possible values. |
Collection of String |
Information about the radio system in the vehicle. See radios for possible values. |
String |
Information about the type of daytime running lamps installed in the vehicle. See [daytimeRunningLamps_refdata. daytime running lamps] for possible values. |
String |
Information about the type of sliding door in the vehicle. See sliding door types for possible values. |
String |
Information about the types of headlight installed in the vehicle. See headlight types for possible values. |
String |
Information about the type of cornering/bending lights in the vehicle. See bending lights types for possible values. |
String |
Information about the type of breakdown service kit provided with the vehicle. See breakdown services for possible values. |
String |
Information about the battery of the electric vehicle. See batteries for possible values. |
String |
Information about the type of trailer coupling installed in the vehicle. See trailer coupling types for possible values. |
String |
Information about the trim line a.k.a feature sets (Ausstattungslinie) of the vehicle. See trimlines. |
String |
Information about the model range a.k.a. Baureihe of the vehicle. See modelranges. |
String |
The production date of the first model. Format yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
The battery capacity of the vehicle. Notation in kWh. The value must be in the range from 1 to 999. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with power-assisted steering, which makes steering easier and more responsive by providing additional power to the steering mechanism. |
Boolean |
Indicates the presence of a protection roof on the vehicle, which is designed to offer additional safety or protection. Available only for ForkliftTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a quick-change attachment system, allowing for easy and fast switching of tools or equipment. Available only for ConstructionMachine. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a rear garage for storage purposes. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a retarder or intarder, which are used to provide additional braking power. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a valid road license for operation on public roads. Available only for ConstructionMachine. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a roll-over bar to enhance safety in case of a rollover. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has roof rails for additional storage or mounting of accessories. Available only for Car. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is has a secondary air conditioning system. (Standklimaanlage). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a separate shower. Available only for Motorhome. |
Int |
The volume of the loading space. Notation in cubic meters. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with side-facing seating. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a dedicated ski bag for convenient and secure transport of skis and other winter sports equipment. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with seats that can be used as sleeping surfaces for added comfort. Available only for Bus. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a solar energy system. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a sport package, typically including performance enhancements, sport suspension, and styling upgrades. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has sport-style seats. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a sunroof, allowing for natural light and ventilation inside the cabin. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with super single wheels, which offer improved durability and fuel efficiency by replacing dual tires with a single, larger tire. Available only for SemiTrailerTruck. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a tail lift, a mechanism used for lifting heavy loads onto the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a traction control system. It detects if a loss of traction occurs among the vehicle’s wheels. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a television. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a urea tank for AdBlue. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a toilet. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a windshield. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an alarm system that activates audible / visual signals, if someone tries to break into the car. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an armrest positioned between the driver and front passenger seat. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the windshield has integrated heating elements (dedicated blowers to heat windshield are not to be considered as heated windshield). |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the steering wheel can be heated. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a hill start assist system. It could be Hill Holder or Hill Hold Control as well. A system to automatically support the driver when starting up from a stop on an up or down gradient. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the tailgate can be operated electrically, such as from the driver’s position, via a button on the tailgate itself, or using a key fob. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the steering wheel is covered with leather. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether at least the driver’s seat has a mechanism to provide adjustable support for the lower back, improving comfort during long drives. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether at least the driver’s seat includes an active massage functionality. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a fatigue warning system, a system that monitors driver behavior and provides warnings if signs of fatigue or inattention are detected. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with night vision assist, a feature that supports the driver in low-light conditions. It might show heat signatures of larger living things and might warn the driver if there could be a collision possibility. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with an emergency call system that can automatically initiate an emergency call if in an accident. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle can constantly measure tire pressure and report it. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with paddle shifters, which allows drivers to change gears using paddles on the steering wheel. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the rear passenger seats can be heated. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a better sound system compared to the standard audio system of this model. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether certain vehicle functions, typically hands-free phone system, can be controlled through voice commands. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether certain aspects of the car, usually the entertainment system, have a touch screen interface. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a USB port in the passenger area, usually for connecting a media player or smart phone to the entertainment system or for charging devices. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle can recognize traffic signs and show the recognized signs to the driver. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle can recognize oncoming traffic and switch between high and low beam. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes summer tires. Rims may or may not be included. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes winter tires. Rims may or may not be included. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes all season tires. Rims may or may not be included. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes steel rims. The vehicle might include steel and alloy rims, together with summer and winter tires, this would be a complete 8 tire set. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the high beam can automatically mask oncoming traffic. This is not to be mistaken for high beam assist. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a system to clean main front headlights. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes a manufacturer-defined winter package, which may include features for cold-weather conditions. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes a manufacturer-defined smoker’s package, which may include features like ashtrays or cigarette lighters. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with a system that tries to prevent a collision with other vehicles or objects by warning the driver. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the back passenger seats are electrically adjustable. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the various parts of the vehicle’s interior can be softly illuminated during driving, with the option to change light colors in some cases. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has an integrated WiFi Hotspot and probable Internet connection to allow passengers to use WiFi devices. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle’s entertainment system supports Apple CarPlay. This allows an iPhone to partially take over the user interface of the entertainment systems. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle’s entertainment system supports Android Auto. This allows an Android Phone to partially take over the user interface of the entertainment systems. |
Boolean |
There are no dedicated, single purpose instruments behind the steering wheel. The whole area is a screen and can be adjusted to the drivers requirements. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the front passenger seat has ISOFIX connection points for securely anchoring a child seat. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle supports inductive charging for smartphones, using standards like Qi. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has an integrated music streaming service client (e.g., Spotify) that can play music via this streaming service without a smart phone being present. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the interior rearview mirror automatically dims when it detects excessive light coming from following vehicles. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the front passenger seat is fully foldable, enabling the transport of longer items. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle provides a stable barrier, such as a net, between the cargo area or trunk and the passenger area. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle allows the driver to set a speed limit, which can typically be overridden by pressing the accelerator harder. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the electric vehicle is equipped with a petrol-powered support motor that charges the battery when it is depleted. The main engine(s) remain electrically driven. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle includes a system that tries to prevent a collision with other vehicles or objects by warning the driver and enforcing an emergency break or supporting the breaking effort of the driver. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle’s doors can be unlocked without using a physical key. This could be done by pressing a button on a key fob or automatically by proximity. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether at least the driver’s seat is equipped with a ventilation system. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a lane departure warning system. This system helps to prevent unintentional lane departures by either actively steering the vehicle back into the lane or passively warning the driver. |
Int |
The total weight of the vehicle. Notation in kg. For EBikes, the value must be in the range from 8 to 90. For all other vehicles, the value must be in the range from 0 to 999999. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the electric vehicle supports bidirectional charging, allowing energy to flow both to and from the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the electric vehicle is equipped with a heat pump. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with electronically controlled shock absorbers. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a blind spot monitor system that warns the driver when there are objects in the blind spots of the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is pre-equipped for the installation of a navigation system. |
Boolean |
An "ABS" like safety system for the motorbike front wheel to prevent the rear wheel from lifting off the ground. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
A system to prevent or control the front wheel lifting off the ground. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
An advanced ABS system for motorbikes that adjusts braking pressure based on the bike’s lean angle, enhancing stability and safety during cornering. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
A device that allows the rider to shift gears upward without using the clutch or throttle on manual transmissions. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
A device that allows the rider to shift gears downward without using the clutch or throttle on manual transmission. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the motorbike is equipped with heated handlebars. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
A motorcycle suspension system that dynamically adjusts shock absorber damping based on road conditions. Available only for Motorbike. |
Boolean |
Throttle to limit the power. Details should be specified in the vehicle’s description. |
Int |
The maximum allowable trailer load when the trailer is equipped with brakes. Notation in kg. Max value is 99999. |
Int |
The maximum allowable trailer load when the trailer is not equipped with brakes. Notation in kg. Max value is 99999. |
Int |
The maximum vertical force or weight exerted by the trailer’s hitch onto the vehicle’s tow ball. Notation in kg. Max value is 9999. |
Collection of String |
See heating for possible values. |
Int |
The interior standing height of the vehicle. Notation in cm. Max value is 299. Available only for Motorhome. |
Int |
The maximum weight that the vehicle can safely carry, in addition to its empty or curb weight. (Nutzlast). Notation in kg. Max value is 99999. |
Int |
The number of seats in the vehicle equipped with seat belts. Max value is 9. |
String |
The type of drive system. See drive types for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle is equipped with virtual side mirrors, which replace traditional mirrors with camera-based systems. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle’s steering wheel is positioned on the right-hand side, suitable for countries with right-hand driving rules. |
Boolean |
The vehicle is equipped with a roof that can be folded or retracted. |
Boolean |
Indicates that at least the driver’s seat has a memory function to store and recall preset seat positions. |
Boolean |
The vehicle has a satellite system. |
Boolean |
The vehicle has a bike rack to transport one or more bikes. |
Boolean |
A system to remotely control the vehicle when parking. |
Boolean |
The vehicle has a system to supply hot water, typically for camping. Available only for Motorhome. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the vehicle has a safety feature that helps drivers to avoid collisions when reversing. |
Boolean |
An assistant system that helps when driving with a trailer. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle has tinted windows or privacy glass. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle’s exterior side mirrors can be folded electronically. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a queen-size bed. Multiple types of beds may be present in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a French-style bed. Multiple types of beds may be present in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a single bed. Multiple types of beds may be present in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a double bed located at the rear of the vehicle. Multiple types of beds may be present. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a double bed located at the front of the vehicle. Multiple types of beds may be present. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a drop-down bed. Multiple types of beds may be present in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a double bed integrated into a pop-up roof. Multiple types of beds may be present. |
Boolean |
Indicates the availability of a bed created by converting seats. Multiple types of beds may be present in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the presence of an L-shaped seating arrangement in the vehicle. |
Boolean |
Indicates the presence of a bar-style seating arrangement in the vehicle. |
String |
See length types for possible values. |
String |
See height types for possible values. |
String |
Specifies the vehicle’s wheelbase category. See wheel bases for possible values. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the axle is equipped with a steering mechanism designed to enhance maneuverability. |
Int |
The total weight of the vehicle in its fully operational state. Notation in kg. Max value is 999999. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle is equipped with a suspended front axle, improving ride quality and handling, especially on uneven terrain. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle’s cabin is suspended, providing enhanced comfort by reducing vibrations and shocks transmitted to the driver. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle is equipped with an air brake system. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the vehicle is equipped with a frontal power take-off (PTO) shaft, allowing the transfer of power to external equipment or machinery. |
Description / Images / Video |
String |
Free text description of the vehicle. Max 5000 characters. Please refer to this section to know more about advanced formatting. Please be aware of special characters when sending formatted texts. More details via https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#_special_characters_in_payload. |
Collection of Image |
List of images |
String |
Youtube url in youtube.com/xxx format. |
Collection of String |
Short notes highlighting key features of the vehicle. The number of allowed highlights could be inspected via https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#_retrieve_a_single_seller. This field is restricted to a subset of UTF-8 characters. Max 22 characters. |
Catalog Data |
Germany only, Classification of makes and models, given by Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA) |
Int |
Classification of makes and models given by Eurotax/Schwacke |
String |
Date when the vehicle is ready to be delivered to the customer, e.g., 2015-06-12. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
Time-span in days until the vehicle is ready to be delivered. Allowed Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 28, 42, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270, 360, 450, 540, 630, 720 |
String |
Information and restrictions about Used-Car-Seals can be found here. Not visible to all users. See used car seals for possible values. |
Boolean |
Visible as featured item on the dealers homepage ("Unsere Empfehlung") |
Boolean |
Visible only in closed domain not in public domain |
Boolean |
No private Selling offer, only for commercial or export |
Boolean |
Vehicle is sold including additional warranty on top of the statutory warranty that is mandatory when selling to private persons. |
Boolean |
Renting possible |
Price information. Check details of the |
Financing offer information. Check details of the |
String |
e.g. 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
When an Ad is blocked or deleted due to the terms violations, this element provides more details about the reason |
Boolean |
Visible only for owner |
Boolean |
Indicates that an ad can only be changed within dealer area. Modifications via Seller-API will be rejected. |
Collection of AdFeature |
DEPRECATED - please use bookableFeatures |
information about booked features - e.g. top of page or page one ad |
String |
The id of a individual contact. If the related contact doesn’t exists for this seller it will be ignored. |
Boolean |
Flag indicating that the dealer should stay as the contact person of a listing. If set to true automatic assignment of individual contacts is disabled for the ad. |
National Delivery is a feature that allows dealers to show a listing up to Germany wide if they are able to deliver it in a certain radius - see https://promo.mobile.de/b2b/en/product/national-delivery/ |
Collection of MultiLocation |
Set of multi-locations |
Container type for providing a list of ads.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Ad |
List of ads |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Results of the quality checks - see |
String |
Explanation why the ad has been blocked or removed by quality team. |
String |
More details. |
Represents a set of bookable features for given ad.
Field Name | Type | Description |
With the Page-1-Ad, your ad will be listed on the first page of search results when your vehicle matches a potential buyer’s search criteria (flagged as a ‘sponsored ad’). If there are more than three Page-1-Ads that fit the search, the ads presented are selected at random from all the ads ordered. |
With the Eyecatcher, the search results show your ads enlarged and with colour highlighting and a clearer structure that helps them to stand out. |
You can add Financing proposals to your ads (commercial vehicles excluded). When you order a Financing proposal, your ad appears in detail on the Detailed Item Page and is flagged on the search results pages. |
The Top Ad places your vehicle in the top slot of the search results pages, under the condition that your vehicle matches the potential buyer’s search criteria. If more than three Top Ads match a search query, the top displayed ad is selected at random from all the matching booked Top Ads. |
Bookable feature indicating that the price of a vehicle was reduced, showing the old price and the new price. |
DEPRECATED - Please use "kleinanzeigenExport". |
Bookable feature indicating that this ad should be exported to Kleinanzeigen. Vehicle must be a car and must have a milage above 1500km. |
See changelog for more details https://services.mobile.de/manual/changelog.html#2018-01-19 |
Represents a bookable feature such as top of page
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
indicates whether given feature is currently booked (read calls) or should be booked (write calls) |
Boolean |
when true the feature status cannot be changed in the write calls - see the reason field for more details |
explanation why the status of the feature cannot be changed at the moment |
Demand statistics for an Ad.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Long |
The number of page views for this ad. |
Long |
How often this ad was parked on the mobile.de site. |
Long |
The number of emails sent to the seller of the ad. |
Long |
How often this ad was printed. |
Long |
How often the seller of the ad was called by phone for this ad. |
Indicates that the dealer can deliver the vehicle to a customer. It’s not available for all dealers. Information regarding permissions is available in seller resource.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Long |
The maximum delivery distance in km. If it is not set, the delivery is assumed to be available throughout Germany. |
Int |
The estimated delivery time in days (required). |
Int |
Indicates the delivery fee in euros (without cents). |
String |
Provides optional additional details about the delivery. Max 250 characters. |
Details about the multi-location
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
id of a multi-location |
String |
name of multi-location |
delivery option of multi-location |
location of multi-location |
Provides feedback for calls that were partially successful.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Warning |
List of warnings. For example a list of rejected changes. |
Describes an api warning.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Indicates a type of problem - e.g. missing required field or invalid field value |
String |
Human readable error description |
Collection of Arg |
List of key-value pairs detailing the failure |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
mobile-platform Seller ID |
String |
Seller / customer number that is publically exposed - appears e.g. on the customer invoice |
Commercial or private seller |
String |
Identifier of international marketplace - e.g. |
Boolean |
When set to 'true' the customers name won’t be displayed in its ads. |
Boolean |
When set to 'true' the customers phone number won’t be shown in its ads. |
Boolean |
Commercial or non-profit seller |
Boolean |
Indicates the user can change ads for given seller or has readonly access |
More settings - check the |
String |
Legal name for commercial sellers |
Contact details |
String |
First name of a private seller |
String |
Last name of a private seller |
String |
Contact email |
String |
Url to the seller home page |
String |
Address |
String |
Address |
String |
Address |
String |
Address |
String |
Address - notation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 |
Geolocation of the seller |
Contact phone numbers |
String |
e.g. 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
The billing forecast for recent month. |
Indicates if seller has a picture provider. |
Container type for providing a list of sellers.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Seller |
List of sellers |
Field Name | Type | Description |
A list of features, which are booked by Booking Buddy. |
A list of features, which are blocked by Cost Control. |
Container type for providing information about Booking Buddy feature settings.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Indicates that some ads has Top of Page booked by Booking Buddy. |
Indicates that some ads has Page One Ad booked by Booking Buddy. |
Indicates that some ads has Eye Catcher booked by Booking Buddy. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of String |
Provides a list with ad ids where the feature is active. |
Empty object.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Container type for providing information about Cost Control feature settings.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Individual contact data that can be assigned to an ad. Contacts can also be managed in the dealer area
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The id of an individual contact. The reference you need to assign a contact to an ad |
String |
First name of the contact |
String |
Last name of the contact |
String |
Contact email |
String |
Job title of the contact person |
String |
URL of an image (of the contact person) stored on mobile.de. E.g. https://img.classistatic.de/api/v1/mo-prod/images/cb/cb5945f0-8dd6-4950-8496-f906bcad4437?rule=mo-640.jpg. Image upload is currently only supported via the dealer area. |
Phone number of the contact |
Collection of Responsibility |
Vehicle specifics for which the contact is responsible |
Details about the location
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
street of location |
String |
houseNumber of location |
String |
zip code of location |
String |
city of location |
String |
country of location |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Int |
The maximum number of images the seller is allowed to upload for an ad. |
Int |
The maximum number of highlights the seller is allowed to upload for an ad. |
Collection of String |
The used car seals the seller can use. |
Collection of AutomatedExport |
The settings for automated exports of advertisements to other marketplaces. |
Boolean |
The permission to upload a video url. |
Int |
The maximum number of individual contacts that the seller can have. |
Int |
The maximum number of multi-locations that the seller can have. |
Boolean |
The permission to upload a delivery option. |
Settings for dealer rating API |
Settings for Direct Offers |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Dealer has the correct account type and is eligible for dealer rating management via rating API |
Boolean |
Dealer has activated dealer rating management via TSP. |
Boolean |
Personalized invite Text can be set for dealer rating invitation emails. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Is Account Type eligible for Direct Offers |
Boolean |
Is the Account blocked from creating Direct Offers by Customer Support |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Primary landline number |
Secondary landline number |
Fax number |
Mobile phone number |
Represents a sellers settings corresponding to their account type.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
County code |
String |
Area code |
String |
Phone number |
Represents a responsibility of a contact person.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The GENERAL classification of vehicles e.g. Car or Motorbike. See vehicle classes for possible values. |
String |
Is the vehicle new or used? See conditions for possible values. |
String |
Type of used car. See usage types for possible values. |
String |
Make of the vehicle, e.g., Mercedes, Toyota. See makes for possible values. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Float |
Latitude - decimal representation |
Float |
Longitude - decimal representation |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Name of the marketplace |
Boolean |
Is the seller eligible to export to this parket place? |
Boolean |
Is the seller currently configured to export to this parket place? |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Indicates that the seller has a picture provider for autopanorama. |
Boolean |
Indicates that the seller has a picture provider for vehicle images. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The billing period of the following items. e.g. 2016-12. In most cases this is the actual month but on the first day of a month it is the month before. |
String |
Calculation date of the values. Always EOD. In most cases it is the day before the actual date. e.g. 2016-12-23 EOD, when the request was on 2016-12-24. |
String |
The language of the invoice the customer gets. |
String |
Currency of the invoice. |
Collection of InvoiceItem |
A collection of items that will be on the customer invoice. Limited to items with the following descriptors: VEHICLE_COUNT, VEHICLE_INSERTION, TOP_IN_CATEGORY, TOP_OF_PAGE, KLEINANZEIGEN, EYECATCHER |
Collection of FreeContingent |
A collection of free contigents summed by descriptor. Limited to items with the following descriptors: VEHICLE_COUNT, VEHICLE_INSERTION, TOP_IN_CATEGORY, TOP_OF_PAGE, KLEINANZEIGEN, EYECATCHER |
Collection of SpecialCondition |
A collection of special conditions. Limited to items with the following descriptors: VEHICLE_COUNT, VEHICLE_INSERTION, TOP_IN_CATEGORY, TOP_OF_PAGE, KLEINANZEIGEN, EYECATCHER |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Unique Descriptor of an invoice item. |
String |
Account type of the invoice item (BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM) |
String |
Start date of the invoice item, e.g. 2017-03-01. |
String |
End date of the invoice item, e.g. 2017-03-01. |
String |
Price of one unit of an invoice item. |
String |
Total price over all units of an invoice item (netto), |
String |
For VEHICLE_COUNT this is the average number of ads. For other items this is a number of counted active items. |
String |
For VEHICLE_COUNT this is the number of days used to calculate the average. For other items please use field articleCount. |
String |
Unit is DAY for VEHICLE_COUNT or ITEM for other entries. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Unique Descriptor of an contingent item. |
String |
A more detailed description of the item. |
String |
Free contingent left summed up by descriptor and counted EOD of calculationDate. |
Boolean |
Indicates if this is an unlimited contingent. In most cases it is not. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Unique Descriptor of a special condition item. |
String |
Account type of the SpecialCondition item (BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM) |
String |
A more detailed description of the item. |
String |
How much free contigent is left of the specific item. -1 means unlimited. |
String |
How much free contigent is left within this month of the specific item. -1 means unlimited. |
String |
Start date of the special condition. |
String |
How long the special condition is active/available. |
String |
Indicates the total usage over the complete period. |
Boolean |
Indicates if this special condition is unlimited. |
String |
Indicates the usage within the actual billing period. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Percentage. AKA rate-per-cent (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), effektiver Jahreszins (German). Must be between 0 and 19.99 and can only have two digits after comma. |
String |
Percentage. AKA nominal-interest-rate (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Sollzinssatz (German). |
String |
AKA type-of-nominal-interest-rate (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Art des Sollzinssatzes (German). nominal interest rate types |
Int |
A nonrecurring payment at the beginning of the payback period. Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA Anzahlung (German). |
Int |
The monthly recurring payment. Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA monthly-rate (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), monatliche Rate (German). |
Int |
A nonrecurring payment at the end of the payback period. Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA ending-rate (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Schlussrate (German). |
String |
Duration in months. AKA period (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Laufzeit in Monaten (German). payback periods |
String |
Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA net-credit-amount (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Nettokreditbetrag (German). |
String |
Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA gross-credit-amount (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Bruttokreditbetrag (German). |
String |
A fee for placing the loan contract. Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA Abschlussgebühren (German). |
String |
Costs of such insurance. Currency is the same as the vehicle price. AKA rate-insurance (seller-ad-1.1.xsd), Ratenabsicherung (EUR) (German). |
String |
Description of the bank. AKA Anbieterbank (German) max. 150 characters. |
String |
Description of further conditions. max. 60 characters. |
The currency fields are represented as String using the .
as decimal separator with two
digits precision. The fields should be parsed using arbitrary rounding strategy.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Price of the vehicle for other dealers including VAT if reclaimable. Only visible in dealer area. |
String |
Price of the vehicle for private buyers including VAT if reclaimable. This is the main price shown. |
String |
Net price of the vehicle for other dealers. Can only be used when providing a VAT rate as gross price is calculated then. Only visible in dealer area. |
String |
Net price of the vehicle for private buyers. Can only be used when providing a VAT rate as gross price is calculated then. price type explanation of values price types |
String |
The VAT rate as percent number (a number between 0 and 100). For example 19. When you add this attribute then your vehicle is displayed as VAT deductible. See vat rates |
String |
For AgricultureVehicle, Bus, ConstructionMachine, ForkliftTruck, SemiTrailer, SemiTrailerTruck, Trailer, TruckOver7500, VanUpTo7500 it is possible to set price type ON_REQUEST. In that case price element must only contain the price type. The following price types are possible price types. FIXED is the default value. |
String |
Information in which currency the price is stated. During upload this field is ignored and the currency taken from the sellers site-ID instead. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
String |
MD5 checksum of the original uploaded customer image |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Image |
List of images |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Int |
Length. Notation in mm |
Int |
Width. Notation in mm |
Int |
Height. Notation in mm |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Germany only, Herstellerschlüsselnummer |
String |
Germany only, Typschlüsselnummer |
Indicates if the E-Bike is suitable for leasing.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Indicates that the E-Bike is suitable for leasing when set to 'true' |
Uploaded image that will be used to create an exterior or interior Auto-Panorama.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
reference of the image |
Request to create an interior Auto-Panorama.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Request to create an exterior Auto-Panorama.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of AutoPanoramaImage |
List of images in correct order to create the exterior Auto-Panorama. |
Price rating information for an Ad.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Price rating label for this ad. See https://services.mobile.de/docs/seller-api.html#priceRating_refdata for possible values. |
Collection of PriceRatingLabelRange |
Collection of String |
Price range for a given price rating label.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
String |
String |
Type for representing a summarized information about dealer rating.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Float |
Total rating score. Number of stars (5.0 is the best). |
Int |
Total number of ratings in the last 24 months. |
Float |
How good was the dealer advice (consulting). Number of stars (5.0 is the best). |
Float |
How friendly was the dealer. Number of stars (5.0 is the best). |
Float |
How quickly the dealer responded with an answer. Number of stars (5.0 is the best). |
Int |
What percentage of the users would recommend the dealer. |
Int |
What percentage of the users found the vehicle as described in the listing. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Rating |
List of ratings for a given dealer. |
Describes the experience of contacting the dealer. Collected by completing a rating survey by the potential buyer.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Identifies a single rating. |
String |
When the rating was completed by a user. See Date Time Representation for details about date representation. |
Float |
How good was the dealer advice (consulting). |
Float |
How friendly was the dealer. |
Float |
How quickly the dealer responded with an answer. |
This user recommends the dealer. |
Was the vehicle as described. |
Did the user buy the car. |
How this user contacted the dealer. |
String |
Summary what the user liked about the dealer |
String |
Summary what the user did not like about the dealer |
Int |
How many other users liked this rating or found it helpful. |
Who submitted this rating. |
Dealer representative who was contacted. |
Summary of the vehicle the dealer was contacted about. |
Dealer reply on rating. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Name of the person. |
String |
Name of the person. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Dealer was contacted by phone. |
Boolean |
Dealer was contacted by e-mail. |
Boolean |
Dealer was contacted by personally in their shop. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Headline of the ad - make, model etc. |
String |
Consumer price |
String |
yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
Mileage in km |
String |
Power of the vehicle in KW |
String |
See gear boxes for possible values. |
String |
The mobile.de color name. This is a fixed set of colors. colors for possible values. |
String |
A reference key used by the dealer. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Reply on a rating with a maximum of 1000 characters. New lines can be defined with '\n'. |
Container type for providing a list of invites.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of EmailInvite |
List of invites. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
mobile-platform Ad ID. |
String |
Headline of the ad - make, model etc. |
String |
A reference key used by the dealer. |
String |
Consumer price |
String |
yyyyMM. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Int |
Mileage in km |
String |
When the mobile ad was deleted. See Date Time Representation for details about date representation. |
String |
Email address of the buyer, who is requested for rating. |
String |
Personalized email invite text. The maximum length is 3000 characters. New lines can be defined with '\n'. |
String |
When the rating invitation was sent to the buyer. See Date Time Representation for details about date representation. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the invitation could be resent. |
State of the pending email invitation. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Int |
This is the gross price (German Listenpreis) of the vehicle including VAT. |
String |
The VAT rate as percent number. Only the current German VAT rate is supported. See https://services.mobile.de/refdata/sites/GERMANY/vatrates for valid VAT rate. (Required) |
String |
Name of the lender / leasing bank. (Required) |
Collection of LeasingRate |
List of leasing rates. At least one rate is required, either commercial or private. |
String |
Leasing comment, will show up in leasing description for the potential buyer. |
Currency and percentage values are represented as String using the .
as decimal separator with two
digits precision. The fields should be parsed using arbitrary rounding strategy.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Target group of this leasing rate. (Required) |
Int |
This is the amount the buyer needs to pay at the beginning of the leasing contract. For now, this must be 0. (Required) |
String |
This is the length of the leasing contract in months. We allow the following contract durations: '12'/'18'/'24'/'30'/'36'/'42'/'48'/'54'/'60'/'72'. (Required) |
String |
Annual mileage in KM, possible values: '5000'/'10000'/'15000'/'20000'/'25000'/'30000'/'40000'. (Required) |
String |
This is the total amount the buyer needs to pay over the length of the contract. Usually this is the rate times the number of months in the contract duration. (Required) |
String |
The rate the buyer needs to pay in a given month during the contract period. It includes the German VAT rate, as these offers are currently only for customers in Germany. (Required for type PRIVATE) |
String |
Net leasing rate, see above (not including VAT for commercial leasing). (Required for type COMMERCIAL) |
String |
Net loan amount (in German Nettodarlehnbetrag). (Required for type PRIVATE) |
String |
Annual percentage rate, (in German Effektiver Jahreszins). (Required for type PRIVATE) |
String |
Nominal interest rate (in German Sollzins p.a.) (Required for type PRIVATE) |
String |
Destination charges / freight costs. These are the costs the buyer needs to pay for freight costs (in German Überführungskosten). If it is "0.00", we will display charges, including to the buyer. This field is optional (we will show, “no information available” to the buyer by default). |
String |
Registration fees (in German Zulassungskosten). Same rules as for Destination Charges. |
String |
Extra mileage costs, (in German Mehrkilometer Kosten). The costs a buyer needs to pay at the end of the contract if they have incurred a higher mileage than allowed for in the leasing contract. |
String |
Low mileage compensation, (in German Minderkilometer Erstattung). The amount a buyer gets returned at the end of the contract if they have incurred a lower mileage than agreed for in the leasing contract. |
String |
Maintenance cost per month. |
String |
Cost of vehicle wear per month. |
String |
Combined monthly cost of maintenance and vehicle wear. |
String |
Monthly cost of liability insurance. |
String |
Amount of money that the customer needs to pay by themselves in an insurance case. |
String |
Monthly cost of full cover insurance. |
String |
Amount of money that the customer needs to pay by themselves in an insurance case. |
String |
Monthly cost of vehicle tax. |
String |
Monthly cost of a full set of summer and winter tires. |
String |
Proportionate monthly tuev cost. |
String |
Monthly cost of return insurance. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Opt out from selling the vehicle via Online-Kauf with mobile.de as the contracting party to the end customer. Setting this attribute to TRUE disables the listing for OBS, given that the partner dealer operates under the current model where mobile.de is the seller of the vehicle. The classifieds ad continues to exist after the Online-Kauf ad has been disabled. |
Boolean |
Dealers can confirm that a vehicle does not have any damages or excessive traces of use by setting this flag to TRUE. |
String |
Description of the general vehicle condition, especially taking into account potential flaws that are not visible from the outside (e.g., a rattle noise when driving). Max 500 characters. |
Boolean |
Information whether the car has been previously used as a rental car or for car sharing. |
String |
End date of any warranty that is given by the dealer and is valid for the vehicle. Format: YYYYMM |
String |
Providing the date when the vehicle can be picked up at its location by mobile.de’s fulfilment partner. If the time slot is not predictable, choose any time within opening hours. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (ISO-8601). |
Address where the vehicle can be picked by mobile.de’s fulfilment partner. |
Contact person(s) for the handover and pick up of the vehicle on the side of the dealer. |
The set of tires that are actually on the vehicle. Needed for the communication with mobile.de’s fulfilment partner, since the delivery to the end customer happens on the vehicle’s own axis. |
Address where the vehicle can be picked by mobile.de’s fulfilment partner.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The name of the dealership / company. Max 100 characters. |
String |
The street name. Max 100 characters. |
String |
The house number. Can be a number or a combination of numbers and letters. Max 10 characters. |
String |
The postcode. Numbers only, e.g., 14532. Max 10 characters. |
String |
The city name. Max 100 characters. |
String |
Additional pickup note for mobile.de’s fulfilment partner (e.g., “car is parked on the street”). Max 100 characters. |
Contact person(s) for the handover and pick up of the vehicle on the side of the dealer.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The first name of the contact person(s). Max 50 characters. |
String |
The second name of the contact person(s). Max 50 characters. |
String |
The role or title of the pickup contact person(s) (e.g., Operations, Sales or similar). Max 50 characters. |
String |
The phone number (landline) of the contact person(s). Max 50 characters. |
String |
The mobile number of the contact person(s). Max 50 characters. |
String |
The email address of the contact person(s). Max 100 characters. |
Container type for the request and response of OBS document endpoints.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of ObsDocument |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Reference URL for OBS documents. These URLs need to be stored on the side of the transfer service provider or dealer to be able to reference documents for future requests. |
String |
Informative description to the image. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
System generated account name |
String |
System generated password |
String |
e.g. 2015-06-12T11:58:32+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Top level type that describes api call failure
Field Name | Type | Description |
Collection of Error |
List of errors. For example a list of missing fields that are required for given operation. |
Describes an api error.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Indicates a type of problem - e.g. missing required field or invalid field value |
String |
Human readable error description |
Collection of Arg |
List of key-value pairs detailing the failure |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Key of detailed error |
String |
Description of detailed error |
Top level type for representing Direct Offer.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
This is the direct offer text that will be displayed to consumers. |
Int |
The validity of direct offer in days, This value can be at maximum 14 and at minimum 1 . |
Top level type for representing Direct Offer Response.
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
This is the direct offer text that will be displayed to consumers. |
String |
The is the date until when the direct offer is valid. |
String |
This is date on which the direct offer was created. e.g. 2023-06-16T11:12:37.098+02:00. See Date Time Representation for details. |
Long |
The Id of the ad, not required for creating direct offer. |
Boolean |
This represents if the direct offer is blocked. |
Emission values, legally required for new cars
Field Name | Type | Description |
Combined (in case of plugin hybrid is combined/weighted) emission values |
Emission values for plugin hybrid when battery is discharged |
Emission values
Field Name | Type | Description |
Float |
CO₂ emission value. Notation in g/100 km. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
String |
CO₂ class. The input must correspond to one of the following values A, B, C, D, E, F, G |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Float |
WLTP weighted/combined fuel consumption value. Only for plugin hybrid. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Float |
WLTP weighted/combined power consumption value. Only for plugin hybrid. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
WLTP fuel consumption values. In case of plugin hybrid, it is the fuel consumption when battery is discharged. |
WLTP electrical power consumption values. For plugin hybrid, electrical power consumption in pure electric mode. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Float |
Energy consumption inner city. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Float |
Energy consumption in the outskirts of city. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Float |
Energy consumption on country roads. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Float |
Energy consumption on highways. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Float |
Energy consumption combined. The value must be in a range from 0 to 999. Decimal number with exactly 1 digit after decimal point is acceptable. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
Assumed price of fuel in EUR per liter or kg. Decimal number with 3 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
String |
Assumed price of electricity in EUR per kWh. Decimal number with 3 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
Int |
Year of which the average fuel and power prices are based upon. Value cannot be less than 2022. |
Predicted CO₂ costs in EUR. |
String |
Annual vehicle tax in EUR. Decimal number with 2 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
The time frame for the predictions being made. |
String |
Predicted energy (fuel and power) costs in EUR for an annual mileage of 15,000 km. Decimal number with 2 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Model for low CO₂ prices. |
Model for middle CO₂ prices |
Model for high CO₂ prices. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
String |
The possible CO₂ cost in EUR/t. Decimal number with 2 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
String |
The possible accumulated CO₂ cost in EUR for the next 10 years and 15.000 km annual mileage. Decimal number with 2 digits after decimal point is acceptable. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Int |
The start year for the predictions being made. Value cannot be less than 2023. |
Int |
The end year for the predictions being made. Value cannot be less than 2032. |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Boolean |
Set it to true, if the consumption and emission values for this vehicle cannot be completely provided because the manufacturer did not provide them. |
Possible Value | Description |
The feature is booked automatically by the booking assistance and cannot be unbooked at this time |
The feature cannot be booked because of not enough free contingents or budget |
Relevant only to the kleinanzeigenExport feature. The feature cannot be booked because the automatic export is enabled. |
The feature can’t be booked because the dealer rating is below 3.5 points. |
The feature can’t be booked because the dealer account type is too low. |
Requirements: SiteId is GERMANY and the ad must not have closed domain visibility. |
No contingent left for this feature. |
Feature is not bookable. |
The feature can’t be booked because it doesn’t match kleinazeigenkExport requirements. |
The feature can’t be booked because Ad Turbo is active. |
Possible Value | Description |
With the Page-1-Ad, your ad will be listed on the first page of search results when your vehicle matches a potential buyer’s search criteria (flagged as a ‘sponsored ad’). If there are more than three Page-1-Ads that fit the search, the ads presented are selected at random from all the ads ordered. |
With the Eyecatcher, the search results show your ads enlarged and with colour highlighting and a clearer structure that helps them to stand out. |
You can add Financing proposals to your ads (commercial vehicles excluded). When you order a Financing proposal, your ad appears in detail on the Detailed Item Page and is flagged on the search results pages. |
The Top Ad places your vehicle in the top slot of the search results pages, under the condition that your vehicle matches the potential buyer’s search criteria. If more than three Top Ads match a search query, the top displayed ad is selected at random from all the matching booked Top Ads. |
Bookable feature indicating that the price of a vehicle was reduced, showing the old price and the new price. |
Bookable feature indicating that this ad should be exported to Kleinanzeigen. Vehicle must be a car and must have a milage above 1500km. |
See changelog for more details https://services.mobile.de/manual/changelog.html#2018-01-19 |
Possible Value | Description |
Ad blocked by the quality team. The ad is currenlty under investigation and therefore it’s visible on the platform. During that period changes to the ad are still posible. |
The ad has been removed from the platform due to the violations of the terms and conditions. No further changes to the ad will be accepted and it must be manually removed by the customer. |
Possible Value | Description |
Possible Value | Description |
Captures Yes/No answer or that the answer was not given.
Possible Value | Description |
The user gave a positive answer. |
NO |
The user gave a negative answer. |
The user did not give any answer. |
Possible Value | Description |
The user bought the car. |
The user bought other car from the dealer - not the one the user was originally interessted in. |
NO |
The user did not buy any car from the dealer. |
Possible Value | Description |
There is an eligible ad for which the dealer can request the rating. |
The email address is submitted and the invitation email is scheduled for sending. |
The invitation is sent to the user. The user can start completing the survey. |
The user has already started the survey. Once the survey is completed a new dealer rating will be created. |
Possible Value | Description |
Leasing rate is offered to private persons. |
Leasing rate is offered to commercial entities, could be a single person or a company. |
Possible Value | Description |
Possible Value | Description |
VehicleRegistration |
Vehicle registration document ("Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1”). JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) |
ServiceHistory |
Service history document (“Scheckheft”). JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) |
CheckList |
Checklist of used car inspection. JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) |
TuevReport |
TÜV protocol of last car inspection (“TÜV DEKRA Prüfbericht”). PG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) |
Other |
Can be used to submit other documents about the vehicle’s condition and service history (e.g., if all vehicle related documents are stored as one file instead of separate ones). JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF (max. 10 MB) |
Mileage |
A photo of the odometer, with the engine running. JPG, JPEG, PNG (max. 10 MB) |
DamageImages |
Array of photos of damages and excessive traces of use (e.g., scratches, dents), along with descriptions of each photo. Array of images [ JPG, JPEG, PNG (max. 10 MB) ] |
Fields for Vehicle Classes
When a new Ad
is created one of the most important information is the vehicle class (vehicleClass field).
"vehicleClass": "Car", (1)
"category": "EstateCar",
"make": "AUDI",
"model": "A4",
"modelDescription": "A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI multitronic Attraction",
1 | vehicle class in this case is Car |
The vehicleClass field indicates what kind of vehicle that is and most importantly specifies which fields must be specified for a given ad. Various vehicle categories have different set of supported and required fields. Please refer to the sections below for more details about each vehicle class.
List of all supported classes is specified in the class reference data. |
Field name | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |