Name | Account-type | Data-format | Description |
Seller-API | For API-Account | Data Format | REST-API to edit the vehicle inventory and for other functionality. |
Search-API / Ad-Integration | For API-Account and Dealer-Account (for own inventory) | Search-XML | REST-API to search and download ads. |
Ad-Stream | For API-Account | Search-XML | Websocket based API to receive server side events (created or changed ads). |
Latest API changes.
Latest Make Model Updates.
For accessing our API, you need an account. There are two account types:
A seller is the entity which offers vehicles at the marketplace. There are three different seller types:
In Seller-API and Search-API,
sellers are identified by the seller-key
(also called seller-ID or customer-ID).
Note: The seller-key
is not the customer-number
that our dealer customers have. GmbH operates
different platforms (sites) in
different countries, for example
in Germany and
in Italy.
Each of these sites
is identified by a site-key (you
can find a full list of the site-keys
in our reference data).
The API is available for all sites,
albeit each site may have different
rules for offering a vehicle and different sets of reference
Hence when offering (posting) a
vehicle, you should consider the site
your seller is registered and operational
You will find more information on that
matter in the seller
API section.
Please contact Customer Support if you require more information.
Germany | Phone: +49 (0) 30 81097500 Contact form |
Italy | Phone: +39 02 30410311 Contact form |
France | Phone: +33 (0) 810 000 220 Contact form |
The API is operated by GmbH.